* Copyright 1993, 2000 Christopher Seiwald.
* This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information.
# include "jam.h"
# include "lists.h"
# include "parse.h"
# include "compile.h"
# include "variable.h"
# include "expand.h"
# include "rules.h"
# include "newstr.h"
# include "make.h"
# include "search.h"
#include "regexp.h"
# include "geoutil.h"
# include "GeoRules.h"
* compile.c - compile parsed jam statements
* External routines:
* compile_append() - append list results of two statements
* compile_foreach() - compile the "for x in y" statement
* compile_if() - compile 'if' rule
* compile_include() - support for 'include' - call include() on file
* compile_list() - expand and return a list
* compile_local() - declare (and set) local variables
* compile_null() - do nothing -- a stub for parsing
* compile_rule() - compile a single user defined rule
* compile_rules() - compile a chain of rules
* compile_set() - compile the "set variable" statement
* compile_setcomp() - support for `rule` - save parse tree
* compile_setexec() - support for `actions` - save execution string
* compile_settings() - compile the "on =" (set variable on exec) statement
* compile_switch() - compile 'switch' rule
* Internal routines:
* debug_compile() - printf with indent to show rule expansion.
* evaluate_if() - evaluate if to determine which leg to compile
* evaluate_rule() - execute a rule invocation
* builtin_depends() - DEPENDS/INCLUDES rule
* builtin_echo() - ECHO rule
* builtin_exit() - EXIT rule
* builtin_flags() - NOCARE, NOTFILE, TEMPORARY rule
* 02/03/94 (seiwald) - Changed trace output to read "setting" instead of
* the awkward sounding "settings".
* 04/12/94 (seiwald) - Combined build_depends() with build_includes().
* 04/12/94 (seiwald) - actionlist() now just appends a single action.
* 04/13/94 (seiwald) - added shorthand L0 for null list pointer
* 05/13/94 (seiwald) - include files are now bound as targets, and thus
* can make use of $(SEARCH)
* 06/01/94 (seiwald) - new 'actions existing' does existing sources
* 08/23/94 (seiwald) - Support for '+=' (append to variable)
* 12/20/94 (seiwald) - NOTIME renamed NOTFILE.
* 01/22/95 (seiwald) - Exit rule.
* 02/02/95 (seiwald) - Always rule; LEAVES rule.
* 02/14/95 (seiwald) - NoUpdate rule.
* 09/11/00 (seiwald) - new evaluate_rule() for headers().
* 09/11/00 (seiwald) - compile_xxx() now return LIST *.
* New compile_append() and compile_list() in
* support of building lists here, rather than
* in jamgram.yy.
static void debug_compile( int which, char *s );
static int evaluate_if( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
static LIST *builtin_depends( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
static LIST *builtin_echo( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
static LIST *builtin_exit( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
static LIST *builtin_flags( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
static LIST *builtin_envext( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
static LIST *builtin_envset( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
#ifdef NT
static LIST *builtin_getreg( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
static LIST *builtin_truename( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
LIST *builtin_match( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
LIST *builtin_sub( PARSE *parse, LOL *args );
int glob( char *s, char *c );
* compile_builtin() - define builtin rules
# define P0 (PARSE *)0
# define C0 (char *)0
bindrule( "Always" )->procedure =
bindrule( "ALWAYS" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_flags, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_FLAG_TOUCHED );
bindrule( "Depends" )->procedure =
bindrule( "DEPENDS" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_depends, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_DEPS_DEPENDS );
bindrule( "Echo" )->procedure =
bindrule( "ECHO" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_echo, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
bindrule( "Exit" )->procedure =
bindrule( "EXIT" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_exit, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
bindrule( "Includes" )->procedure =
bindrule( "INCLUDES" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_depends, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_DEPS_INCLUDES );
bindrule( "Leaves" )->procedure =
bindrule( "LEAVES" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_flags, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_FLAG_LEAVES );
bindrule( "NoCare" )->procedure =
bindrule( "NOCARE" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_flags, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_FLAG_NOCARE );
bindrule( "NOTIME" )->procedure =
bindrule( "NotFile" )->procedure =
bindrule( "NOTFILE" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_flags, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_FLAG_NOTFILE );
bindrule( "NoUpdate" )->procedure =
bindrule( "NOUPDATE" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_flags, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_FLAG_NOUPDATE );
bindrule( "Temporary" )->procedure =
bindrule( "TEMPORARY" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_flags, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, T_FLAG_TEMP );
bindrule( "MATCH" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_match, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
bindrule( "SUB" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_sub, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
#ifdef NT
bindrule( "GetReg" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_getreg, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
bindrule( "EnvExtend" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_envext, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
bindrule( "EnvSet" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_envset, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
bindrule( "OSTrueName" )->procedure =
parse_make( builtin_truename, P0, P0, P0, C0, C0, 0 );
* compile_append() - append list results of two statements
* parse->left more compile_append() by left-recursion
* parse->right single rule
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
/* Append right to left. */
return list_append(
(*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args ),
(*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args ) );
* compile_foreach() - compile the "for x in y" statement
* Compile_foreach() resets the given variable name to each specified
* value, executing the commands enclosed in braces for each iteration.
* parse->string index variable
* parse->left variable values
* parse->right rule to compile
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *nv = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
LIST *l;
/* Call var_set to reset $(parse->string) for each val. */
for( l = nv; l; l = list_next( l ) )
LIST *val = list_new( L0, copystr( l->string ) );
var_set( parse->string, val, VAR_SET );
list_free( (*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args ) );
list_free( nv );
return L0;
* compile_if() - compile 'if' rule
* parse->left condition tree
* parse->right then tree
* parse->third else tree
LOL *args )
if( evaluate_if( p->left, args ) )
return (*p->right->func)( p->right, args );
return (*p->third->func)( p->third, args );
* evaluate_if() - evaluate if to determine which leg to compile
* Returns:
* !0 if expression true - compile 'then' clause
* 0 if expression false - compile 'else' clause
static int
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
int status;
if( parse->num <= COND_OR )
/* Handle one of the logical operators */
switch( parse->num )
case COND_NOT:
status = !evaluate_if( parse->left, args );
case COND_AND:
status = evaluate_if( parse->left, args ) &&
evaluate_if( parse->right, args );
case COND_OR:
status = evaluate_if( parse->left, args ) ||
evaluate_if( parse->right, args );
status = 0; /* can't happen */
/* Handle one of the comparison operators */
/* Expand targets and sources */
LIST *nt = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
LIST *ns = (*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args );
/* "a in b" make sure each of a is equal to something in b. */
/* Otherwise, step through pairwise comparison. */
if( parse->num == COND_IN )
LIST *s, *t;
/* Try each t until failure. */
for( status = 1, t = nt; status && t; t = list_next( t ) )
int stat1;
/* Try each s until success */
for( stat1 = 0, s = ns; !stat1 && s; s = list_next( s ) )
stat1 = !strcmp( t->string, s->string );
status = stat1;
LIST *s = ns, *t = nt;
status = 0;
while( !status && ( t || s ) )
char *st = t ? t->string : "";
char *ss = s ? s->string : "";
status = strcmp( st, ss );
t = t ? list_next( t ) : t;
s = s ? list_next( s ) : s;
switch( parse->num )
case COND_EXISTS: status = status > 0 ; break;
case COND_EQUALS: status = !status; break;
case COND_NOTEQ: status = status != 0; break;
case COND_LESS: status = status < 0; break;
case COND_LESSEQ: status = status <= 0; break;
case COND_MORE: status = status > 0; break;
case COND_MOREEQ: status = status >= 0; break;
case COND_IN: /* status = status */ break;
if( DEBUG_IF )
debug_compile( 0, "if" );
list_print( nt );
printf( "(%d)", status );
list_print( ns );
printf( "\n" );
list_free( nt );
list_free( ns );
return status;
* compile_include() - support for 'include' - call include() on file
* parse->left list of files to include (can only do 1)
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *nt = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
debug_compile( 0, "include" );
list_print( nt );
printf( "\n" );
if( nt )
TARGET *t = bindtarget( nt->string );
/* Bind the include file under the influence of */
/* "on-target" variables. Though they are targets, */
/* include files are not built with make(). */
pushsettings( t->settings );
t->boundname = search( t->name, &t->time );
popsettings( t->settings );
parse_file( t->boundname );
list_free( nt );
return L0;
* compile_list() - expand and return a list
* parse->string - character string to expand
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
/* voodoo 1 means: s is a copyable string */
char *s = parse->string;
return var_expand( L0, s, s + strlen( s ), args, 1 );
* compile_local() - declare (and set) local variables
* parse->left list of variables
* parse->right list of values
* parse->third rules to execute
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *l;
SETTINGS *s = 0;
LIST *nt = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
LIST *ns = (*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args );
LIST *result;
debug_compile( 0, "local" );
list_print( nt );
printf( " = " );
list_print( ns );
printf( "\n" );
/* Initial value is ns */
for( l = nt; l; l = list_next( l ) )
s = addsettings( s, 0, l->string, list_copy( (LIST*)0, ns ) );
list_free( ns );
list_free( nt );
/* Note that callees of the current context get this "local" */
/* variable, making it not so much local as layered. */
pushsettings( s );
result = (*parse->third->func)( parse->third, args );
popsettings( s );
freesettings( s );
return result;
* compile_null() - do nothing -- a stub for parsing
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
return L0;
* compile_rule() - compile a single user defined rule
* parse->string name of user defined rule
* parse->left parameters (list of lists) to rule, recursing left
* Wrapped around evaluate_rule() so that headers() can share it.
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LOL nargs[1];
LIST *result;
/* Build up the list of arg lists */
lol_init( nargs );
for( p = parse->left; p; p = p->left )
lol_add( nargs, (*p->right->func)( p->right, args ) );
/* And invoke rule */
result = evaluate_rule( parse->string, nargs );
lol_free( nargs );
return result;
* evaluate_rule() - execute a rule invocation
char *rulename,
LOL *args )
LIST *result = L0;
RULE *rule = bindrule( rulename );
debug_compile( 1, rulename );
lol_print( args );
printf( "\n" );
/* Check traditional targets $(<) and sources $(>) */
if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
printf( "warning: unknown rule %s %s\n", rule->name,
if( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure )
printf( "warning: unknown rule %s\n", rule->name );
/* If this rule will be executed for updating the targets */
/* then construct the action for make(). */
if( rule->actions )
ACTION *action;
/* The action is associated with this instance of this rule */
action = (ACTION *)malloc( sizeof( ACTION ) );
memset( (char *)action, '\0', sizeof( *action ) );
action->rule = rule;
action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 0 ) );
action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( args, 1 ) );
/* Append this action to the actions of each target */
for( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next )
t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action );
/* Now recursively compile any parse tree associated with this rule */
/* refer/free to ensure rule not freed during use */
if( rule->procedure )
PARSE *parse = rule->procedure;
parse_refer( parse );
result = (*parse->func)( parse, args );
parse_free( parse );
debug_compile( -1, 0 );
return result;
* compile_rules() - compile a chain of rules
* parse->left more compile_rules() by left-recursion
* parse->right single rule
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
/* Ignore result from first statement; return the 2nd. */
list_free( (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args ) );
return (*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args );
* compile_set() - compile the "set variable" statement
* parse->left variable names
* parse->right variable values
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *nt = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
LIST *ns = (*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args );
LIST *l;
int setflag;
char *trace;
switch( parse->num )
case ASSIGN_SET: setflag = VAR_SET; trace = "="; break;
case ASSIGN_APPEND: setflag = VAR_APPEND; trace = "+="; break;
case ASSIGN_DEFAULT: setflag = VAR_DEFAULT; trace = "?="; break;
default: setflag = VAR_SET; trace = ""; break;
debug_compile( 0, "set" );
list_print( nt );
printf( " %s ", trace );
list_print( ns );
printf( "\n" );
/* Call var_set to set variable */
/* var_set keeps ns, so need to copy it */
for( l = nt; l; l = list_next( l ) )
var_set( l->string, list_copy( L0, ns ), setflag );
list_free( nt );
return ns;
* compile_setcomp() - support for `rule` - save parse tree
* parse->string rule name
* parse->left rules for rule
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
RULE *rule = bindrule( parse->string );
/* Free old one, if present */
if( rule->procedure )
parse_free( rule->procedure );
rule->procedure = parse->left;
/* we now own this parse tree */
/* don't let parse_free() release it */
parse->left = 0;
return L0;
* compile_setexec() - support for `actions` - save execution string
* parse->string rule name
* parse->string1 OS command string
* parse->num flags
* parse->left `bind` variables
* Note that the parse flags (as defined in compile.h) are transfered
* directly to the rule flags (as defined in rules.h).
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
RULE *rule = bindrule( parse->string );
LIST *bindlist = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
/* Free old one, if present */
if( rule->actions )
freestr( rule->actions );
list_free( rule->bindlist );
rule->actions = copystr( parse->string1 );
rule->bindlist = bindlist;
rule->flags = parse->num; /* XXX translate this properly */
return L0;
* compile_settings() - compile the "on =" (set variable on exec) statement
* parse->left variable names
* parse->right target name
* parse->third variable value
* parse->num ASSIGN_SET/APPEND
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *nt = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
LIST *ns = (*parse->third->func)( parse->third, args );
LIST *targets = (*parse->right->func)( parse->right, args );
LIST *ts;
int append = parse->num == ASSIGN_APPEND;
debug_compile( 0, "set" );
list_print( nt );
printf( "on " );
list_print( targets );
printf( " %s ", append ? "+=" : "=" );
list_print( ns );
printf( "\n" );
/* Call addsettings to save variable setting */
/* addsettings keeps ns, so need to copy it */
/* Pass append flag to addsettings() */
for( ts = targets; ts; ts = list_next( ts ) )
TARGET *t = bindtarget( ts->string );
LIST *l;
for( l = nt; l; l = list_next( l ) )
t->settings = addsettings( t->settings, append,
l->string, list_copy( (LIST*)0, ns ) );
list_free( nt );
list_free( targets );
return ns;
* compile_switch() - compile 'switch' rule
* parse->left switch value (only 1st used)
* parse->right cases
* cases->left 1st case
* cases->right next cases
* case->string argument to match
* case->left parse tree to execute
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *nt = (*parse->left->func)( parse->left, args );
LIST *result = 0;
debug_compile( 0, "switch" );
list_print( nt );
printf( "\n" );
/* Step through cases */
for( parse = parse->right; parse; parse = parse->right )
if( !glob( parse->left->string, nt ? nt->string : "" ) )
/* Get & exec parse tree for this case */
parse = parse->left->left;
result = (*parse->func)( parse, args );
list_free( nt );
return result;
* builtin_depends() - DEPENDS/INCLUDES rule
* The DEPENDS builtin rule appends each of the listed sources on the
* dependency list of each of the listed targets. It binds both the
* targets and sources as TARGETs.
static LIST *
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *targets = lol_get( args, 0 );
LIST *sources = lol_get( args, 1 );
int which = parse->num;
LIST *l;
for( l = targets; l; l = list_next( l ) )
TARGET *t = bindtarget( l->string );
t->deps[ which ] = targetlist( t->deps[ which ], sources );
return L0;
* builtin_echo() - ECHO rule
* The ECHO builtin rule echoes the targets to the user. No other
* actions are taken.
static LIST *
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
list_print( lol_get( args, 0 ) );
printf( "\n" );
return L0;
* builtin_exit() - EXIT rule
* The EXIT builtin rule echoes the targets to the user and exits
* the program with a failure status.
static LIST *
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
list_print( lol_get( args, 0 ) );
printf( "\n" );
exit( EXITBAD ); /* yeech */
return L0;
* builtin_flags() - NOCARE, NOTFILE, TEMPORARY rule
* Builtin_flags() marks the target with the appropriate flag, for use
* by make0(). It binds each target as a TARGET.
static LIST *
PARSE *parse,
LOL *args )
LIST *l = lol_get( args, 0 );
for( ; l; l = list_next( l ) )
bindtarget( l->string )->flags |= parse->num;
return L0;
* builtin_envext() - EnvExtend rule
* form: EnvExtend variable-name : pre-list : post-list ;
static LIST*
builtin_envext( PARSE *parse, LOL *args )
LIST *varlist = lol_get( args, 0 );
char *envvar = "JAMENV";
char *envpre, *envcur, *envpost, *envnew, *ptr;
char sep;
if (varlist && varlist->string && *varlist->string)
envvar = varlist->string;
debug_compile(0, "EnvExtend");
printf(" %s : ", envvar);
list_print(lol_get(args, 1));
printf(" : ");
list_print(lol_get(args, 2));
sep = env_separator(envvar);
envpre = list_join(lol_get(args, 1), sep);
envcur = getenv(envvar);
if (!envcur)
envcur = "";
envpost = list_join(lol_get(args, 2), sep);
ptr = envnew = (char*) malloc(strlen(envvar) + strlen(envpre) +
strlen(envcur) + strlen(envpost) + 4);
ptr = stpcpy(ptr, envvar);
ptr = stpcpy(ptr, "=");
if (*envpre) {
ptr = stpcpy(ptr, envpre);
*ptr++ = sep;
if (*envcur) {
ptr = stpcpy(ptr, envcur);
*ptr++ = sep;
ptr = stpcpy(ptr, envpost);
while ((ptr > envnew) && (!*ptr || (*ptr == sep))) --ptr;
*++ptr = '\0';
/* There is a memory leak inherent in this approach, but probably not
* one worth fixing. If you do try to fix it, make sure you know how
* putenv() works; you can't just free the string while it's in the
* environment. */
return L0;
* builtin_envset() - EnvSet rule
* form: EnvSet variable-name : list ;
static LIST*
builtin_envset( PARSE *parse, LOL *args )
LIST *varlist = lol_get( args, 0 );
char *envvar = "JAMENV";
char *envval, *envnew;
if (varlist && varlist->string && *varlist->string)
envvar = varlist->string;
envval = list_join(lol_get(args, 1), env_separator(envvar));
debug_compile(0 , "EnvSet");
printf(" %s : ", envvar);
list_print(lol_get(args, 1));
if (strlen(envval)) {
envnew = (char*) malloc(strlen(envvar) + strlen(envval) + 2);
sprintf(envnew, "%s=%s", envvar, envval);
} else
envnew = strdup(envvar);
/* There is a memory leak inherent in this approach, but probably not
* one worth fixing. If you do try to fix it, make sure you know how
* putenv() works; you can't just free the string while it's in the
* environment. */
return L0;
* builtin_getreg() - GetReg rule
* form: GetReg variable-name : list ;
#if defined( NT )
static LIST*
builtin_getreg( PARSE *parse, LOL *args )
LIST *result = 0 ;
LIST *arguments = lol_get( args, 0 );
LIST *pathlist = lol_get( args, 1 );
char *variable = "result" ;
if (arguments) {
if (arguments->string) {
variable = arguments->string ;
if (!variable || !*variable) {
variable = "result";
debug_compile( 0 , "GetReg" );
printf(" %s : ", variable);
list_print( pathlist );
result = registryGet(pathlist);
var_set(variable, result, VAR_SET);
return L0;
static LIST*
builtin_truename( PARSE *parse, LOL *args )
LIST *result = 0 ;
LIST *varList = lol_get( args, 0 );
LIST *pathValue = lol_get( args, 1 );
LIST *flagList = lol_get( args, 2 );
char *variable = "Jamshort" ;
char *shortFlag = "" ;
if (varList) {
if (varList->string) {
variable = varList->string ;
if (!variable || !*variable) {
variable = "Jamshort";
if (flagList) {
if (flagList->string) {
shortFlag = flagList->string ;
if (!shortFlag || !*shortFlag) {
shortFlag = "";
debug_compile( 0 , "OSTruename" );
printf(" %s : ",variable );
list_print( pathValue );
printf(" %s : ",shortFlag );
result = OSTrueName(pathValue, shortFlag);
var_set(variable, result, VAR_SET);
return L0;
* Implement the builtin MATCH jam rule.
* Usage: MATCH string : pattern ;
* Returns a list. list[1] is the whole match, list[2] is the first
* parenthesized expression, etc.
builtin_match( PARSE *parse, LOL *args )
LIST* retval = L0;
LIST* string = lol_get(args, 0);
LIST* pattern = lol_get(args, 1);
regexp* prog;
int i;
char ch;
if (string && pattern && (prog = regcomp(pattern->string)))
if (regexec(prog, string->string))
for (i = 0; i < NSUBEXP && prog->startp[i] && prog->endp[i]; i++)
ch = *prog->endp[i];
*prog->endp[i] = 0;
retval = list_new(retval, newstr(prog->startp[i]));
*prog->endp[i] = ch;
return retval;
* Implement an ever growing scratch buffer for builtin_sub's use
static char* buffer = 0;
static int buffer_len = 0;
static int buffer_str_len = 0;
static void
buffer_append(const char* s, int len)
while (buffer_str_len + len + 1 > buffer_len)
if (buffer_len)
buffer_len *= 2;
buffer_len = 16; /* start low so loop is well tested */
buffer = realloc(buffer, buffer_len);
memcpy(&buffer[buffer_str_len], s, len);
buffer_str_len += len;
buffer[buffer_str_len] = 0;
* Implement the builtin SUB jam rule.
* Usage: SUB string : pattern : replacement ;
* Attempt to match string against pattern. If successful, replace the
* portion matched with replacement. The replacement may contain the
* special escapes \1 through \9 to refer to the corresponding matching
* sub-expressions in the regexp, and the special escape \& to refer
* to the entire matched portion. In this respect, SUB is similar to
* sed's s/regexp/replacement/.
* Note that to include a \ character in the replacement, you have to
* write the Jam string "\\\\". To use \1, \&, etc. you have to use
* the Jam string "\\1" and "\\&" respectively.
static LIST *
builtin_sub( PARSE *parse, LOL *args )
LIST* retval = L0;
LIST* string = lol_get(args, 0);
LIST* pattern = lol_get(args, 1);
LIST* replacement = lol_get(args, 2);
if (string)
regexp* prog;
int len;
char *rep, *backslash;
if (pattern && (prog = regcomp(pattern->string)))
if (regexec(prog, string->string))
buffer_str_len = 0; /* reset the buffer */
/* copy the pre-match */
prog->startp[0] - string->string);
/* process the replacement */
for (rep = replacement ? replacement->string : ""; *rep; )
backslash = strchr(rep, '\\');
if (!backslash)
len = strlen(rep);
buffer_append(rep, len);
if (len)
rep += len;
printf("got here %s %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
int match_index;
/* found escape sequence, copy stuff before
the sequence and then process the
sequence */
len = backslash - rep;
buffer_append(rep, len);
rep += len;
if (backslash[1] >= '1' && backslash[1] <= '9')
match_index = backslash[1] - '0';
else if (backslash[1] == '&')
match_index = 0;
match_index = -1;
if (match_index >= 0)
if (prog->startp[match_index])
prog->endp[match_index] -
buffer_append(&backslash[1], 1);
rep += 2; /* get just past the sequence */
/* copy the post-match */
buffer_append(prog->endp[0], strlen(prog->endp[0]));
retval = list_new(retval, newstr(buffer));
/* no regexp match -- just return the original */
retval = list_new(retval, newstr(string->string));
/* no regexp supplied -- just return the original */
retval = list_new(retval, newstr(string->string));
return retval;
* debug_compile() - printf with indent to show rule expansion.
static void
debug_compile( int which, char *s )
static int level = 0;
static char indent[36] = ">>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|";
int i = ((1+level) * 2) % 35;
if( which >= 0 )
printf( "%*.*s ", i, i, indent );
if( s )
printf( "%s ", s );
level += which;