- # short commands
- co=edit
- ci=submit
- st=status
- # new commands
- shelved=changes -s shelved -u $(P4USER) -c $(P4CLIENT)
- pending=changes -s pending -u $(P4USER) -c $(P4CLIENT)
- desc=describe -s
- purge=clean -I
- blame=annotate -u
- lc=-F "%change%" -ztag changes -m1 -s submitted ... > $(chg)&& describe -s $(chg)
- copyup= -F "%baseParent%" -ztag stream -o > $(parent) &&
- -F "%Name%" -ztag stream -o > $(current) &&
- switch $(parent) &&
- merge --from $(current) &&
- resolve -as &&
- submit -d "Pulling crud to main" &&
- switch $(current)
- nuke-shelf $(change)=shelve -dc $(change) && revert -c $(change) //... && change -d $(change)
- nc $(desc) = --field Description$(EQ)$(desc) change -o > $(form) && change -i < $(form)
- newChange $(desc) = change -o > $(chg) &&
- p4subst "$(LT)enter.*$(GT)" $(desc) < $(chg) > $(chg2) &&
- change -i < $(chg2)
- # one shot move!
- mv $(from) $(to) = edit $(from) && move $(from) $(to)
- # one shot reconcile and submit a la git commit -am
- su $(description)=rec && submit -d $(description)
- # cp takes a snapshot of WIP and puts it into the active shelf
- auto_shelved = -ztag -F %change% changes -s shelved -u $(P4USER) -c $(P4CLIENT) ...
- cp = auto_shelved > $(chg) && rec -c $(chg) && shelve -c $(chg) -r
- # what shelves are on my shared server? Single arg and no arg versions.
- remote-shelves $(remote) = -F %Address% -ztag remote -o $(remote) > $(port) &&
- -p $(port) -u $(P4USER) changes -s shelved -u $(P4USER)
- remote-shelves = remote-shelves origin
- nuke-it-from-orbit = -F %clientRoot% -ztag info > $(root) && revert //... && clean $(root)/... && sync
- refresh-aliases = -u guest -p workshop.perforce.com:1666 print -o /Users/matt/.p4aliases -q //guest/matt_attaway/scripts/.p4aliases
- full-changes $(rev) = -ztag -F %change% changes $(rev) > $(changes) && -x - describe -s < $(changes)
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#7 | 18678 | Matt Attaway | Add an alias to get the full descriptions of a set of changelists given a path and rev spe...cifer « | 9 years ago | |
#6 | 16533 | Matt Attaway | Add my handy refresh alias to refresh my aliases | 9 years ago | |
#5 | 16487 | Matt Attaway | Add command to reset my workspace | 9 years ago | |
#4 | 16483 | Matt Attaway | Bring all my aliases together again. | 9 years ago | |
#3 | 16482 | Matt Attaway | Add cp command to take a "checkpoint" of work in progress Running 'p4 cp' will find the... active shelf for the working dir, run reconcile and put all the files in the change that goes with that shelf, and then update the contents of the shelf. Handy for times when you want to back stuff up to the shared server as you go. « |
9 years ago | |
#2 | 16411 | Matt Attaway | add a couple more aliases | 9 years ago | |
#1 | 16032 | Matt Attaway | Checkin my aliases file so I can share it more easily | 9 years ago |