General changes
Allow for integrates with dochanges checking of submissions.
Added assigning branch ownership to people.
Added ability to reinteg moving branches in cvs2p4.
Have deleted files look at the messages.
Fixed changelist renumbering support in dochanges.
Account for others using the perforce server and causing
changes to get renumbered.
Added P4PASSWD option in config file.
dochanges bug fix to get messages placed in change descriptions.
Fixed bug that stripped out everything after a space in dochanges.
Added and added to FAQ.
Added and scripts to cvs2p4.
Added file omission list support to dochanges.
Now remove abbreviations after the codeline info.
Added label output to genmetadata.
Applying abbreviations to depot/client paths.
dochanges now supports dumb branch mappings.
Added support for incrementals where already seen files have
new branches off of them.
Fixed chomping bug in genmetadata.
Fixed bug in not finding non-Attic files.
Renamed revmap to dbdump.
Specific changes made to 1.2.15 (and later carried forward).
Added RLOG path.
Changed $P4_DEPOT to $P4_DEPOTS.
cleaned up usage
dbdump now accepts the DB file to dump.
Added rlog wrapper function.
added co subroutine to recover from failed co commands.
Added incremental metadata/change files.
removed $CVS_MODULE from saved paths.
cleaned up usage
clcklientview checks your changes file against your clientspec for
unmapped directories.
now support multiple changes files.
Added support for branch name remapping.
removed $CVS_MODULE from saved paths.
Added P4::Modules support and -b option.
cleaned up usage
remove trailing '/'s from Convdir
Added a better p4where subroutine
Track SEEN files as a real hash. DBM is puking on large files.
Added incremental metadata/change files.
Only generate an incremental metadata file if there is new data.
Added support for generating an incremental metadata file.
Added verbose function and commandline option.
Strip off CVS_MODULE for tips DB file.
Enabled the real MD5 sums.
removed $CVS_MODULE from saved paths.
Added use of MD5 checksums to track change descriptions.
Added -t option to genmetadata
cleaned up usage
Print out every skipped file and a reason.
map TIPS TRUNKLINE name to main.
track the tip versions of each file's branches.
Added support for incremental changes
Use POSIX::tmpnam instead of "/tmp/...$$". The latter actually caused
a conflict during testing.
skip and report unmappable files
Fixed rev_cnt to track skipped files.
Added P4::Modules support to dochanges
Added CVSID to one file changes.
Fixed small naming bug in remapping branch names
Added support for branch name remapping.
Removed constant use of $CVS_MODULES.
Added some support for multiple import depots.
cleaned up usage
remove trailing '/'s from Convdir
Added a better p4where subroutine
Added revision/change count status after each submission.
Added \Q/\E quoting around all files names (I'm paranoid).
implemented quick import.
removed some unneeded comments.
Added quick option (but still unimplemented).
when importing tips only, also import revisions that are used for branching.
added support for tips only import
fixed bug in killfile watching.
fixed revlog/revmap support.
add revision log support and fixed p4where.
Use 'p4 where' to map client view files into the depot view.
Allow for a different named client (still assumes simple mappings).
Added killfile option to stop import after completion of current change group.
Use Getopt::Long and added -e option for specifying a last change group to
Added recovery from failed co command and can turn off revmap creation.