- # Perforce server protocol (none | ssl). For ssl you must have a ssl enabled p4d
- com.perforce.commons.config.serverProtocol=none
- # The hostname of the Perforce server
- com.perforce.commons.config.serverHost=localhost
- # The TCP port of the Perforce server
- com.perforce.commons.config.serverPort=1666
- # Maximum number of connections to the Perforce server
- com.perforce.commons.config.serverPoolCapacity=200
- # The super or admin user account on the Perforce server
- com.perforce.commons.config.adminLogin=commonsadmin
- # The super or admin account password on the Perforce server
- com.perforce.commons.config.adminPassword=commonsadmin
- # If the adminLogin account has permissions to create groups, i.e. has super access (true | false)
- com.perforce.commons.config.enableAdminCreateGroups=true
- # The list of users that can access the user management tool (must be a super user)
- com.perforce.commons.config.userManagementAccessList=commonsmgmt
- # If users are allowed to create accounts through commons (true | false)
- com.perforce.commons.config.enableUserCreation=true
- # guest login access: Perforce user account that guest download/upload uses
- com.perforce.commons.config.guestLogin=commonsguest
- com.perforce.commons.config.guestPassword=commonsguest
- # For newly created spaces, the default behavior for the sharing with non-members (READWRITE or READONLY or OFF)
- com.perforce.commons.config.guestAccessDefault=OFF
- # For guest downloads, require that the user authenticate first
- com.perforce.commons.config.guestLoginRequired=false
- # commons URL - for consistent sharing of URLs to documents this must be set
- com.perforce.commons.config.commonsURL=${sonos.perforce.commons.url}
- # maximum allowable file size for generating previews
- com.perforce.commons.config.maxPreviewFileSizeBytes=104857600
- # directory name for the preview cache files -
- # it will be relative to the servlet container
- com.perforce.commons.config.previewCacheDirectory=commons-preview-cache
- # Maximum number of bytes on disk that the preview cache can use.
- # This is a soft limit, as trimming of the cache happens periodically
- # in a background thread.
- com.perforce.commons.config.previewCacheMaxSizeInBytes=536870912
- # Polling rate in minutes for the preview cache cleanup thread. This
- # is the amount of time that the disk may grow beyond the configured cache
- # max size.
- com.perforce.commons.config.previewCacheCleanupRateInMinutes=0.5
- # For caching space and user metadata, the minimum rate at which to refresh. 0 == never refresh
- com.perforce.commons.config.spaceCacheRefreshInMinutes=5
- com.perforce.commons.config.userCacheRefreshInMinutes=5
- # For caching space and user metadata in a multi-Commons server environment,
- # the minimum rate to check counters to see if a refresh is required
- com.perforce.commons.config.spaceCacheCheckInMinutes=1
- com.perforce.commons.config.userCacheCheckInMinutes=1
- # For synchronizing non-file writes in a multi-Commons server environment,
- # how long to wait on a locked .commons file before recovering the lock.
- # 0 == never recover the lock
- com.perforce.commons.config.lockTimeoutInMillisecs=30000
- # set to true to show lots of vulnerable info in the about page
- # e.g. perforce server version, address, config data, etc.
- # this is useful when debugging/testing issues
- com.perforce.commons.config.showDetailedAboutInfo=true
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
8557 |
mike_delaney |
-- big bang for my Maven project for bulding Perforce commons |
11 years ago