- <HTML>
- <TITLE> Jam - Make(1) Redux </TITLE>
- <BODY>
- <H1> Jam - Make(1) Redux </H1>
- <P> The <a href=http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html>Jam</a> Executable
- <DL>
- <DT> <P> <H2> USAGE </H2> <DD>
- <PRE>
- jam [ -a ] [ -g ] [ -n ] [ -q ] [ -v ]
- [ -d <I>debug</I> ]
- [ -f <I>jambase</I> ]
- [ -j <I>jobs</I> ]
- [ -o <I>actionsfile</I> ]
- [ -s <I>var</I>=<I>value</I> ]
- [ -t <I>target</I> ]
- [ <I>target</I> ... ]
- </PRE>
- <DT> <P> <H2> DESCRIPTION </H2> <DD>
- <P>
- <B>Jam</B> is a program construction tool, like <B>make</B>(1).
- <P>
- <B>Jam</B> recursively builds target files from source files,
- using dependency information and updating actions expressed in
- the Jambase file, which is written in <B>jam</B>'s own interpreted
- language. The default Jambase is compiled into <B>jam</B> and
- provides a boilerplate for common use, relying on a user-provide
- file "Jamfile" to enumerate actual targets and sources.
- <P>
- The Jambase is described in the <a href="Jambase.html">Jambase
- Reference</a> and the document <a href="Jamfile.html">Using
- Jamfiles and Jambase</A>.
- <DT> <P> <H2> OPTIONS </H2> <DD>
- <P>
- If <I>target</I> is provided on the command line, <B>jam</B>
- builds <I>target;</I> otherwise <B>jam</B> builds the target
- 'all'.
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> may be invoked with the following options:
- <TD> Build all targets anyway, even if they are up-to-date.
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -d <I>c</I> </CODE>
- <TD> Turn on display option <I>c</I> and off the default
- display (summary info and actions):
- <DT> a <DD> Show summary info, actions, quiet actions, and the
- use of temporary targets
- <DT> c <DD> Show the names of files that cause rebuilds, i.e.
- new sources, missing targets, etc.
- <DT> d <DD> Display a dependency graph (in <B>jam</B> syntax).
- <DT> m <DD> Display the dependency analysis, and target/source
- timestamps and paths
- <DT> x <DD> Show shell arguments
- </DL>
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -d <I>n</I> </CODE>
- <TD> Enable cummulative debugging levels from 1 to <I>n</I>.
- Interesting values are:
- <DT> 1 <DD> Show actions and summary info (the default)
- <DT> 3 <DD> Old name for -dm (described above)
- <DT> 5 <DD> Show rule invocations and variable expansions
- <DT> 6 <DD> Show directory/header file/archive scans
- <DT> 7 <DD> Show variable settings
- <DT> 8 <DD> Show variable fetches
- <DT> 9 <DD> Show variable manipulation, scanner tokens
- </DL>
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -d +<I>n</I> </CODE>
- <TD> Enable debugging level <I>n</I>.
- <TD> Turn off all debugging levels. Only errors are emitted.
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -f <I>jambase</I></CODE>
- <TD>Read <I>jambase</I> instead of using the built-in Jambase.
- Multiple -f flags are permitted.
- <TD> Build targets with the newest sources first, rather than
- in the order of appearance in the Jambase/Jamfiles.
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -j <I>n</I></CODE>
- <TD> Run up to <I>n</I> shell commands concurrently (UNIX
- and NT only). The default is 1.
- <TD> Don't actually execute the updating actions, but do
- everything else. This changes the debug level to -dax.
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -o <I>file</I></CODE>
- <TD> Write the updating actions to the specified file instead
- of running them (or outputting them, as on the Mac).
- <TD> Quit quickly (as if an interrupt was received)
- as soon as any target build fails.
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -s <I>var</I>=<I>value</I></CODE>
- <TD> Set the variable <I>var</I> to <I>value</I>, overriding
- both internal variables and variables imported from the
- environment.
- <TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><CODE> -t <I>target</I></CODE>
- <TD> Rebuild <I>target</I> and everything that depends on it,
- even if it is up-to-date.
- <TD> Print the version of <B>jam</B> and exit.
- </TABLE>
- <DT> <P> <H2> OPERATION </H2> <DD>
- <P>
- <b>Jam</b> has four phases of operation: start-up, parsing,
- binding, and updating.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Start-up </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- Upon start-up, <b>jam</b> imports environment variable settings
- into <b>jam</b> variables. Environment variables are split at
- blanks with each word becoming an element in the variable's list
- of values. Environment variables whose names end in PATH are
- split at $(SPLITPATH) characters (e.g., ":" for Unix).
- <P>
- To set a variable's value on the command line, overriding the
- variable's environment value, use the -s option. To see variable
- assignments made during <b>jam</b>'s execution, use the -d+7
- option.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Parsing </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- In the parsing phase, <b>jam</b> reads and executes the Jambase
- file, by default the built-in one. It is written in the <b>jam</b>
- language. See <a href="#language"> Language</a> below. The
- last action of the Jambase is to read (via the "include" rule)
- a user-provided file called "Jamfile".
- <P>
- Collectively, the purpose of the Jambase and the Jamfile is to
- name built target and source files, construct the dependency
- graph among them, and associate build actions with targets.
- The Jambase defines boilerplate rules and variable assignments,
- and the Jamfile uses these to specify the actual relationship
- among the target and source files. See the <a
- href="Jambase.html">Jambase Reference</a> and the document <a
- href="Jamfile.html">Using Jamfiles and Jambase</A> for information.
- <A NAME="binding">
- <DT> <P> <H3> Binding </H3> <DD>
- </A>
- <P> <H5> Binding </H5>
- After parsing, <B>jam</B> recursively descends the dependency
- graph and binds every file target with a location in the
- filesystem.
- <P> <H5> Targets </H5> <DD>
- Any string value in <b>jam</b> can represent a target, and it
- does so if the DEPENDS or INCLUDES rules make it part of the
- dependency graph. Build targets are files to be updated. Source
- targets are the files used in updating build targets. Build
- targets and source targets are collectively referred to as file
- targets, and frequently build targets are source targets for
- other build targets. Pseudotargets are symbols which represent
- dependencies on other targets, but which are not themselves
- associated with any real file.
- <P>
- A file target's identifier is generally the file's name, which can
- be absolutely rooted, relative to the directory of <b>jam</b>'s
- invocation, or simply local (no directory). Most often it is the
- last case, and the actual file path is bound using the $(SEARCH)
- and $(LOCATE) special variables. See <A HREF="#search"> SEARCH
- and LOCATE Variables</A> below. A local filename is optionally
- qualified with "grist," a string value used to assure uniqueness.
- A file target with an identifier of the form <I>file(member)</I>
- is a library member (usually an ar(1) archive on UNIX).
- <P>
- The use of $(SEARCH) and $(LOCATE) allows <b>jam</b> to separate
- the the location of files from their names, so that Jamfiles can
- refer to files locally (i.e. relative to the Jamfile's directory),
- yet still be usable when <b>jam</b> is invoked from a distant
- directory. The use of grist allows files with the same name
- to be identified uniquely, so that <b>jam</b> can read a whole
- directory tree of Jamfiles and not mix up same-named targets.
- <P> <H5> Update Determination </H5>
- After binding each target, <B>jam</B> determines whether the
- target needs updating, and if so marks the target for the updating
- phase. A target is normally so marked if it is missing, it is
- older than any of its sources, or any of its sources are marked
- for updating. This behavior can be modified by the application
- of special built-in rules. See <A HREF="#bindingmods">Modifying
- Binding</A> below.
- <P> <H5> Header File Scanning </H5>
- During the binding phase, <b>jam</b> also performs header file
- scanning, where it looks inside source files for the implicit
- dependencies on other files caused by C's #include syntax. This
- is controlled by the special variables $(HDRSCAN) and $(HDRRULE).
- The result of the scan is formed into a rule invocation, with
- the scanned file as the target and the found included file names
- as the sources. Note that this is the only case where rules
- are invoked outside the parsing phase. See <A
- HREF="#hdrscan">HDRSCAN and HDRRULE Variables</A> below.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Updating </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- After binding, <B>jam</B> again recursively descends the dependency
- graph, this time executing the update actions for each target
- marked for update during the binding phase. If a target's
- updating actions fail, then all other targets which depend on
- that target are skipped.
- <P>
- The -j flag instructs <B>jam</B> to build more than one target
- at a time. If there are multiple actions on a single target,
- they are run sequentially. The -g flag reorders builds so that
- targets with newest sources are built first. Normally, they are
- built in the order of appearance in the Jamfiles.
- <A NAME="language">
- <DT> <P> <H2> LANGUAGE </H2> <DD>
- </A>
- <DT> <P> <H3> Overview </H3> <DD>
- <B>Jam</b> has a interpreted, procedural language with a few
- select features to effect program construction. Statements in
- <b>jam</b> are rule (procedure) definitions, rule invocations,
- updating action definitions, flow-of-control structures, variable
- assignments, and sundry language support.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Lexical Features </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> treats its input files as whitespace-separated tokens,
- with two exceptions: double quotes (") can enclose whitespace to
- embed it into a token, and everything between the matching curly
- braces ({}) in the definition of a updating actions is treated
- as a single string. A backslash (\) can escape a double quote,
- or any single whitespace character.
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> requires whitespace (blanks, tabs, or newlines) to
- surround all tokens, <b>including the colon (:) and semicolon
- (;) tokens</b>.
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> keywords (as mentioned in this document) are reserved
- and generally must be quoted with double quotes (") to be used
- as arbitrary tokens, such as variable or target names.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Datatype </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- <B>Jam</B>'s only data type is a one-dimensional list of arbitrary
- strings. They arise as literal (whitespace-separated) tokens in
- the Jambase or included files, as the result of variable expansion
- of those tokens, or as the return value from a rule invocation.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Rules </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- The basic <B>jam</b> language entity is called a rule. A rule
- is simply a procedure definition, with a body of <b>jam</b>
- statements to be run when the rule is invoked. The syntax of
- rule invocation make it possible to write Jamfiles that look
- a bit like Makefiles.
- <P>
- Rules take up to 9 arguments ($(1) through $(9), each a list)
- and can have a return value (a single list). A rule's return
- value can be expanded in a list by enclosing the rule invocation
- with <tt>[</tt> and <tt>]</tt>.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Updating Actions </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- A rule may have updating actions associated with it, in which
- case arguments $(1) and $(2) are treated as built targets and
- sources, respectively. Updating actions are the OS shell commands
- to execute when updating the built targets of the rule.
- <P>
- When an rule with updating actions is invoked, those actions are
- added to those associated with its built targets ($(1)) before
- the rule's procedure is run. Later, to build the targets in the
- updating phase, the actions are passed to the OS command shell,
- with $(1) and $(2) replaced by bound versions of the target names.
- See <A HREF="#binding"> Binding</A> above.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Statements </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- <b>Jam</b>'s langauge has the following statements:
- <P> <DT> <CODE>
- <I>rulename field1</I> : <I>field2</I> : <I>...</I>
- : <I>fieldN</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Invoke a rule. A rule is invoked with values in
- <I>field1</I> through <I>fieldN</I> (9 max). They may be
- referenced in the procedure's <I>statements</I> as $(1)
- through $(<9>N</I>). $(<) and $(>) are synonymous
- with $(1) and $(2).
- <P>
- <i>rulename</i> undergoes <A HREF="#varexp"> variable
- expansion</A>. If the resulting list is more than one value,
- each rule is invoked with the same arguments, and the result
- of the invocation is the concatenation of all the results.
- <P> <DT> <CODE>
- actions [ <I>modifiers</I> ] <I>rulename</I> { <I>commands</I> }
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Define a rule's updating actions, replacing any previous
- definition. The first two arguments may be referenced in
- the action's <I>commands</I> as $(1) and $(2) or $(<)
- and $(>).
- <P>
- The following action <i>modifiers</i> are understood:
- <TR><TD WIDTH=30%><CODE> actions bind <I>vars</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> $(vars) will be replaced with bound values.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR><TD><CODE> actions existing </CODE></TD>
- <TD> $(>) includes only source targets currently existing.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR><TD><CODE> actions ignore </CODE></TD>
- <TD> The return status of the <I>commands</I> is ignored.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR><TD><CODE> actions piecemeal </CODE></TD>
- <TD> <I>commands</I> are repeatedly invoked with a subset
- of $(>) small enough to fit in the command buffer on this
- OS.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR><TD><CODE> actions quietly </CODE></TD>
- <TD> The action is not echoed to the standard output.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR><TD><CODE> actions together </CODE></TD>
- <TD> The $(>) from multiple invocations of the same action
- on the same built target are glommed together.</TD>
- </TR>
- <TR><TD><CODE> actions updated </CODE></TD>
- <TD> $(>) includes only source targets themselves marked
- for updating.</TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- <P><DT><CODE>
- break
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Breaks out of the closest enclosing <I>for</I>
- or <I>while</I> loop.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- continue
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Jumps to the end of the closest enclosing <I>for</I>
- or <I>while</I> loop.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- for <I>var</I> in <I>list</I> { <I>statements</I> }
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Executes <i>statements</i> for each element in
- <i>list</i>, setting the variable <i>var</i> to the element
- value.
- <A name=if>
- <P><DT><CODE>
- </A>
- if <I>cond</I> { <I>statements</I> } [ else <I>statement</I> ]
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Does the obvious; the else clause is optional.
- <i>cond</i> is built of:
- <TR><TD WIDTH=25%> <CODE><I>a</I></CODE></TD>
- <TD> true if any <I>a</I> element is a non-zero-length
- string</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>a</I> = <I>b</I></CODE> </TD>
- <TD> list <I>a</I> matches list <I>b</I>
- string-for-string</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>a</I> != <I>b</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> list <I>a</I> does not match list <I>b</I></TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>a</I> < <I>b</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> <I>a[i]</I> string is less than <I>b[i]</I>
- string, where <i>i</i> is first mismatched element
- in lists <I>a</I> and <I>b</I></TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>a</I> <= <I>b</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> every <I>a</I> string is less than or equal to
- its <I>b</I> counterpart</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>a</I> > <I>b</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> <I>a[i]</I> string is greater than <I>b[i]</I>
- string, where <i>i</i> is first mismatched element</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>a</I> >= <I>b</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> every <I>a</I> string is greater than or equal to
- its <I>b</I> counterpart</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>a</I> in <I>b</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> true if all elements of <I>a</I> can be found
- in <I>b</I>, or if <I>a</I> has no elements</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE>! <I>cond</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> condition not true</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>cond</I> && <I>cond</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> conjunction</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE><I>cond</I> || <I>cond</I> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> disjunction</TD>
- <TR><TD> <CODE>( <I>cond</I> ) </CODE></TD>
- <TD> precedence grouping</TD>
- </TABLE>
- <P><DT> <CODE>
- include <I>file</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Causes <b>jam</b> to read the named <i>file</i>.
- The file is bound like a regular target (see <A
- HREF="#binding"> Binding</A> above) but unlike a regular
- target the include file cannot be built. Marking an include
- file target with the <b>NOCARE</b> rule makes it optional:
- if it is missing, it causes no error.
- <P>
- The include file is inserted into the input stream during
- the parsing phase. The primary input file and all the included
- file(s) are treated as a single file; that is, <b>jam</b>
- infers no scope boundaries from included files.
- <P><DT> <CODE>
- local <i>vars</I> [ = <i>values</i> ] ;
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Creates new <i>vars</i> inside to the enclosing {}
- block, obscuring any previous values they might have. The
- previous values for <i>vars</i> are restored when the current
- block ends. Any rule called or file included will see the
- local and not the previous value (this is sometimes called
- Dynamic Scoping). The local statement may appear anywhere,
- even outside of a block (in which case the previous value
- is restored when the input ends). The <i>vars</i> are
- initialized to <i>values</i> if present, or left uninitialized
- otherwise.
- <P> <DT> <CODE>
- on <I>target</I> <I>statement</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Run <I>statement</I> under the influence of
- <I>target</I>'s target-specific variables. These variables
- become local copies during <I>statement</I>'s run, but they
- may be updated as target-specific variables using the usual
- "<I>variable</I> on <I>targets</I> =" syntax.
- <P><DT> <CODE>
- return <I>values</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Within a rule body, the return statement sets the return
- value for an invocation of the rule and terminates the rule's
- execution.
- <P> <DT> <CODE>
- rule <I>rulename</I> [ : <I>vars</I> ] { <I>statements</I> }
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Define a rule's procedure, replacing any previous
- definition. If <I>vars</I> are provided, they are assigned
- the values of the parameters ($(1) to $(9)) when <I>statements</I>
- are executed, as with the <B>local</B> statement.
- <P><DT> <CODE>
- <A NAME="switch">
- switch <I>value</I>
- </A>
- <BR> {
- <BR> case <I>pattern1</I> : <I>statements</I> ;
- <BR> case <I>pattern2</I> : <I>statements</I> ;
- <BR> ...
- <BR> }
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> The switch statement executes zero or one of the
- enclosed <i>statements</i>, depending on which, if any, is
- the first case whose <i>pattern</I> matches <i>value</i>.
- The <i>pattern</I> values are not variable-expanded. The
- <i>pattern</I> values may include the following wildcards:
- <TR><TD><CODE> ? </CODE></TD>
- <TD> match any single character </TD>
- <TR><TD><CODE> * </CODE></TD>
- <TD> match zero or more characters </TD>
- <TR><TD><CODE> [<i>chars</i>] </CODE></TD>
- <TD> match any single character in <i>chars</i> </TD>
- <TR><TD><CODE> [^<i>chars</i>] </CODE></TD>
- <TD> match any single character not in <i>chars</i> </TD>
- <TR><TD><CODE> \<i>x</i> </CODE></TD>
- <TD> match <i>x</i> (escapes the other wildcards)</i> </TD>
- </TABLE>
- <P><DT> <CODE>
- while <I>cond</I> { <I>statements</I> }
- </CODE>
- <P><DD> Repeatedly execute <I>statements</I> while <I>cond</I>
- remains true upon entry. (See the description of <I>cond</I>
- expression syntax under <a href="#if">if</a>, above).
- </DL></TABLE>
- <DT> <P> <H3> Variables </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> variables are lists of zero or more elements, with
- each element being a string value. An undefined variable is
- indistinguishable from a variable with an empty list, however,
- a defined variable may have one more elements which are null
- strings. All variables are referenced as $(<I>variable</I>).
- <P>
- Variables are either global or target-specific. In the latter
- case, the variable takes on the given value only during the
- target's binding, header file scanning, and updating; and during
- the "on <I>target</I> <I>statement</I>" statement.
- <P>
- A variable is defined with:
- <DT><CODE>
- <I>variable</I> = <I>elements</I> ; </CODE>
- <DT><CODE>
- <I>variable</I> += <I>elements</I> ; </CODE>
- <DT><CODE>
- <I>variable</I> ?= <I>elements</I> ; </CODE>
- <DT><CODE>
- <I>variable</I> on <I>targets</I> = <I>elements</I> ; </CODE>
- <DT><CODE>
- <I>variable</I> on <I>targets</I> += <I>elements</I> ; </CODE>
- <DT><CODE>
- <I>variable</I> on <I>targets</I> ?= <I>elements</I> ; </CODE>
- </DL></TABLE>
- <P>
- The first three forms set <I>variable</I> globally. The last
- three forms set a target-specific variable. The = operator
- replaces any previous elements of <I>variable</I> with
- <I>elements</I>; the += operation adds <I>elements</I> to
- <I>variable</I>'s list of elements; the ?= operator sets
- <I>variable</I> only if it was previously unset. The last form
- "<I>variable</I> on <I>targets</I> ?= <I>elements</I>" checks
- to see if the target-specific, not the global, variable is set.
- (The ?= operator also has an old form "default =".)
- <P>
- Variables referenced in updating commands will be replaced with
- their values; target-specific values take precedence over global
- values. Variables passed as arguments ($(1) and $(2)) to actions
- are replaced with their bound values; the "bind" modifier can
- be used on actions to cause other variables to be replaced with
- bound values. See <A HREF="#actionmods">Action Modifiers</A>
- above.
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> variables are not re-exported to the environment of
- the shell that executes the updating actions, but the updating
- actions can reference <b>jam</b> variables with $(<I>variable</I>).
- <A NAME="varexp">
- <DT> <P> <H3> Variable Expansion </H3> <DD>
- </A>
- <P>
- During parsing, <b>jam</b> performs variable expansion on each
- token that is not a keyword or rule name. Such tokens with
- embedded variable references are replaced with zero or more
- tokens. Variable references are of the form $(<I>v</I>) or
- $(<I>vm</I>), where <i>v</i> is the variable name, and <I>m</I>
- are optional modifiers.
- <P>
- Variable expansion in a rule's actions is similar to variable
- expansion in statements, except that the action string is
- tokenized at whitespace regardless of quoting.
- <P>
- The result of a token after variable expansion is the
- <i>product</i> of the components of the token, where each
- component is a literal substring or a list substituting a variable
- reference. For example:
- <BR>$(X) -> a b c
- <BR>t$(X) -> ta tb tc
- <BR>$(X)z -> az bz cz
- <BR>$(X)-$(X) -> a-a a-b a-c b-a b-b b-c c-a c-b c-c
- <P>
- The variable name and modifiers can themselves contain
- a variable reference, and this partakes of the product
- as well:
- <BR>$(X) -> a b c
- <BR>$(Y) -> 1 2
- <BR>$(Z) -> X Y
- <BR>$($(Z)) -> a b c 1 2
- <P>
- Because of this product expansion, if any variable reference in
- a token is undefined, the result of the expansion is an empty
- list. If any variable element is a null string, the result
- propagates the non-null elements:
- <BR>$(X) -> a ""
- <BR>$(Y) -> "" 1
- <BR>$(Z) ->
- <BR>*$(X)$(Y)* -> *a* *a1* ** *1*
- <BR>*$(X)$(Z)* ->
- <P>
- A variable element's string value can be parsed into grist and
- filename-related components. Modifiers to a variable are used
- to select elements, select components, and replace components.
- The modifiers are:
- <TR><TD><CODE> [<I>n</I>] </CODE>
- <TD>Select element number <I>n</I> (starting at 1). If
- the variable contains fewer than <I>n</I> elements,
- the result is a zero-element list.
- <TR><TD><CODE> [<I>n</I>-<I>m</I>] </CODE>
- <TD>Select elements number <I>n</I> through <I>m</I>.
- <TR><TD><CODE> [<I>n</I>-] </CODE>
- <TD>Select elements number <I>n</I> through the last.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :B </CODE>
- <TD>Select filename base.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :S </CODE>
- <TD>Select (last) filename suffix.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :M </CODE>
- <TD>Select archive member name.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :D </CODE>
- <TD>Select directory path.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :P </CODE>
- <TD>Select parent directory.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :G </CODE>
- <TD>Select grist.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :U </CODE>
- <TD>Replace lowercase characters with uppercase.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :L </CODE>
- <TD>Replace uppercase characters with lowercase.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :<i>chars</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Select the components listed in <i>chars</i>.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :G=<I>grist</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Replace grist with <I>grist</I>.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :D=<I>path</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Replace directory with <I>path</I>.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :B=<I>base</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Replace the base part of file name with <I>base</I>.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :S=<I>suf</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Replace the suffix of file name with <I>suf</I>.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :M=<I>mem</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Replace the archive member name with <I>mem</I>.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :R=<I>root</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Prepend <I>root</I> to the whole file name, if not
- already rooted.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :E=<I>value</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Use <I>value</I> instead if the variable is unset.
- <TR><TD><CODE> :J=<I>joinval</I> </CODE>
- <TD>Concatentate list elements into single
- element, separated by <I>joinval</I>.
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- On VMS, $(var:P) is the parent directory of $(var:D); on Unix
- and NT, $(var:P) and $(var:D) are the same.
- <DT> <P> <H3> Built-in Rules </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> has twelve built-in rules, all of which are pure
- procedure rules without updating actions. They are in
- three groups: the first builds the dependency graph;
- the second modifies it; and the third are just utility
- rules.
- <P> <H5> Dependency Building </H5>
- <P><DT><CODE>
- DEPENDS <I>targets1</I> : <I>targets2</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Builds a direct dependency: makes each of <I>targets1</I>
- depend on each of <I>targets2</I>. Generally, <I>targets1</I>
- will be rebuilt if <I>targets2</I> are themselves rebuilt are
- or are newer than <I>targets1</I>.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- INCLUDES <I>targets1</I> : <I>targets2</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Builds a sibling dependency: makes any target that depends
- on any of <I>targets1</I> also depend on each of <I>targets2</I>.
- This reflects the dependencies that arise when one source file
- includes another: the object built from the source file depends
- both on the original and included source file, but the two
- sources files don't depend on each other. For example:
- <CODE>
- <P>DEPENDS foo.o : foo.c ;
- <BR>INCLUDES foo.c : foo.h ;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- "foo.o" depends on "foo.c" and "foo.h" in this example.
- </DL></TABLE>
- <A NAME="bindingmods">
- <P> <H5> Modifying Binding </H5>
- </A>
- <P>
- TEMPORARY modify the dependency graph so that <b>jam</b> treats
- the targets differently during its target binding phase. See
- <A HREF="#binding">Binding</A> above. Normally, <b>jam</b>
- updates a target if it is missing, if its filesystem modification
- time is older than any of its dependencies (recursively), or if
- any of its dependencies are being updated. This basic behavior
- can be changed by invoking the following rules:
- <P><DT><CODE>
- ALWAYS <I>targets</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Causes <I>targets</I> to be rebuilt regardless of whether
- they are up-to-date (they must still be in the dependency graph).
- This is used for the clean and uninstall targets, as they have
- no dependencies and would otherwise appear never to need building.
- It is best applied to targets that are also NOTFILE targets,
- but it can also be used to force a real file to be updated as
- well.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- LEAVES <I>targets</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Makes each of <I>targets</I> depend only on its leaf sources,
- and not on any intermediate targets. This makes it immune to
- its dependencies being updated, as the "leaf" dependencies are
- those without their own dependencies and without updating actions.
- This allows a target to be updated only if original source files
- change.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- NOCARE <I>targets</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Causes <b>jam</b> to ignore <I>targets</I> that neither
- can be found nor have updating actions to build them. Normally
- for such targets <B>jam</B> issues a warning and then skips
- other targets that depend on these missing targets. The HdrRule
- in Jambase uses NOCARE on the header file names found during
- header file scanning, to let <b>jam</b> know that the included
- files may not exist. For example, if a #include is within an
- #ifdef, the included file may not actually be around.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- NOTFILE <I>targets</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Marks <I>targets</I> as pseudotargets and not real files.
- No timestamp is checked, and so the actions on such a target
- are only executed if the target's dependencies are updated, or
- if the target is also marked with ALWAYS. The default <b>jam</b>
- target "all" is a pseudotarget. In Jambase, NOTFILE is used to
- define several addition convenient pseudotargets.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- NOUPDATE <I>targets</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Causes the timestamps on <I>targets</I> to be ignored.
- This has two effects: first, once the target has been created
- it will never be updated; second, manually updating target will
- not cause other targets to be updated. In Jambase, for example,
- this rule is applied to directories by the MkDir rule, because
- MkDir only cares that the target directory exists, not when it
- has last been updated.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- TEMPORARY <I>targets</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Marks <I>targets</I> as temporary, allowing them to be
- removed after other targets that depend upon them have been
- updated. If a TEMPORARY target is missing, <b>jam</b> uses the
- timestamp of the target's parent. Jambase uses TEMPORARY to
- mark object files that are archived in a library after they are
- built, so that they can be deleted after they are archived.
- </DL></TABLE>
- <P> <H5> Utility Rules </H5>
- The remaining rules are utility rules.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- ECHO <i>args</I> ; <br>
- Echo <i>args</I> ; <br>
- echo <i>args</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Blurts out the message <i>args</I> to stdout.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- EXIT <i>args</I> ; <br>
- Exit <i>args</I> ; <br>
- exit <i>args</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Blurts out the message <i>args</I> to stdout and then exits
- with a failure status.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- GLOB <i>directories</I> : <I>patterns</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Scans <i>directories</i> for files matching <i>patterns</i>,
- returning the list of matching files (with directory prepended).
- <i>patterns</i> uses the same syntax as in the <b>switch</b>
- statement. Only useful within the <tt>[ ]</tt> construct, to
- change the result into a list.
- <P><DT><CODE>
- MATCH <i>regexps</I> : <I>list</I> ;
- </CODE>
- <DD> Matches the <b>egrep</b>(1) style regular expressions
- <I>regexps</I> against the strings in <I>list</I>. The result
- is the concatenation of matching <tt>()</tt> subexpressions for
- each string in <I>list</I>, and for each regular expression in
- <I>regexps</I>. Only useful within the <tt>[ ]</tt> construct,
- to change the result into a list.
- </DL></TABLE>
- <DT> <P> <H3> Built-in Variables </H3> <DD>
- <P>
- This section discusses variables that have special meaning to
- <b>jam</b>.
- <A NAME="search">
- <P> <H4> SEARCH and LOCATE Variables </H4>
- </A>
- <P>
- These two variables control the binding of file target names to
- locations in the file system. Generally, $(SEARCH) is used to
- find existing sources while $(LOCATE) is used to fix the location
- for built targets.
- <P>
- Rooted (absolute path) file targets are bound as is. Unrooted
- file target names are also normally bound as is, and thus relative
- to the current directory, but the settings of $(LOCATE) and
- $(SEARCH) alter this:
- <P>
- <UL>
- <LI> If $(LOCATE) is set then the target is bound relative to
- the first directory in $(LOCATE). Only the first element is
- used for binding.
- <LI> If $(SEARCH) is set then the target is bound to the first
- directory in $(SEARCH) where the target file already exists.
- <LI> If the $(SEARCH) search fails, the target is bound relative
- to the current directory anyhow.
- </UL>
- <P>
- Both $(SEARCH) and $(LOCATE) should be set target-specific and
- not globally. If they were set globally, <b>jam</b> would use
- the same paths for all file binding, which is not likely to
- produce sane results. When writing your own rules, especially
- ones not built upon those in Jambase, you may need to set
- $(SEARCH) or $(LOCATE) directly. Almost all of the rules defined
- in Jambase set $(SEARCH) and $(LOCATE) to sensible values for
- sources they are looking for and targets they create, respectively.
- <A NAME="hdrscan">
- <P> <H4> HDRSCAN and HDRRULE Variables </H4>
- </A>
- <P>
- These two variable control header file scanning. $(HDRSCAN) is
- an <b>egrep</b>(1) pattern, with ()'s surrounding the file name,
- used to find file inclusion statements in source files. Jambase
- uses $(HDRPATTERN) as the pattern for $(HDRSCAN). $(HDRRULE)
- is the name of a rule to invoke with the results of the scan:
- the scanned file is the target, the found files are the sources.
- $(HDRRULE) is run under the influence of the scanned file's
- target-specific variables.
- <P>
- Both $(HDRSCAN) and $(HDRRULE) must be set for header file
- scanning to take place, and they should be set target-specific
- and not globally. If they were set globally, all files, including
- executables and libraries, would be scanned for header file
- include statements.
- <P>
- The scanning for header file inclusions is not exact, but it is
- at least dynamic, so there is no need to run something like
- <b>makedepend</b>(GNU) to create a static dependency file. The
- scanning mechanism errs on the side of inclusion (i.e., it is
- more likely to return filenames that are not actually used by
- the compiler than to miss include files) because it can't tell
- if #include lines are inside #ifdefs or other conditional logic.
- In Jambase, HdrRule applies the NOCARE rule to each header file
- found during scanning so that if the file isn't present yet
- doesn't cause the compilation to fail, <b>jam</b> won't care.
- <P>
- Also, scanning for regular expressions only works where the
- included file name is literally in the source file. It can't
- handle languages that allow including files using variable names
- (as the Jam language itself does).
- <P> <H4> Platform Identifier Variables </H4>
- <P>
- A number of Jam built-in variables can be used to identify
- runtime platform:
- <P>
- <TR><TD>OS<TD>OS identifier string
- <TR><TD>OSPLAT<TD>Underlying architecture, when applicable
- <TR><TD>MAC<TD>true on MAC platform
- <TR><TD>NT<TD>true on NT platform
- <TR><TD>OS2<TD>true on OS2 platform
- <TR><TD>UNIX<TD>true on Unix platforms
- <TR><TD>VMS<TD>true on VMS platform
- </TABLE>
- <P> <H4> Jam Version Variables </H4>
- <P>
- <TR><TD>JAMDATE<TD>Time and date at <b>jam</b> start-up.
- <TR><TD>JAMUNAME<TD>Ouput of <b>uname</b>(1) command (Unix only)
- <TR><TD>JAMVERSION<TD><b>jam</b> version, as reported by jam -v.
- </TABLE>
- <P> <H4> JAMSHELL Variable </H4>
- <P>
- When <b>jam</b> executes a rule's action block, it forks and
- execs a shell, passing the action block as an argument to the
- shell. The invocation of the shell can be controlled by
- $(JAMSHELL). The default on Unix is, for example:
- <P>
- <CODE>JAMSHELL = /bin/sh -c % ;</CODE>
- <P>
- The % is replaced with the text of the action block.
- <P>
- <B>Jam</b> does not directly support building in parallel across
- multiple hosts, since that is heavily dependent on the local
- environment. To build in parallel across multiple hosts, you
- need to write your own shell that provides access to the multiple
- hosts. You then reset $(JAMSHELL) to reference it.
- <P>
- Just as <b>jam</b> expands a % to be the text of the rule's
- action block, it expands a ! to be the multi-process slot number.
- The slot number varies between 1 and the number of concurrent
- jobs permitted by the -j flag given on the command line. Armed
- with this, it is possible to write a multiple host shell. For
- example:
- <P>
- <BR>#!/bin/sh
- <BR>
- <BR># This sample JAMSHELL uses the SunOS on(1) command to execute a
- <BR># command string with an identical environment on another host.
- <BR>
- <BR># Set JAMSHELL = jamshell ! %
- <BR>#
- <BR># where jamshell is the name of this shell file.
- <BR>#
- <BR># This version handles up to -j6; after that they get executed
- <BR># locally.
- <BR>
- <BR>case $1 in
- <BR>1|4) on winken sh -c "$2";;
- <BR>2|5) on blinken sh -c "$2";;
- <BR>3|6) on nod sh -c "$2";;
- <BR>*) eval "$2";;
- <BR>esac
- <DT> <P> <H2> DIAGNOSTICS </H2> <DD>
- <P>
- In addition to generic error messages, <B>jam</B> may emit one of
- the following:
- <P><DT><CODE> warning: unknown rule X </CODE> <DD>
- A rule was invoked that has not been defined with
- an "actions" or "rule" statement.
- <P><DT><CODE> using N temp target(s) </CODE> <DD>
- Targets marked as being temporary (but nonetheless
- present) have been found.
- <P><DT><CODE> updating N target(s) </CODE> <DD>
- Targets are out-of-date and will be updated.
- <P><DT><CODE> can't find N target(s) </CODE> <DD>
- Source files can't be found and there are no
- actions to create them.
- <P><DT><CODE> can't make N target(s) </CODE> <DD>
- Due to sources not being found, other targets cannot be made.
- <P><DT><CODE> warning: X depends on itself </CODE> <DD>
- A target depends on itself either directly or
- through its sources.
- <P><DT><CODE> don't know how to make X </CODE> <DD>
- A target is not present and no actions have been
- defined to create it.
- <P><DT><CODE> X skipped for lack of Y </CODE> <DD>
- A source failed to build, and thus a target cannot
- be built.
- <P><DT><CODE> warning: using independent target X </CODE> <DD>
- A target that is not a dependency of any other
- target is being referenced with $(<) or $(>).
- <P><DT><CODE> X removed </CODE> <DD>
- <b>Jam</b> removed a partially built target after being
- interrupted.
- </DL></TABLE>
- <DT> <P> <H2> BUGS, LIMITATIONS </H2> <DD>
- <P>
- The -j flag can cause <B>jam</B> to get confused when single
- actions update more than one target at a time. <B>jam</B> may
- proceed as if the targets were built even though they are still
- under construction.
- <P>
- For parallel building to be successful, the dependencies among
- files must be properly spelled out, as targets tend to get built
- in a quickest-first ordering. Also, beware of un-parallelizable
- commands that drop fixed-named files into the current directory,
- like <b>yacc</b>(1) does.
- <P>
- With the -j flag, errors from failed commands can get staggeringly
- mixed up.
- <P>
- A poorly set $(JAMSHELL) is likely to result in silent failure.
- <DT> <P> <H2> SEE ALSO </H2> <DD>
- <P>
- <UL>
- <LI> <a href="Jambase.html">Jambase Reference</a>
- <LI> <a href="Jamfile.html">Using Jamfiles and Jambase</a>
- </UL>
- <P>
- Jam documentation and source are available from the <A
- HREF="http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html">Perforce
- Public Depot</a>.
- <DT> <P> <H2> AUTHOR </H2> <DD>
- <P>
- Jam's author is Christopher Seiwald (<a
- href="mailto:seiwald@perforce.com">seiwald@perforce.com</A>).
- Documentation is provided by
- <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce Software, Inc.</A>
- </DL>
- <P> <HR>
- <P>
- Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc.
- <BR>
- Comments to <A HREF="mailto:info@perforce.com">info@perforce.com</A>
- <BR>
- Last updated: May, 2002
- <BR>
- $Id: //guest/miklos_fazekas/jamfix/Jam.html#3 $
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 2576 | Miklos Fazekas | Integrate to jam 2.5 rc1 | 22 years ago | |
#2 | 2534 | Miklos Fazekas | Integrate to Jam mainline | 22 years ago | |
#1 | 2522 | Miklos Fazekas | Graphisoft bugfix jam | 22 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/jam/src/Jam.html | |||||
#16 | 2504 | rmg |
Fix erroneous statement about :E modifier. doc change only. |
22 years ago | |
#15 | 2490 | rmg | Jam langauge work: make 'return' actually return from the rule, rather than just setting... the return value. Introduce new break/continue statements for managing loops. User visible change to be documented in Jam.html. === computer:1666: Change 37200 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/10/22 15:41:28 Gross rework of Jam.html documentation, including: - the description of parameters for rules - description of -g flag - a new description of targets - more about rules and their return values - better separation of rules and updating actions - putting borders around the tables (Undocumented) change to documentation. === computer:1666: Change 37551 by seiwald@waffle-cyg-seiwald on 2002/11/03 23:17:12 Document jam's new and working break/continue/return statements. === computer:1666: Change 37574 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/11/04 13:13:01 « |
22 years ago | |
#14 | 2488 | rmg | Remove the /MR suffix from Jam. === computer:1666: Change 37146 by seiwald@play-seiwald... on 2002/10/21 15:23:18 « |
22 years ago | |
#13 | 2486 | rmg | Fooling around with jam's -d flag, to make it possible to specify useful display output w...ithout turning on loads of debugging crud. New -dd flag to display dependencies. Provisional changes not yet documented in jam.html. === computer:1666: Change 36374 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/09/19 15:17:20 Jam -d change: the message "...using xxx..." now only shows up with -da, rather than in the default output. It made it hard to see what was happening when there were a lot of temp files lying around. User visible change documented in RELNOTES. === computer:1666: Change 36430 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/09/23 11:34:12 Put jam -dx flags into 'jam -h'. Change to undocumented behavior (jam -h's output). === computer:1666: Change 36551 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/09/26 14:39:54 Document jam's new -d debug flags. === computer:1666: Change 37367 by seiwald@waffle-cyg-seiwald on 2002/10/28 16:03:46 jam -n now implies -dax, just as the old jam -n implied -d2. Change to unreleased functionality. === computer:1666: Change 37550 by seiwald@waffle-cyg-seiwald on 2002/11/03 23:12:15 « |
22 years ago | |
#12 | 2482 | rmg | Jam.html partial rewrite and the support for named parameters to rules. === computer:1...666: Change 34516 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/06/21 23:59:12 « |
22 years ago | |
#11 | 1614 | Perforce staff | Update Jam.html to reflect recent changes to Glob and Match rules, and bring the date up... to 2002. « |
23 years ago | |
#10 | 1536 | rmg | Document indirect rule invokation (changes 1497, 1531). | 23 years ago | |
#9 | 1530 | rmg | Document the new builtin MATCH rule which was added in change 1498. | 23 years ago | |
#8 | 1351 | rmg | This change is integration history only. (Accept -ay'ed integrating: Ch...ange 216 by peter_glasscock@peter_glasscock on 1999/07/27 03:25:01 Integrate recent changes to public source So, these were apparently Matt's tweaks to changes being integrated from //public/jam, and we'll ignore them here. « |
23 years ago | |
#7 | 1346 | rmg | Add an option that gets Jam to exit as soon as any target fails (as if it had received an... "interrupt") Integrates Change 233 by Peter Glasscock. Added to Jam.html & RELNOTES - rmg « |
23 years ago | |
#6 | 1319 | rmg | Jam 2.3 + Perforce's internal changes. This change is a drop of the Perforce internal J...am changes since the 2.3 public release. The individual changes represented herein are preserved in the //guest/richard_geiger/intjam/ branch. The intent of this drop is to provide a base, from which other contributors' Jam branches may be integrated into. It is not intended to become a packaged release in this state. We will be integrating changes from other users prior to creating the next packaged release. Please refer to the src/RELNOTES file for an overview of the changes present in this integration. - Richard Geiger Open Source Engineer at Perforce « |
23 years ago | |
#5 | 486 | Perforce staff | Jam 2.3. See RELNOTES for a list of changes from 2.2.x. Just about every source... file was touched when jam got ANSI-fied. « |
24 years ago | |
#4 | 212 | Perforce staff | An interpretative integration of Peter Glasscock's -o file support. This is handled in th...e make1() routine, rather than in all the exec*.c files. -o x writes the actions to file x rather than actually running them. Implies -n (but not -d2). « |
26 years ago | |
#3 | 76 | Laura Wingerd | Integrate command-block-too-long fix, plus minor doc updates. Jam/MR release level is now... 2.2.5. (change 72, change 73, change 74, change 75) « |
26 years ago | |
#2 | 51 | Laura Wingerd | Update copyright year. | 26 years ago | |
#1 | 2 | laura | Add Jam/MR 2.2 source | 26 years ago |