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- <h1 class="title">Notes</h1>
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- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both">Keyword Expansion Issues:</h2>
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- <p>
- The conversion process preserves keyword file types and sets these files
- in Perforce with the +k modifier. However keywords in Subversion and
- Perforce are expanded differently. For example: In Subversion the keyword
- <code class="literal">$Revision$</code> expands to:
- </p><pre class="screen">
- $Revision: 25005 $ (a change number in Perforce)
- </pre><p>
- Another example is the keyword <code class="literal">$Date$</code>, which in
- Subversion gives you the time as well...
- </p><pre class="screen">
- $Date: 2006-02-17 12:09:10 +0000 (Fri, 17 Feb 2006) $
- </pre><p>
- and in Perforce...
- </p><pre class="screen">
- $Date: 2006/02/17 $
- </pre><p>
- Here is a list of alternatives, (based on the above example):
- </p><pre class="screen">
- $Revision$ ==> $Change$ gives $Change: 25005 $
- $Date$ ==> $DateTime$ gives $DateTime: 2006/02/17 12:09:10 $
- </pre><p>
- Due to the differences in keyword expansion the MD5 sum in Subversion is
- not valid for use in Perforce. This is why any keyword expanded files have
- an empty MD5 sum and why the <span class="command"><strong>p4 verify -u //...</strong></span> command
- is recommended in the 'Optional Steps' section.
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# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 13899 | Paul Allen | added docs to gradle | 10 years ago |