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- <H1>
- Perforce FAQ for System Administrators</H1>
- <p>
- Contributed by Jeff Bowles
- <H3>
- Note - the intended audience for this FAQ is a system administrator who
- knows some Perforce commands as a user, but needs more information to be
- able to do some Perforce administration tasks such as setting up a new
- Perforce user or dealing with restarting the Perforce server after a recovery
- from a catastrophic disk crash.</H3>
- <I>This FAQ assumes that there is a Perforce Administrator who knows some
- of the more complex parts of Perforce, who can provide help, counseling,
- and deal with policy-specific issues....</I>
- <BR>
- <BR>
- <H5>
- <B>Client Stuff</B></H5>
- </DL>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#clientspec">What's
- a client? What's a client spec? How do I tell what this client spec does
- and doesn't do? How do I add a new client?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#viewotherclientspecs">How
- do I tell what some else's client spec looks like? How do I change the
- e-mail address for a user is, if it's not the same as their P4 user name?</A></FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <H5>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Non-admin Usage Stuff</FONT></H5>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#add_deletefiles">How do you
- add/delete files? Can you retrieve a deleted file? How?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#internalvars">On
- Windows/NT, how can I look at internal variables that the Perforce client
- uses to connect?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#p4revert">What is/How do I do
- a p4 revert?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#p4integ">What is/How do
- I do an integration?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#who_has_opened">How can I find
- out who has a particular file checked out?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#p4resolve">How do I do
- a p4 resolve</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#p4unsubmit">How do I
- "unsubmit" a changelist</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#p4modifychangelist">How
- do I "unsubmit" files stuck in a *pending* changelist</A></FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <H5>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Policy Stuff</FONT></H5>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#crlf">How
- does Perforce deal with CR/LF issues? Can this be overridden?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#binaries">Should
- we store binaries in Perforce? Why, or why not?</A></FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <H5>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Admin Issues (backups et al)</FONT></H5>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="#backups">Checkpoint/Journal Questions</A>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#whatischeckpoint">
- What is a checkpoint?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#checkpointfrequency">
- When do I make a checkpoint? How often should I checkpoint my database?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI><FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#journals">
- What's a journal file? What's it good for?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI><FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#checkpointfails">
- What do I do if the checkpoint of the database fails?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI><FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#backupstrategy">
- So if I make checkpoints and have journaling enabled, do I have a good backup strategy?</A></FONT></LI>
- </OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#machinedead">If the machine
- on which the Perforce depot dies, what do we do? If it runs out of space
- on the depot filesystem, what do we do?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#security">How do I handle
- security? (i.e. adding new IP address using p4 protect)</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#newuser">How do I add
- a new user?</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <A HREF="#p4protect">What, exactly, does p4 protect
- do?</A></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#offlineback">How
- do I bring an off-line worker back online</A></FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><A HREF="#backupworkspace">Should I back
- up clients? If so, what files should I back up and what files should I
- keep? How long should I keep backups of clients?</A></FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="clientspec"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">What's
- a client? What's a client spec? How do I tell what this client spec does
- and doesn't do? How do I add a new client?</FONT></B></LI>
- </UL>
- <UL><I>Glossary</I>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <B>depot</B> - the term usually applied to the Perforce repository, which
- lives on the other end of the network connection specified with $P4PORT.
- There's also a syntax used to specify the path names of files in th<FONT COLOR="#000000">e
- depot:</FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> //depot/x/y/z/file.java</FONT>.</TT></LI>
- <LI>
- <B>client</B> - the [local] disk area on a developer's machine, onto which
- read-only copies of the source files are copied. Usually there's one client
- per user and one client per machine, but that's completely up to the user
- and to the people who set it up. (The command p4 client allows you to change
- the mapping so that a file is stored, locally, to the directory/file you
- specify. See the next item for details.)</LI>
- <LI>
- <B>client specification</B> - documented <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.982/cmdguide/quickstart.html">here</A>,
- the internal information specific to a Perforce client, that specifies
- the following:</LI>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- The date/time the client was created.</LI>
- <LI>
- The local directory name that's the top of the local copy of the file set
- retrieved from the depot.</LI>
- <OL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">Root: D:/src</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <LI>
- An owner, which isn't that useful.</LI>
- <LI>
- Lines at the end that look like</LI>
- <OL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">//depot/x/y/... //<I>clientname</I>/x/y/...
- //depot/x/z/%1 //<I>clientname</I>/x/old-z/%1</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <LI>
- The way to read this is "<I>left is the depot pathname and right is the
- local disk pathname"</I>. These lines are the meat of the client specification
- and can be a little tricky.</LI>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- The first line says <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">"all files in depot directory
- /x/y on the depot should be installed in D:/src/x/y, preserving the
- path names below x/y" </FONT></I> (for this example). <em>Every "..."
- is a wild card meaning "everything from here down".</em></LI>
- <LI>
- the second lines says "<FONT COLOR="#000000">the files in depot directory
- /x/z (but no subdirectories in it) should be put into D:/src/x/old-z"</FONT>.</LI>
- </UL>
- <LI>
- The default client spec maps all depot files to the local disk, using:</LI>
- <OL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">//depot/... //<I>clientname</I>/...</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <LI>
- Usually we'll make a client with the "default client specification" and
- use that to create new clients. For example, if the a client named XXX
- exists and has the perfect client spec for a new client to imitate, then</LI>
- <OL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">P4CLIENT=newclientname
- p4 client -t XXX</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">will
- create the new client using the existing "XXX" client as a template. (Hint:
- </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 client</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- uses the current directory as the default for the Root: of the local file
- set it'll retrieve, so you can save keystrokes by </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">chdir</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">'ing
- there before running </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 client</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.)</FONT></OL>
- <LI>
- <B>client software</B> - the copy of <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4.exe</FONT>
- or <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4</FONT> ("client") that someone's downloaded
- from <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce, Inc</A>. that connects
- to a database process ("server") that administers the depot.
- There are many platforms supported, which means there are many different
- machines for which you can download a new <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4</FONT>
- client executable. [Aside: <em>there are no legal restrictions at all w.r.t.
- Perforce client software</em> - the licenses are based on the number of
- legal users, and we can download client software for as many different
- platform types as we choose.]</LI>
- </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">How do I tell what this client spec does and doesn't
- do?</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 client -o <I>clientname</I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- will tell you a lot about a remote client. The two items to stare at are
- "</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">Root:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">" (where
- the local files are loaded) and "</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">View:</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">"
- (the mapping from depot-name to local-name).</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><em>Most client-spec headaches have to do with the
- view not including a new branch/codeline recently installed</em> - your
- build engineers can usually alert you these problems - and problems with
- wild cards in a "View:" line. ("..." and "%1", above, are both such wild
- cards and are documented <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.982/cmdguide/details.html">here</A>.
- In general, your build engineers and/or your local Perforce administrators
- should have a handle on this.)</FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">How do I add a new client?</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">See the item, above, that talks about </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- client -t XXX</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.</FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="add_deletefiles"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">How
- do you add/delete files? Can you retrieve a deleted file? How?</FONT></B></LI>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- To <em>add</em> a file, run <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 add filename</FONT>;
- to <em>delete</em> a file, run <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 delete filename</FONT>.</LI>
- <BR>In both cases, you've really just opened the file for add/delete and
- need to run <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 submit</FONT> afterwards to get it
- checked into the depot.
- <LI>
- To retrieve a deleted file:</LI>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- You need to know the filename in the form:</LI>
- <UL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">//depot/dev/src/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">You'll need some history information, so run the
- following command:</FONT></LI>
- <UL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">D:\src\dev\src><em>p4 filelog //depot/dev/src/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def
- </em>//depot/dev/src/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def
- ... #4 change 19737 delete on 1998/05/05 by stella@stella.greenwich 'Change to move stella's erro'
- ... ... delete into //depot/dev/src030100b01/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def#2
- ... #3 change 19611 edit on 1998/05/04 by stella@stella.sol 'Bits of hacking to support stag'
- ... ... branch into //depot/dev/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def#1
- ... ... branch into //depot/dev/src030100b01/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def#1</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">In this case, <em>revision #4 deleted the file</em>,
- and <em>revision #3 was the last revision that had "real" contents</em>.</FONT>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">A fast way to look at the contents of revision #3
- of this file:</FONT></LI>
- <UL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 print //depot/dev/src/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def#3</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Note that the first line of output is a line of the
- form "</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> <TT>//depot/dev/src/sandbox/stella/GNUdepends.def#3</TT></FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">".</FONT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#000000">If you don't want that, run </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- print -q</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">instead
- of </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 print</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.</FONT>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">To retrieve the contents and check 'em in again,
- you need to "re-add" the file:</FONT></LI>
- <DL>
- <DL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 print -q GNUdepends.def#3 > newfile
- p4 add GNUdepends.def
- cp newfile GNUdepends.def
- p4 submit</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </DL>
- </DL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">(There's two other ways to do this: one is to branch
- revision #3 of the GNUdepends.def, creating a new version, but unfortunately
- it would need a different name; another would be to "p4 sync -f GNUdepends.def#3"
- and then move that copy to the side, then do the "p4 add" shown above.)</FONT></UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">The unasked question is <I>Can I expunge a file that
- I checked into the wrong place?</I> <em>That question is answered in the
- Perforce documentation, under "p4 obliterate", but this shouldn't be done
- without your Perforce administrator standing over you.</em> (That operation
- is completely irreversible.)</FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="crlf"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">How
- does Perforce deal with CR/LF issues? Can this be overridden?</FONT></B></LI>
- </UL>
- <OL><I>Background</I>
- <OL>
- <OL>The machine on which the "p4" client software is run dictates the CR/LF
- behavior. If you extract the files from the Perforce depot using the Windows
- version of "p4" it'll have CR+LF as line separators <em>for text files</em>,
- even if you physically wrote the files to a Unix disk that was remotely
- mounted using NFS or Samba. (This means that the Macintosh version of the
- "p4" client uses CR for end-of-line, always, and the Unix client uses LF
- for end-of-line.)
- <BR> </OL>
- </OL>
- <I>How do you tell if a file is "text" or not?</I>
- <OL>
- <DL>If a file's checked in, run <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 file XXX</FONT>
- where XXX is the name of the file. You'll get output of the form:
- <DL>
- <DL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">//depot/dev/src/GNUdepends.def#3 - edit change 20027 (ktext)
- //depot/dev/src/GNUmakefile#188 - edit change 21753 (text)
- //depot/native/events/EventsGenCtl.bmp#3 - delete change 1103 (binary)</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </DL>
- </DL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Unless it was specified when the user ran p4 add,
- the local Perforce client guessed based on the first few bytes of the file.
- (NUL characters and non-ASCII are dead giveaways - if they're present,
- the file <em>has</em> to be binary.)</FONT>
- <BR> </DL>
- </OL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">What if you it guessed wrong, and you need to
- change the type of a file so that it does end-of-line processing?</FONT></I>
- <OL>
- <OL><FONT COLOR="#000000">You'll need to open the existing file for editing,
- change its type, and submit the change:</FONT>
- <OL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 edit -t text //depot/native/events/EventsGenCtl.bmp
- p4 submit</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">In this case, you'll probably be treating a .bmp
- file like it's text, which is pretty silly, but this gets the point across.
- You can go back and forth with a file, if you choose - change the type
- of a file from text to binary, or binary to text. (The </FONT><em><FONT COLOR="#990000">k</FONT></em><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- in </FONT><em><FONT COLOR="#990000">ktext</FONT></em>, above, means "expand
- keywords like $Id: //depot/internal/staff/stella/P4AdminFAQ.html#18$ in the
- contents when it's fetched from the depot. There are other types, also:
- <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 help reopen</FONT></TT> lists 'em. There's
- a type for "long text files that are computer-generated such as PDF files"
- - be sure to note that one.)
- <BR> </OL>
- </OL>
- <I>Ways to force it to not interpret end-of-line, to leave the file contents
- alone:</I>
- <OL>
- <OL>Change the file type from text to binary, and make sure that it's byte-for-byte
- the exact contents you want.
- <BR> </OL>
- </OL>
- <I>How do I get Unix end-of-line processing behavior on my Windows Perforce
- client?</I>
- <OL>
- <OL>Short answer: I don't know. Certainly, you can edit the files on Unix,
- store what you want there, and change the file type to "binary" to guarantee
- that the contents aren't munged when you fetch 'em with the Windows client.
- that's probably the fastest, but ugliest way.</OL>
- </OL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%"></OL>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="viewotherclientspecs"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">How
- do I tell what some else's client spec looks like? How do I change the
- e-mail address for a user is, if it's not the same as their P4 user name?</FONT></B></LI>
- </UL>
- <UL><I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Looking at someone else's client...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">To look at your client, you run:</FONT>
- <UL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 client</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> </FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- (dumps you into an editor)</FONT></UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">or</FONT>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#990000"><TT>p4 client -o</TT> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- (dumps information to standard output)</FONT></UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">To look at someone else's client, run:</FONT>
- <UL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 -c <I>client-name</I> client</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </UL>
- or
- <UL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 -c <I>client-name</I> client -o</FONT></TT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">(Don't change this information (inside the editor)
- without eventually informing the user who uses it the most - they could
- get cranky about it!)</FONT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Looking at someone else's user information...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">To look at your user information, you run:</FONT>
- <UL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 user</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- (dumps you into an editor)</FONT></UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">or</FONT>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#990000"><TT>p4 user -o</TT> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- (dumps information to standard output)</FONT></UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">To look at someone else's user information, you run:</FONT>
- <UL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 <I> </I>user</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- </FONT><I><FONT COLOR="#990000">their-name</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- </FONT></I><FONT COLOR="#000000">(dumps you into an editor)</FONT></UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">or</FONT>
- <UL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 -u <I>their-name</I> user -o</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- (dumps information to standard output)</FONT></UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">(Note that, if it dumped you into an editor, the
- file's readonly. To modify another user's information, you will need to
- utter a couple of extra commands not included in this FAQ - see your local
- Perforce Administrator for those. )</FONT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">How would I change someone's e-mail address in
- the Perforce user database?</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">Run </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 user
- <I>user-name</I></FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">(which
- dumps you into an editor) and change it.</FONT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Note - if you're trying to automate this...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">Most commands that use the option </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">-o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- to write to standard output have a </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">-i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- option to read from standard input. By doing this, you could write a script
- that appends "@myplace.com" to the e-mail user with the commands:</FONT>
- <UL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 user -o ><I> tmp-file
- </I>sed '/^Email:/s/$/@myplace.com/' < <I>tmp-file</I> | <em>p4 user -i</em></FONT></TT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">The underlined part will need a modification to succeed
- - it's deliberately omitted from this FAQ for security reasons. See
- your Perforce Adminstrators for details.</FONT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">(If you do this sorta thing, put a lot more error
- checking into the script that you see here!)</FONT></UL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="binaries"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">Should
- we store binaries in Perforce? Why, or why not?</FONT></B></LI>
- </UL>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000"><I>Sure, but they can take up some space.</I>
- There are several things you need to do when you store a binary in Perforce:</FONT>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Make sure its file type is "</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">binary</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">"
- (or "</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">xbinary</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">")
- when you check it in. Binary files are stored in a different manner than
- text files, because with text files it makes sense to store a simple delta
- between two revisions. For certain generated text files (PostScript, Adobe
- Acrobat PDF files) and binaries it doesn't make sense, so pick the file
- type appropriately.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><em>Perforce stores enough information to recreate
- each revision of the binary</em>, so if the binary is 100 Mb and you keep
- checking in new versions every day, you might run out of disk very quickly.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">A binary file stored in a branch doesn't immediately
- take up more space, but <em>has the potential to fill up each user's client
- area</em> by having multiple copies of [potentially] big files. [This can
- happen because a user might have multiple branches mapped to their disk,
- and they'd get a separate copy of the file for each branch.]</FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">The main headache with storing binaries is that it's
- tempting to check in the complete release you developed using Perforce,
- so that "x.c" and "x.h" and "x.o" and "x.out" all appear in Perforce. That
- might not be the strategy you want, partly because it introduces an ambiguity:
- someone might update "x.c" or "x.h" but not realize that "x.out" is getting
- shipped, but wasn't updated. (That's dangerous.)</FONT>
- <P>Addendum: a recent version of Perforce supports "compressed files" and
- can save a lot of space on the depot when used. If you need to store binaries
- in Perforce, it's handy to research this new feature.
- <P>Also, there's a new file type called "tempobj" which stores "temporary
- object" files. It's a good way to check in the most recent revision of
- some object file, obsoleting all prior revisions, so that developers will
- be able to use this object (or library or executable) without recompiling
- it.</UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <B><FONT COLOR="#000000">On Windows/NT, <A NAME="internalvars"></A>how
- can I look at internal variables that the Perforce client uses to connect?</FONT></B></LI>
- <P><I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Environment</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">There are the environment variables described
- here, but the most frequently used are <I>$P4PORT</I> and <I>$P4CLIENT</I>.</FONT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Internal variables</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">In addition, p4 set shows some entries hidden
- [in the Windows registry, I believe] that can be set using</FONT>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 set P4PORT=<I>p4server:1666</I></FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">or</FONT>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 set -s P4CLIENT=<I>stella.newclientname</I></FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">To view this internal registry, type </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- set</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> (with no arguments).</FONT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Debugging this...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">If </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 help</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- works, then </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">$P4PORT</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- is set correctly.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">If </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 client -o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- works, then </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">$P4CLIENT</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- is <em>probably</em> set correctly; read the output closely to make sure.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">If </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 user -o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- works, then it's getting the username out of the environment (good).</FONT></LI>
- </OL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="p4revert"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">What is/How do
- I do a p4 revert?</FONT></B></LI>
- </UL>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">A file can be opened for add/delete/edit/integrate/branch,
- which flags the Perforce database with enough info to know who's changing
- what. These "markers" are cleared when you do run</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">
- p4 submit </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">or </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- revert </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">on those files.</FONT>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">To revert a file you've opened, run</FONT>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 revert file1 [file2 ...]</FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">This causes several things to happen:</FONT>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">It's no longer marked as "open" in the Perforce database;</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">A fresh copy of the revision of the <I>reverted</I>
- files that you started hacking on is copied back to your client area, since
- you might've made modifications that need to be obsoleted;</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">The <I>reverted</I> files are marked read-only, as
- if you'd just run "p4 sync" on those files.</FONT></LI>
- </OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Note that you weren't given fresh copies of the top-level
- revision of the reverted files - they're left in exactly the state they
- were in before you ran "p4 add/delete/edit/integrate/branch".</FONT></UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="p4integ"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">What is/How
- do I do an integration? <A NAME="p4resolve"></A>How
- do I do a p4 resolve?</FONT></B></LI>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">In short, an integration is a command to merge
- changes from another codeline or a later revision of a file into a target
- revision managed by Perforce.</FONT>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">For example, if you're editing revision #14 of a
- file and someone checks in revision #15, you'll need to <I>resolve</I>
- the new code into your working copy prior to submitting it to the depot.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Another example is if you make a change to file.c
- in a branch and want to propogate the modified version to a parent/child
- branch of that file.</FONT></LI>
- </OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">The detailed walk-through of an integration isn't
- included in this FAQ. To do this, look <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.973/cmdguide/html/conflict.htm">here</A>
- for the Perforce documentation on dealing with conflicts/integrations.</FONT>
- <P><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">The most important thing to remember, when
- you're running "p4 resolve", is that <I>the file you're modifying is <em>your</em>
- file; any other files are <em>their</em> files</I>. </FONT></B><FONT COLOR="#000000">Why
- bother with this note? Well, much of the confusion doing the integrations
- comes from questions that "p4 resolve" asked you. You're expected to respond
- with things like "accept yours" or "accept theirs" or the like, and
- it's easiest to remember that <em>yours</em> always refers to the file that
- the "p4 integrate/p4 resolve/p4 submit" cycle will be modifying. It doesn't
- matter whether it's the parent or the child in the branch.</FONT></UL>
- <UL> [Aside: you must always remember to <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- submit</FONT></TT> the merge to complete the operation. Until that's done,
- you can <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 revert</FONT></TT> the changes (to
- deal with them <I>tomorrow</I>) or<TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"> p4 resolve
- -f </FONT></TT> the changes if you want a second chance at it.]</UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI><A NAME="backups"></A>Checkpoint/Journal questions
- <p>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <A name="whatischeckpoint"></A><B>What is a checkpoint?</B>
- <P>
- A checkpoint is an human-readable file that contains all information
- necessary to recreate the Perforce databases but not the individual
- file revision contents. It's created by running the following
- command, replacing <i>P4ROOT</i> with the name of the Perforce server's
- root directory. (The <i>P4ROOT</i> directory is the one that the "db.*"
- files live in.) </P>
- <DL>
- <PRE> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 admin checkpoint</FONT></PRE>
- </DL>
- In older versions of Perforce that don't have the <tt>p4 admin</tt> subcommand:
- <DL>
- <PRE> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4d -r <I>P4ROOT</I> -jc</FONT></PRE>
- </DL>
- <em>The administrator should always check the output of the command that
- created the checkpoint to make sure that there were no errors.</em>
- <p>
- <li>
- <A NAME="checkpointfrequency"></A><B>When do I make a checkpoint? How often should I checkpoint my database? </B>
- <p>
- This is your backup of the Perforce metadata, so it should be done
- "regularly". (Probably every night or every other night is best - <em>at
- least once a week</em> unless you've analyzed the number of changes you
- make and believe that "less often" is appropriate.)
- <BR>
- <DL><I>Put the checkpoint and journal files and the backup of P4ROOT/depot
- on a different disk from the database! </I>
- <BR> </DL>
- Checkpoints are not created automatically: you must make checkpoints yourself,
- using "at" (on Windows/NT) or "cron" (on Unix).
- <p>
- <li>
- <A NAME="journals"></A><B>What's a journal file? What's it good for? </B>
- <p>
- In database parlance, the journal is the running transaction log that
- keeps track of all database modifications since the last checkpoint. It's the bridge between two checkpoints, and if you have Monday's
- checkpoint and the journal that was collected from then until Wednesday,
- those two files (as a unit) contain the same information as a checkpoint
- made Wednesday would contain. This is what makes it possible to restore
- the database to the most recently run transaction, instead of to
- the time of the last checkpoint operation.
- <P><em>The journal is automatically enabled if you installed onto Windows/NT
- using the InstallShield installer, but not automatically enabled on any
- other platform.</em>
- <P>If journalling is not enabled on your platform, or if you've
- disabled it at some point in the past, you can enable it easily.
- To enable journaling, run
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- set P4JOURNAL=fullpathname</FONT></TT>
- (on Windows/NT)
- <BR>or, on Unix, set the environment variable "P4JOURNAL" to a journal
- pathname prior to starting "p4d". (There's a command-line argument, "-J
- <I>journal</I>", that will set this, also. If you use the command-line
- way of setting the journal, you'll need to add that argument when you
- make a checkpoint.) In either case, you'll need
- to restart the Perforce server to enable this.
- <P>The instructions to do this are in the Perforce manuals, but for reference,
- they are included here.
- <UL>
- <LI>
- to restore from a checkpoint, rename the db.* files and then run:</LI>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4d -r <I>P4ROOT</I>
- -jr checkpoint-file</FONT></TT>
- <LI>
- to restore from the journal (immediately after restoring from a checkpoint): </LI>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4d -r <I>P4ROOT</I>
- -jr journal-file</FONT></TT>
- <LI>
- to restore from both, rename the db.* files and then run:</LI>
- <BR><TT> <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4d -r <I>P4ROOT</I>
- -jr checkpoint-file journal-file</FONT></TT></UL>
- (This operation can take several minutes to complete, depending on the
- size of the checkpoint/journal files.)
- <P>Both the checkpoint-file and journal-file are made to be restored from
- exactly once, that is, you cannot restore from a checkpoint file and then
- try to restore <em>again</em> to the same "db.*" database files from that
- checkpoint - you'd have to move the db.* files out of the way first.
- <p>
- <A NAME="checkpointfails"></A>
- <li><B>What do I do if the checkpoint of the database fails? </B>
- <p>
- It's probably best to stop the server, and contact
- <A HREF="mailto:support@perforce.com">Perforce Technical Support</A>.
- <p>
- That said, there could be several reasons that the
- checkpoint operation failed. Three possible cases follow:
- <ol>
- <li>
- You ran out of space on the device onto which the checkpoint data
- was written. This is an easy case: clean up the space issues and try
- the checkpoint operation again.
- <li>
- There was/is data corruption in the Perforce database itself. In this
- case, you'll need to talk with the Perforce Support folks. <em>If you
- have the most recent successful checkpoint and the journal that was made
- since then, you'll be able to restore the database easily.</em>
- <li>
- The disk on which the db.* files live died. In this case, you'll
- also want to talk to Perforce Support. The procedure to recover from
- that, they'll probably tell you, is to fix the disk errors and then
- restore from a checkpoint and the journal that's been kept since then.
- </ol>
- <p>
- <A NAME="backupstrategy"></A>
- <li><B>So if I make checkpoints and have journaling enabled, do I have a
- good backup strategy? </B>
- <p>
- Almost. The checkpoint+journal mechanism will protect your metadata,
- but the contents of each file's revisions are stored in subdirectories
- of the P4ROOT directory. Those should be backed up regularly, on the same
- schedule as the checkpoint file.
- </OL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="machinedead"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">If the machine
- on which the Perforce depot dies, what do we do? If it runs out of space
- on the depot filesystem, what do we do?</FONT></B></LI>
- <P><I><FONT COLOR="#000000">If the machine croaks...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">If the machine croaks and you need to move the
- Perforce server to another machine, you'll need to take several easy steps
- (and one hard one):</FONT>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000"><B>Immediately send mail</B><I> </I>to <TT><A HREF="mailto:support@perforce.com">support@perforce.com</A></TT>
- asking for a license file for the replacement machine, unless it'll use
- the <em>same</em> IP address as the one that died. Include the IP address
- of the new machine, and be sure to stuff a $10 bill into the e-mail envelope.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">If you can get to the disk that has the depot files,
- copy them to the new machine. If not, read the section [below] about "what
- if the disk croaks?".</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Copy the new license file to the same directory as
- all the "db.*" files in the depot [on the new machine].</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Retrieve /etc/init.d/p4 from the old depot disk,
- if possible, and run </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">/etc/init.d/p4 start</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000">.
- If that's not possible, set the variable P4ROOT and then run</FONT></LI>
- <OL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#990000">$P4ROOT/p4d -r $P4ROOT -p <em>1666</em></FONT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Your site might use some other port number,
- like maybe 6999, and that'll go after the `-p' parameter.</FONT>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Send mail to your developers and make sure that they
- change $P4PORT in their environment (to point to a new machine) prior to
- using the client software.</FONT></LI>
- </OL>
- </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">If the disk croaks...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Replace the disk, and restore the database from a
- backup using the checkpoint and journal files. (That's covered <A HREF="#whentobackup">above</A>,
- in the previous item.)</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Copy in a new license file, either obtained from
- <TT><A HREF="mailto:support@perforce.com">support@perforce.com</A></TT>
- or from an old backup.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Restore the $P4ROOT/depot subdirectory from your
- backups.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Start up the server with </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">/etc/init.d/p4
- start</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> and stand back.</FONT></LI>
- </OL>
- </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">If the disk runs out of space...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- If there wasn't database corruption, think seriously about moving $P4ROOT/depot
- to another disk and symlink'ing it or mounting it back.</LI>
- <LI>
- If there was, call in your local Perforce admin-types. They'll want to
- restore from a checkpoint+journal combination. In this case, no data will
- be lost.</LI>
- </OL>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="who_has_opened"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">How can
- I find out who has a particular file checked out?</FONT></B></LI>
- <OL><FONT COLOR="#000000">The command </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 opened</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">
- tells you what is opened on the current client.</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">
- p4 opened -a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> tells you what's opened on every
- client, so</FONT>
- <OL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 opened -a | grep <I>sitemap</I></FONT></TT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">tells you every file that user <I><TT>sitemap</TT></I>
- has checked out (along with all files named sitemap that are opened.) In
- addition,</FONT>
- <OL>
- <PRE><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 opened -a <I>filename</I></FONT></TT></PRE>
- </OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">tells you every client that has filename opened.</FONT></OL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="newuser"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">How do
- I add a new user?</FONT></B></LI>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- To add a new user, just run a Perforce command as that user. It will attempt
- to add them to the list of Perforce users. However...</LI>
- <LI>
- ... many sites use <FONT COLOR="#990000"><TT>p4 protect</TT>
- </FONT>to turn on/off access to codelines. It's important to run this command
- (as a perforce adminstrator) to grant permissions to the user.</LI>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="p4protect"></A><B>What, exactly, does
- p4 protect do?</B></LI>
- </UL>
- <UL>
- <OL>In short, it restricts what users can see what, and what IP addresses
- can access what codelines. Most of this should be left to the Perforce
- administrators, but a quite briefing on how to decode the <TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- protect</FONT></TT> output is:
- <OL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">d:\src\dev> p4 protect</FONT></TT>
- <BR><FONT COLOR="#990000"><TT># </TT><I>comments
- deleted</I></FONT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">Protections:</FONT></TT>
- <OL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user root 207.82.17.* //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user maggie 207.82.17.* //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user maggie //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user brick 207.82.17.* //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user brick //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user brick 209.185.70.* //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user kevin 207.82.17.* //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super user stella //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">write user laurie 207.82.17.* //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">write user carl 207.82.17.* //depot/dev/src/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">read user carl //depot/dev/src030100b01/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">write user bigdaddy 207.82.17.* //depot/...</FONT></TT></OL>
- </OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">The way to read this is:</FONT>
- <OL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000"><I>permission </I>user<I> username
- IP-Address depot-pathname</I></FONT></TT></OL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">This means "this username, at this IP-Address,
- has the given permissions on files that match this "depot" pathname." So,
- for example:</FONT>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">User "root" can do protected operations on the entire
- depot, but only from the internal company IP addresses. (Line 1)</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">User "maggie" can do protected operations from
- the internal net and from his home IP address. (Lines 2-3)</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Carl can modify things in //depot/dev/src but can
- only read files in /depot/dev/src030100b01, and in that case, only from
- home.</FONT></LI>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">By default, if the permission isn't explicitly granted
- in the "p4 protect" spec, it's denied completely to that user.</FONT>
- <P>Note that this doesn't cover the mechanism added, in release 98.2, for
- "groups". That's covered in the manual.<</OL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="security"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">how do
- I handle security? (i.e. adding new IP address using p4 protect)</FONT></B></LI>
- <P><I><FONT COLOR="#000000">At WebLogic...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <OL><FONT COLOR="#000000">Some places use </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- protect</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> to limit what branches are visible
- to what IP addresses. For example, the main codeline is restricted to engineers
- who are on the internal network or dialing in from home on dedicated IP
- addresses - the output of</FONT>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 protect</FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">at this company is something like this:</FONT>
- <UL><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super maggie //depot/dev/src030100b01/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">super brick 209.82.17.* //depot/dev/src030100b01/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">write stella 209.82.17.* //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">write stella //depot/...</FONT></TT>
- <BR><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">write * * -//depot/dev/src/tutorial/...</FONT></TT></UL>
- In this case, "stella" has write permission from internal IP addresses (209.82.17.*)
- and from the one IP address he uses to connect to, from home (
- In any case, write permission is disabled from all IP addresses ("*") for
- the directory "//depot/dev/src/tutorial".
- <P>The model is that we completely restrict access to anyone not explicitly
- granted access via "<FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 protect</FONT>". (Normally,
- Perforce doesn't require this - it was a decision made based on having
- people connect to Perforce from outside the internal net.)
- <BR>
- <BR>(The above IP addresses aren't the real IP addresses used at WebLogic,
- so anyone editing this FAQ should avoid "fixing" this.)
- <P>If you cannot "<FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 sync</FONT>" some files to the
- top revision, it could be that permissions haven't been granted for that
- user.
- <BR> </OL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Anywhere else...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <OL>Read <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.973/cmdguide/html/protecti.htm">here</A>
- carefully. The most important details are:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- There's no easy way to include comments in the "p4 protect" maps.
- We've used the following syntax to include comments:</LI>
- <OL>
- <PRE>write * * -//depot/comment/***
- write * * -//depot/comment/***_1a_remove_the_permissions_for_frozen_branches_here
- write * * -//depot/comment/***</PRE>
- </OL>
- <LI>
- <em>Order in the <FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 protect </FONT>specification is
- significant</em>. The first permissions granted can be overridden by later
- specs, so "less is more".</LI>
- <BR>If you need real security, since it's far to easy to masquerade as
- another user (but far harder to masquerade as another IP address!) try
- to run one of the SSL mechanisms for Perforce work.</UL>
- </OL>
- </UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="offlineback"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">How
- do I bring an off-line worker back online</FONT></B></LI>
- </UL>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">Run </FONT><TT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 help
- diff</FONT></TT><FONT COLOR="#000000"> to see what commands there are to
- compare someone's local disk area to what Perforce thinks was originally
- there. In particular, the following commands can be really helpful for
- finding what files the developer's modified while disconnected:</FONT>
- <BR>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#990000">cd [workspace root]
- find . -type f -print | p4 -x - add
- p4 diff -se ... | p4 -x - edit
- p4 diff -sd ... | p4 -x - delete</FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Note that the "</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- -x - add</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">" will generate errors for files that
- are already in Perforce - that's okay.</FONT></I>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">[Aside: users should be told to "never run 'chmod'
- or 'rm' on a file that Perforce gave you unless you're disconnected".]</FONT></UL>
- <HR WIDTH="100%">
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="p4unsubmit"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">How
- do I "unsubmit" a changelist? <A NAME="p4modifychangelist"></A>How
- do I "unsubmit" files stuck in a *pending* changelist?</FONT></B></LI>
- <P><FONT COLOR="#000000">If you have a file associated with <em>pending</em>
- change #12345, you have several options:</FONT>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Run the resolve command (or whatever the operation
- was that prevented the submission from completing) and then run</FONT></LI>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 submit -c 12345</FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Revert the individual files if you want to discard
- the changes, then delete the change. One such example is...</FONT></LI>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">D:\src></FONT><B><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 describe -s 12345</FONT></B></PRE>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">Change 12345 by karena@karena.ave5 on 1998/04/16 14:44:05 *pending*</FONT></PRE>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">fixed links</FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">Affected files ...</FONT></PRE>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">... //depot/internal/support/baystone/glossary.html#7 edit</FONT></PRE>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">D:\src></FONT><B><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 revert //depot/internal/support/baystone/glossary.html</FONT></B></PRE>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">D:\src></FONT><B><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 change -d 12345</FONT></B></PRE>
- </UL>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">(The output above is somewhat contrived, and might
- not be exactly what "</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 describe</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">"
- might've produced in this situation. The important parts - the "pending"
- state, the change number, and the file list, should be close enough to
- use this as an example.)</FONT>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Assign the files to another new change using</FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">
- p4 change </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">and </FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4
- reopen</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000">:</FONT></LI>
- <UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">D:\src></FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 change</FONT></PRE>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">(lots of edits of the change description, saving
- the output in the editor. Let's assume that the change number that it created
- was change #34346.)</FONT></I>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">D:\src></FONT><FONT COLOR="#990000">p4 reopen -c 34343 <B>//depot/internal/support/baystone/glossary.html</B></FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- <PRE><FONT COLOR="#000000">Of course, you'll still want to delete that pending change at some point.</FONT></PRE>
- </UL>
- </UL>
- <PRE>
- <HR WIDTH="100%"></PRE>
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <A NAME="backupworkspace"></A><B><FONT COLOR="#000000">Should
- I back up clients? If so, what files should I back up and what files should
- I keep? How long should I keep backups of clients?</FONT></B></LI>
- <P><em><FONT COLOR="#000000">This is specific to each company that implements
- Perforce.</FONT></em>
- <P><I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Back up the depot itself...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">The most important thing to back up is the Perforce
- depot, which is a set of three things: the checkpointed database,
- the subdirectory (called "depot") that stores each revision of each file
- that Perforce is managing, and the license file.</FONT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">If your Perforce Adminstrators are on the ball...</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">The information to recreate products should be
- stored as files in Perforce, and the release <em>should</em> be recreateable
- using only the files in Perforce. The "label" information is stored in
- the Perforce databases (and hence, is in the backed-up checkpoint file),
- so releases <em>should</em> be safe.</FONT>
- <BR> </UL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">But should I back up a Perforce client?</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <OL>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">Strictly speaking, it should not be necessary if
- developers check in work frequently.</FONT></LI>
- <LI>
- <FONT COLOR="#000000">That said, it probably makes sense to archive the
- Perforce client area that generates a release that's sent to customers,
- so that when a patch needs to be made it can be built from <B>exactly the
- same source and object files</B> that created the original release. (You
- don't want to <em>have</em> to recompile everything to send out a patch,
- unless you're regressing everything in sight. Compilers might've changed,
- machine environments might've changed. Why borrow trouble?)</FONT></LI>
- </OL>
- <I><FONT COLOR="#000000">So I don't need to back up any Perforce clients
- except my build clients?</FONT></I>
- <BR>
- <UL><FONT COLOR="#000000">Talk to your local Perforce Administrator-types.
- They'll have an opinion on this, we can assure you.</FONT></UL>
- </UL>
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- Copyright © 1996, 2007 Perforce
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# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 8158 | michael |
Archiving legacy FAQ. See kb.perforce.com instead or documentation at www.perforce.com. |
13 years ago | |
//public/perforce/faq/admin.html | |||||
#9 | 7883 | tonyc | Change underline tag to emphasis for better HTML style, per recent tweet | 14 years ago | |
#8 | 6026 | rlo | Public depot fixes: * Titles formatted similarly * Navbar changed and shortened * Change... review taken out of navbar * Links fixed « |
18 years ago | |
#7 | 6025 | rlo | Public Depot Redesign goes live * Skin matches KB and latest WWW skin * Rudimentary sear...ch mechanism based on google * did this already, but made some big mistakes and it was easier to obliterate and start over * about the above: yikes! « |
18 years ago | |
#6 | 3865 | Jeff Bowles | Minor changes to include comments on 'p4 admin' | 21 years ago | |
#5 | 1959 | Jeff Bowles | Minor hacks to clean up links. | 23 years ago | |
#4 | 112 | Laura Wingerd |
Publish "Branching FAQ" (pull in changes from //guest/laura_wingerd/perforce/faq/... ) |
26 years ago | |
#3 | 68 | Jeff Bowles | Updating to pull out some Weblogic-isms | 26 years ago | |
#2 | 21 | Jeff Bowles | Moving a lot of checkpoint/journal questions into here. | 26 years ago | |
#1 | 1 | laura |
Add FAQs. (Still needs index page.) |
26 years ago |