- #!/usr/bin/perl -- # -*- Perl -*-
- # this needs some cleanup...
- my $PSTOTEXT = "pstotext";
- my $pdf = shift @ARGV;
- my $index = "";
- my $inindex = 0;
- open (F, "$PSTOTEXT $pdf |");
- while (<F>) {
- if (/^<\/index/) {
- $index .= $_;
- $inindex = 0;
- }
- $inindex = 1 if /^<index/;
- if ($inindex) {
- $index .= $_ if /^\s*</;
- }
- }
- my $cindex = "";
- while ($index =~ /^(.*?)((<phrase role=\"pageno\">.*?<\/phrase>\s*)+)/s) {
- $cindex .= $1;
- $_ = $2;
- $index = $'; # '
- my @pages = m/<phrase role=\"pageno\">.*?<\/phrase>\s*/sg;
- # Expand ranges
- if ($#pages >= 0) {
- my @mpages = ();
- foreach my $page (@pages) {
- my $pageno = &pageno($page);
- if ($pageno =~ /^([0-9]+)[^0-9]([0-9]+)$/) { # funky -
- for (my $count = $1; $count <= $2; $count++) {
- push (@mpages, "<phrase role=\"$pageno\">$count</phrase>");
- }
- } else {
- push (@mpages, $page);
- }
- }
- @pages = sort rangesort @mpages;
- }
- # Remove duplicates...
- if ($#pages > 0) {
- my @mpages = ();
- my $current = "";
- foreach my $page (@pages) {
- my $pageno = &pageno($page);
- if ($pageno ne $current) {
- push (@mpages, $page);
- $current = $pageno;
- }
- }
- @pages = @mpages;
- }
- # Collapse ranges...
- if ($#pages > 1) {
- my @cpages = ();
- while (@pages) {
- my $count = 0;
- my $len = &rangelen($count, @pages);
- if ($len <= 2) {
- my $page = shift @pages;
- push (@cpages, $page);
- } else {
- my $fpage = shift @pages;
- my $lpage = "";
- while ($len > 1) {
- $lpage = shift @pages;
- $len--;
- }
- my $fpno = &pageno($fpage);
- my $lpno = &pageno($lpage);
- $fpage =~ s/>$fpno</>${fpno}-$lpno</s;
- push (@cpages, $fpage);
- }
- }
- @pages = @cpages;
- }
- my $page = shift @pages;
- $page =~ s/\s*$//s;
- $cindex .= $page;
- while (@pages) {
- $page = shift @pages;
- $page =~ s/\s*$//s;
- $cindex .= ", $page";
- }
- }
- $cindex .= $index;
- print "$cindex\n";
- sub pageno {
- my $page = shift;
- $page =~ s/^<phrase.*?>//;
- $page =~ s/^<link.*?>//;
- return $1 if $page =~ /^([^<>]+)/;
- return "?";
- }
- sub rangesort {
- my $apno = &pageno($a);
- my $bpno = &pageno($b);
- # Make sure roman pages come before arabic ones, otherwise sort them in order
- return -1 if ($apno !~ /^\d+/ && $bpno =~ /^\d+/);
- return 1 if ($apno =~ /^\d+/ && $bpno !~ /^\d+/);
- return $apno <=> $bpno;
- }
- sub rangelen {
- my $count = shift;
- my @pages = @_;
- my $len = 1;
- my $inrange = 1;
- my $current = &pageno($pages[$count]);
- while ($count < $#pages && $inrange) {
- $count++;
- my $next = &pageno($pages[$count]);
- if ($current + 1 eq $next) {
- $current = $next;
- $inrange = 1;
- $len++;
- } else {
- $inrange = 0;
- }
- }
- return $len;
- }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 16170 | perforce_software | Move Chronicle files to follow new path scheme for branching. | 9 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/chronicle/collateral/docbook/docbook-xsl/fo/pdf2index | |||||
#1 | 8972 | Matt Attaway | Initial add of the Chronicle source code | 11 years ago |