Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.Declaration"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit.Declaration"] = true;
// summary:
// The Declaration widget allows a developer to declare new widget
// classes directly from a snippet of markup.
// _noScript: [private] Boolean
// Flag to parser to leave alone the script tags contained inside of me
_noScript: true,
// stopParser: [private] Boolean
// Flag to parser to not try and parse widgets declared inside of me
stopParser: true,
// widgetClass: [const] String
// Name of class being declared, ex: "acme.myWidget"
widgetClass: "",
// propList: [const] Object
// Set of attributes for this widget along with default values, ex:
// {delay: 100, title: "hello world"}
defaults: null,
// mixins: [const] String[]
// List containing the prototype for this widget, and also any mixins,
// ex: ["dijit._Widget", "dijit._Container"]
mixins: [],
buildRendering: function(){
var src = this.srcNodeRef.parentNode.removeChild(this.srcNodeRef),
methods = dojo.query("> script[type^='dojo/method']", src).orphan(),
connects = dojo.query("> script[type^='dojo/connect']", src).orphan(),
srcType = src.nodeName;
var propList = this.defaults || {};
// For all methods defined like <script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="foo">,
// add that method to prototype.
// If there's no "event" specified then it's code to run on instantiation,
// so it becomes a connection to "postscript" (handled below).
dojo.forEach(methods, function(s){
var evt = s.getAttribute("event") || s.getAttribute("data-dojo-event"),
func = dojo.parser._functionFromScript(s);
propList[evt] = func;
// map array of strings like [ "dijit.form.Button" ] to array of mixin objects
// (note that dojo.map(this.mixins, dojo.getObject) doesn't work because it passes
// a bogus third argument to getObject(), confusing it)
this.mixins = this.mixins.length ?
dojo.map(this.mixins, function(name){ return dojo.getObject(name); } ) :
[ dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated ];
propList.widgetsInTemplate = true;
propList._skipNodeCache = true;
propList.templateString = "<"+srcType+" class='"+src.className+"' dojoAttachPoint='"+(src.getAttribute("dojoAttachPoint") || '')+"' dojoAttachEvent='"+(src.getAttribute("dojoAttachEvent") || '')+"' >"+src.innerHTML.replace(/\%7B/g,"{").replace(/\%7D/g,"}")+"</"+srcType+">";
// strip things so we don't create stuff under us in the initial setup phase
dojo.query("[dojoType]", src).forEach(function(node){
// create the new widget class
var wc = dojo.declare(
// Handle <script> blocks of form:
// <script type="dojo/connect" data-dojo-event="foo">
// and
// <script type="dojo/method">
// (Note that the second one is just shorthand for a dojo/connect to postscript)
// Since this is a connect in the declaration, we are actually connection to the method
// in the _prototype_.
dojo.forEach(connects, function(s){
var evt = s.getAttribute("event") || s.getAttribute("data-dojo-event") || "postscript",
func = dojo.parser._functionFromScript(s);
dojo.connect(wc.prototype, evt, func);