Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.highlight.languages.django"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.highlight.languages.django"] = true;
var dh = dojox.highlight, dhc = dh.constants, dhl = dh.languages, x = dhl.xml, h = dhl.html;
dhl.django = {
defaultMode: {
contains: ['tag', 'comment', 'doctype', 'template_comment', 'template_tag', 'variable']
case_insensitive: true,
modes: [
className: 'tag',
lexems: [dhc.IDENT_RE],
keywords: h.HTML_TAGS,
begin: '<[A-Za-z/]', end: '>',
contains: ['attribute', 'template_comment', 'template_tag', 'variable']
className: 'value',
begin: '"', end: '"',
contains: ['template_comment', 'template_tag', 'variable']
className: 'template_comment',
begin: '\\{\\%\\s*comment\\s*\\%\\}',
end: '\\{\\%\\s*endcomment\\s*\\%\\}'
className: 'template_comment',
begin: '\\{#', end: '#\\}'
className: 'template_tag',
begin: '\\{\\%', end: '\\%\\}',
lexems: [dhc.IDENT_RE],
keywords: {
'comment': 1, 'endcomment': 1, 'load': 1,
'templatetag': 1, 'ifchanged': 1, 'endifchanged': 1,
'if': 1, 'endif': 1, 'firstof': 1, 'for': 1,
'endfor': 1, 'in': 1, 'ifnotequal': 1,
'endifnotequal': 1, 'widthratio': 1, 'extends': 1,
'include': 1, 'spaceless': 1, 'endspaceless': 1,
'regroup': 1, 'by': 1, 'as': 1, 'ifequal': 1,
'endifequal': 1, 'ssi': 1, 'now': 1, 'with': 1,
'cycle': 1, 'url': 1, 'filter': 1, 'endfilter': 1,
'debug': 1, 'block': 1, 'endblock': 1, 'else': 1
contains: ['filter']
className: 'variable',
begin: '\\{\\{', end: '\\}\\}',
contains: ['filter']
className: 'filter',
begin: '\\|[A-Za-z]+\\:?', end: '^', excludeEnd: true,
lexems: [dhc.IDENT_RE],
keywords: {
'truncatewords': 1, 'removetags': 1, 'linebreaksbr': 1,
'yesno': 1, 'get_digit': 1, 'timesince': 1, 'random': 1,
'striptags': 1, 'filesizeformat': 1, 'escape': 1,
'linebreaks': 1, 'length_is': 1, 'ljust': 1, 'rjust': 1,
'cut': 1, 'urlize': 1, 'fix_ampersands': 1, 'title': 1,
'floatformat': 1, 'capfirst': 1, 'pprint': 1,
'divisibleby': 1, 'add': 1, 'make_list': 1,
'unordered_list': 1, 'urlencode': 1, 'timeuntil': 1,
'urlizetrunc': 1, 'wordcount': 1, 'stringformat': 1,
'linenumbers': 1, 'slice': 1, 'date': 1, 'dictsort': 1,
'dictsortreversed': 1, 'default_if_none': 1,
'pluralize': 1, 'lower': 1, 'join': 1, 'center': 1,
'default': 1, 'truncatewords_html': 1, 'upper': 1,
'length': 1, 'phone2numeric': 1, 'wordwrap': 1, 'time': 1,
'addslashes': 1, 'slugify': 1, 'first': 1
contains: ['argument']
className: 'argument',
begin: '"', end: '"'