Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.mobile.app.SceneController"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.mobile.app.SceneController"] = true;
var app = dojox.mobile.app;
var templates = {};
dojo.declare("dojox.mobile.app.SceneController", dojox.mobile.View, {
stageController: null,
keepScrollPos: false,
init: function(sceneName, params){
// summary:
// Initializes the scene by loading the HTML template and code, if it has
// not already been loaded
this.sceneName = sceneName;
this.params = params;
var templateUrl = app.resolveTemplate(sceneName);
this._deferredInit = new dojo.Deferred();
// If the template has been cached, do not load it again.
// Otherwise load the template
url: templateUrl,
handleAs: "text"
}).addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, this._setContents));
return this._deferredInit;
_setContents: function(templateHtml){
// summary:
// Sets the content of the View, and invokes either the loading or
// initialization of the scene assistant.
templates[this.sceneName] = templateHtml;
this.domNode.innerHTML = "<div>" + templateHtml + "</div>";
var sceneAssistantName = "";
var nameParts = this.sceneName.split("-");
for(var i = 0; i < nameParts.length; i++){
sceneAssistantName += nameParts[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
+ nameParts[i].substring(1);
sceneAssistantName += "Assistant";
this.sceneAssistantName = sceneAssistantName;
var _this = this;
dojox.mobile.app.loadResourcesForScene(this.sceneName, function(){
console.log("All resources for ",_this.sceneName," loaded");
var assistant;
if(typeof(dojo.global[sceneAssistantName]) != "undefined"){
var assistantUrl = app.resolveAssistant(_this.sceneName);
url: assistantUrl,
handleAs: "text"
console.log("Error initializing code for scene " + _this.sceneName
+ '. Please check for syntax errors');
throw e;
_initAssistant: function(){
// summary:
// Initializes the scene assistant. At this point, the View is
// populated with the HTML template, and the scene assistant type
// is declared.
console.log("Instantiating the scene assistant " + this.sceneAssistantName);
var cls = dojo.getObject(this.sceneAssistantName);
throw Error("Unable to resolve scene assistant "
+ this.sceneAssistantName);
this.assistant = new cls(this.params);
this.assistant.controller = this;
this.assistant.domNode = this.domNode.firstChild;
query: function(selector, node){
// summary:
// Queries for DOM nodes within either the node passed in as an argument
// or within this view.
return dojo.query(selector, node || this.domNode)
parse: function(node){
var widgets = this._widgets =
dojox.mobile.parser.parse(node || this.domNode, {
controller: this
// Tell all widgets what their controller is.
for(var i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++){
widgets[i].set("controller", this);
getWindowSize: function(){
// TODO, this needs cross browser testing
return {
w: dojo.global.innerWidth,
h: dojo.global.innerHeight
showAlertDialog: function(props){
var size = dojo.marginBox(this.assistant.domNode);
var dialog = new dojox.mobile.app.AlertDialog(
dojo.mixin(props, {controller: this}));
console.log("Appended " , dialog.domNode, " to ", this.assistant.domNode);
popupSubMenu: function(info){
var widget = new dojox.mobile.app.ListSelector({
controller: this,
destroyOnHide: true,
onChoose: info.onChoose
widget.set("data", info.choices);