- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- set -euo pipefail
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Configuration Variables
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The installed Command-Runner is expected at INSTALL_DIR/command-runner.
- INSTALL_DIR="/p4/common/site/bin" # Directory containing the installed binary.
- BINARY_NAME="command-runner"
- INSTALL_SCRIPT="install_command-runner.sh"
- # Remote URLs for release artifacts. Update these to your trusted HTTPS server.
- PROD_REMOTE_BASE_URL="https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com"
- DEV_REMOTE_BASE_URL="http://example.com"
- if [ "${1:-}" = "-t" ]; then
- echo "Using DEV (test) URLs..."
- REMOTE_VERSION_URL="${DEV_REMOTE_BASE_URL}/downloads/guest/perforce_software/command-runner/packages/latest_version.txt"
- REMOTE_TARBALL_URL="${DEV_REMOTE_BASE_URL}/downloads/guest/perforce_software/command-runner/packages/command-runner-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
- REMOTE_CHECKSUM_URL="${DEV_REMOTE_BASE_URL}/downloads/guest/perforce_software/command-runner/packages/command-runner-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256"
- else
- echo "Using PRODUCTION URLs..."
- REMOTE_VERSION_URL="${PROD_REMOTE_BASE_URL}/downloads/guest/perforce_software/command-runner/packages/latest_version.txt"
- REMOTE_TARBALL_URL="${PROD_REMOTE_BASE_URL}/downloads/guest/perforce_software/command-runner/packages/command-runner-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
- REMOTE_CHECKSUM_URL="${PROD_REMOTE_BASE_URL}/downloads/guest/perforce_software/command-runner/packages/command-runner-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256"
- fi
- # Log file for the installer spawned from the update.
- LOG_FILE="/tmp/cmd-runner_installer.log"
- # Temporary directory for downloads and extraction.
- TMP_DIR="/tmp/command-runner-update.$$"
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Helper Functions
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function msg() {
- echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - $*" >&2
- }
- function bail() {
- msg "Error: $1"
- exit "${2:-1}"
- }
- # Get the installed version from the existing binary.
- function get_installed_version() {
- # Try finding the command-runner binary using which, command, and direct paths.
- local installed_bin_path=""
- # First, check if the command-runner is in the PATH using 'which'
- installed_bin_path=$(which command-runner 2>/dev/null || true)
- # If not found, check the default install path for command-runner
- if [ -z "$installed_bin_path" ] && [ -x "$INSTALLED_BIN" ]; then
- installed_bin_path="$INSTALLED_BIN"
- fi
- # If command-runner binary was found, attempt to extract the version
- if [ -n "$installed_bin_path" ]; then
- local raw_version
- raw_version="$("$installed_bin_path" --version 2>&1 | head -n1 || true)"
- # Parse the version if the raw output is valid
- local parsed_version
- parsed_version=$(echo "$raw_version" | grep -oE 'v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')
- if [ -n "$parsed_version" ]; then
- echo "$parsed_version"
- else
- echo "Error: Version could not be parsed from the installed binary output."
- fi
- else
- echo "Error: command-runner binary not found."
- fi
- }
- # Compare two versions using sort -V.
- function is_remote_newer() {
- local local_ver="$1"
- local remote_ver="$2"
- [[ "$local_ver" == "$remote_ver" ]] && return 1
- local sorted
- sorted=$(printf "%s\n%s\n" "$local_ver" "$remote_ver" | sort -V)
- local newest
- newest=$(echo "$sorted" | tail -n1)
- [[ "$newest" == "$remote_ver" ]] && return 0 || return 1
- }
- # Get the owner and group from the systemd service file for command-runner.
- function get_service_owner() {
- local service_file="/etc/systemd/system/${BINARY_NAME}.service"
- local user group
- user=$(grep '^User=' "$service_file" | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')
- group=$(grep '^Group=' "$service_file" | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')
- echo "${user:-perforce}:${group:-perforce}"
- }
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Core Update Logic
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Get the installed version
- CURRENT_VERSION="$(get_installed_version)"
- [ -z "$CURRENT_VERSION" ] && msg "No installed version found. Proceeding with fresh install..." || msg "Currently installed version: $CURRENT_VERSION"
- # Fetch the remote version.
- msg "Fetching remote version from $REMOTE_VERSION_URL ..."
- remote_version=$(curl -sSf "$REMOTE_VERSION_URL" || bail "Failed to fetch remote version information.")
- msg "Remote version: $remote_version"
- # Check if the remote version is newer.
- if [[ -n "$CURRENT_VERSION" ]] && ! is_remote_newer "$CURRENT_VERSION" "$remote_version"; then
- msg "Already up-to-date. No update needed."
- exit 0
- fi
- msg "Proceeding with update to version $remote_version."
- # Create temporary working directory to handle tarball and checksum.
- TMP_DIR="/tmp/command-runner-update.$$"
- mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR" || bail "Failed to create temporary directory."
- # Set file paths for tarball and checksum inside the temporary directory.
- TARBALL_FILE="$TMP_DIR/command-runner-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
- CHECKSUM_FILE="$TMP_DIR/command-runner-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256"
- # Download the tarball and checksum file into the temporary directory.
- msg "Downloading tarball from $REMOTE_TARBALL_URL ..."
- curl -fSsL -o "$TARBALL_FILE" "$REMOTE_TARBALL_URL" || bail "Failed to download tarball."
- msg "Downloading checksum file from $REMOTE_CHECKSUM_URL ..."
- curl -fSsL -o "$CHECKSUM_FILE" "$REMOTE_CHECKSUM_URL" || bail "Failed to download checksum file."
- # Verify the checksum for the downloaded tarball.
- msg "Verifying checksum for the downloaded tarball..."
- # Normalize the checksum file content to remove any path or directory information
- awk '{ sub(/.*[\\\/]/, "", $2); print $1" "$2 }' "$CHECKSUM_FILE" > "$CHECKSUM_FILE.tmp" && mv "$CHECKSUM_FILE.tmp" "$CHECKSUM_FILE"
- # Change to the temporary directory
- cd "$TMP_DIR" || bail "Cannot change directory to $TMP_DIR"
- # Now run the checksum verification
- sha256sum -c "$(basename "$CHECKSUM_FILE")" || bail "Checksum verification failed."
- msg "Checksum verified successfully."
- # Extract the tarball in the temporary directory.
- msg "Extracting tarball..."
- tar -xzf "$TARBALL_FILE" -C "$TMP_DIR" || bail "Extraction failed."
- # Proceed with the installation from the temporary directory.
- msg "Proceeding with installation from $TMP_DIR/command-runner-linux-amd64..."
- # Spawn the installer from the extracted directory.
- msg "Spawning installer for version $remote_version..."
- pushd "$TMP_DIR/command-runner" >/dev/null
- # Determine if the -n flag is needed based on command-runner location
- CMD_RUNNER_PATH=$(which command-runner || true)
- [[ -n "$CMD_RUNNER_PATH" && "$CMD_RUNNER_PATH" != "$INSTALL_DIR/command-runner" ]] && NEEDS_N_FLAG="-n"
- # Get the service owner
- msg "Retrieving service owner and group for ${BINARY_NAME}.service..."
- SERVICE_OWNER=$(get_service_owner)
- # Log the owner and user
- msg "Service owner: $SERVICE_OWNER"
- msg "Service user: $SERVICE_USER"
- # Set ownership for the log file
- msg "Setting ownership for log file $LOG_FILE to $SERVICE_OWNER"
- touch "$LOG_FILE"
- # Show the command that will be run
- msg "Running installer with the following flags: $@"
- msg "Additional flags: -f -y -m $NEEDS_N_FLAG"
- # Run the installer with the appropriate flags
- msg "Spawning installer in the background..."
- nohup ./$INSTALL_SCRIPT "$@" -f -y -m $NEEDS_N_FLAG >> >(sudo -u "$SERVICE_USER" tee -a "$LOG_FILE") 2>&1 &
- # Confirm the installer has been spawned
- msg "Installer has been spawned in the background. Output will be logged to $LOG_FILE."
- # Return to the previous directory
- popd >/dev/null
- msg "Installer process has been started. Please check $LOG_FILE for detailed progress and potential errors."
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 31315 | Will Kreitzmann |
v1.2.654. - release |
about a month ago | |
#2 | 31275 | Will Kreitzmann | rel test | 2 months ago | |
#1 | 31274 | Will Kreitzmann | Initial | 2 months ago |