* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
# include <stdhdrs.h>
# include <debug.h>
# include <strbuf.h>
# include <strdict.h>
# include <strtable.h>
# include <error.h>
# include <i18napi.h>
# include <charset.h>
# include <charcvt.h>
# include <transdict.h>
# include <options.h>
# include <handler.h>
# include <rpc.h>
# include <ident.h>
# include <enviro.h>
# include <filesys.h>
# include <msgclient.h>
# include <p4tags.h>
# include "clientuser.h"
# include "clientservice.h"
# include "clientmerge.h"
# include "client.h"
# include "regexp.h"
Client::SetTrans( int output,
int content,
int fnames,
int dialog )
CharSetCvt *converter = NULL;
// SetTrans called, don't do server mode discovery
unknownUnicode = 0;
if (dialog == -2)
dialog = output;
if (content == -2)
content = output;
if (fnames == -2)
fnames = content;
// if we were already in unicode mode, take that down
if( is_unicode )
// if all args are 0, disable translation
if( !( output | content | fnames | dialog ) )
content_charset = 0;
GlobalCharSet::Set( 0 );
// we are in unicode mode now...
is_unicode = 1;
content_charset = content;
output_charset = output;
// our concept of current directory could change at this point
if( ownCwd )
cwd = "";
enviro->Config( GetCwd() );
if (output != 0)
converter = CharSetCvt::FindCvt( CharSetCvt::UTF_8,
(CharSetCvt::CharSet)output );
if (converter)
// TransDict will delete the converter
translated = new TransDict( this, converter );
if (fnames == output)
transfname = translated;
if( fnames != 0 && fnames != output )
converter = CharSetCvt::FindCvt( CharSetCvt::UTF_8,
(CharSetCvt::CharSet)fnames );
if (converter)
// TransDict will delete the converter
transfname = new TransDict( this, converter );
if ( dialog != 0 )
fromTransDialog = CharSetCvt::FindCvt( CharSetCvt::UTF_8,
(CharSetCvt::CharSet)dialog );
if (fromTransDialog)
toTransDialog = fromTransDialog->ReverseCvt();
if (transfname != this && transfname != translated)
delete transfname;
if (translated != this)
delete translated;
translated = this;
transfname = this;
delete fromTransDialog;
delete toTransDialog;
fromTransDialog = toTransDialog = NULL;
is_unicode = 0;
content_charset = 0;
output_charset = 0;
enviro->SetCharSet( 0 );
// Content charset is overridden by server-provided charset if present
StrPtr *charset = GetVar( P4Tag::v_charset );
return charset ? charset->Atoi() : content_charset;
return CharSetApi::Discover(enviro);