* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* maphalf.h - half a mapping, i.e. a pattern
* Public classes:
* MapHalf - a half mapping, i.e. a StrBuf holding a pattern
* MapParams - slots for wildcard parameters
* Public methods:
* MapHalf::operator =( char *newHalf )
* Create a new pattern.
* MapHalf::Compare( const MapHalf &item )
* Just strcmp the pattern with the handed in one.
* MapHalf::GetCommonLen( MapHalf *prev )
* Returns the length of initial substring of non-wildcard
* chararacters common to both MapHalf patterns.
* MapHalf::GetFixedLen()
* Returns the length of the initial substring of non-wildcard
* characters in the MapHalf pattern.
* MapHalf::Expand( StrPtr &in, StrBuf *output, MapParams *params )
* Expand the pattern into the output buffer, using the
* wildcard values in params.
* MapHalf::IsWild()
* Return 1 if the MapHalf contains wildcards.
* MapHalf::Join( MapHalf *map2, Joiner &j )
* Join the pattern against against the handed in pattern map2.
* Stores pointers to the strings matched by wildcards for each
* patterm in params and params2, and uses paramBuf as a temp
* buffer (of uncontrolled size XXX) for those strings.
* Because Join() can produce more than one result for a
* given pair of patterns, it calls j.Insert() for each match.
* MapHalf::Match( char *input, MapParams *params )
* Match the pattern against the input, putting pointers to
* the strings matched by wildcards into params. Returns 1
* if the pattern matches, 0 else. Uses Match1 and Match2.
* MapHalf::Match1( char *input, int &coff )
* Compares the non-wildcard initial portion of the MapHalf
* to the input, return <0, 0, or >0. coff is the starting
* offset (first character to match) and then the ending
* offset (first character mismatched), which can be used
* to avoid re-comparing portions that are common in a tree
* of MapHalf's.
* MapHalf::Match2( char *input, MapParams *params )
* Match the wildcard portion of the MapHalf pattern against
* the input, putting pointers to the strings matched by
* wildcards into params. Returns 1 if the pattern matches,
* 0 else. Assumes Match1 has already been called.
* MapHalf::MatchHead( const MapHalf &other )
* MapHalf::MatchTail( const MapHalf &other )
* Compares the non-wildcard initial substring or tailing
* substring of the two MapHalfs. MatchHead() compares
* for sorting; MatchTail() just for equality.
* MapHalf::Validate( MapHalf *item, Error *e )
* Checks if the pattern and the handed in pattern have the
* same wildcards. If item is null, just checks that the
* single pattern is valid.
* Note that in mapchar.h we only allow 3 ...'s, but alloc room for 10.
* That's because Joining or disambiguating a map can increase the number
* of ...'s. 10 isn't a solid number, either, alas. It really should
* check for overflow. XXX
const int PARAM_VECTOR_LENGTH = 30; // %0 - %9, 10 *'s, and 10 ...'s
const int PARAM_MAX_BACKTRACK = 10;
const int PARAM_MAX_WILDS = 10;
class MapChar;
class MapHalf;
struct MapString;
struct MapParam {
int start; // offsets into Joiner::StrBuf::Text()
int end;
} ;
struct MapParams {
MapParam vector[ PARAM_VECTOR_LENGTH ];
} ;
class Joiner : public StrBuf {
virtual void Insert() = 0;
int badJoin;
MapParams params;
MapParams params2;
} ;
class MapHalf : public StrBuf {
MapHalf() { mapChar = 0; }
MapHalf( const StrPtr &n ) { mapChar = 0; *this = n; }
void operator =( const StrPtr &newHalf );
int Compare( const MapHalf &item ) const;
int GetCommonLen( MapHalf *prev );
int GetFixedLen() { return fixedLen; }
void Expand( const StrPtr &from, StrBuf &to, MapParams &p );
int HasSubDirs( int matchLen );
int HasEmbWild( StrPtr &h, int ignore );
int HasEndSlashEllipses();
int HasPosWild( StrPtr &h );
int IsWild() { return isWild; }
int TooWild( Error *e );
int WildcardCount() { return nWilds; }
void Join( MapHalf *map2, Joiner &joiner );
int Match1( const StrPtr &from, int &coff );
int Match2( const StrPtr &input, MapParams ¶ms );
int Match( const StrPtr &i, MapParams &p )
{ int o = 0; return !Match1( i, o ) && Match2( i, p ); }
int Match( const MapHalf &from );
int MatchHead( const MapHalf &other );
int MatchTail( const MapHalf &other );
void Validate( MapHalf *item, Error *e );
void FindParams( char *params, Error *e );
MapChar *mapChar; // compiled version
MapChar *mapTail; // non-wildcard tail start
MapChar *mapEnd; // non-wildcard tail end
int fixedLen; // How much until wildcard
int isWild; // has a wildcard at all?
int nWilds; // number of wildcards
} ;