* Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* Errornum.h - error number definitions
enum ErrorGeneric {
EV_NONE = 0, // misc
// The fault of the user
EV_USAGE = 0x01, // request not consistent with dox
EV_UNKNOWN = 0x02, // using unknown entity
EV_CONTEXT = 0x03, // using entity in wrong context
EV_ILLEGAL = 0x04, // trying to do something you can't
EV_NOTYET = 0x05, // something must be corrected first
EV_PROTECT = 0x06, // protections prevented operation
// No fault at all
EV_EMPTY = 0x11, // action returned empty results
// not the fault of the user
EV_FAULT = 0x21, // inexplicable program fault
EV_CLIENT = 0x22, // client side program errors
EV_ADMIN = 0x23, // server administrative action required
EV_CONFIG = 0x24, // client configuration inadequate
EV_UPGRADE = 0x25, // client or server too old to interact
EV_COMM = 0x26, // communications error
EV_TOOBIG = 0x27 // not ever Perforce can handle this much
} ;
enum ErrorSubsystem {
ES_OS = 0, // OS error
ES_SUPP = 1, // Misc support
ES_LBR = 2, // librarian
ES_RPC = 3, // messaging
ES_DB = 4, // database
ES_DBSUPP = 5, // database support
ES_DM = 6, // data manager
ES_SERVER = 7, // top level of server
ES_CLIENT = 8, // top level of client
ES_INFO = 9, // pseudo subsystem for information messages
ES_HELP = 10, // pseudo subsystem for help messages
ES_SPEC = 11, // pseudo subsystem for spec/comment messages
ES_FTPD = 12, // P4FTP server
ES_BROKER = 13, // Perforce Broker
ES_P4QT = 14, // P4V and other Qt based clients
ES_X3SERVER = 15 // P4X3 server
} ;