* Copyright 1995, 2001 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of the Library RCS. See rcstest.c.
* readfile.h - RCS file input routines:
* Classes defined:
* ReadFile - a file opened for reading
* Public methods:
* ReadFile::Open() - open a file
* ReadFile::Close() - close the file
* ReadFile::Eof() - true if no more input
* ReadFile::Char() - return current input character
* ReadFile::Next() - advance input character
* ReadFile::Get() - combo Eof/Char/Next
* ReadFile::Tell() - what is offset of current characater
* ReadFile::Memcpy() - copy into buffer
* ReadFile::Memccpy() - copy up to marker char into buffer
* ReadFile::Memchr() - scan to marker char
* ReadFile::Memcmp() - compare two files (length must be valid!)
* ReadFile::Textcpy() - Memcpy w/ line ending translation
* ReadFile::Seek() - set file pointer
* ReadFile::Size() - get size of file
* Private methods:
* ReadFile::Read() - read a line
* Notes:
* Open() takes a FileSys, which must remain valid until Close().
* Open()/Close() call FileSys::Open()/Close().
* Char() is not valid for a character until Eof() has been called
* first to make sure you're not at EOF.
* Textcpy() consumes the minimum of srclen and dstlen, returning
* the actual dstlen. The actual srclen can be discerned by bracketing
* with Offset() calls.
* History:
* 2-18-97 (seiwald) - translated to C++.
* 3-10-08 (seiwald) - combined mmap/FileIo
# ifdef OS_NT
# define ReadFile P4ReadFile /* ugh - name conflict */
# endif
* ReadFile - a file opened for reading
class FileSys;
class ReadFile
void Open( FileSys *f, Error *e );
void Close();
int Char() { return *mptr; }
int Get() { return Eof(), *mptr++; }
void Prev() { if( --mptr < maddr ) Seek( Tell() ); }
void Next() { ++mptr; }
offL_t Size() { return size; }
offL_t Tell() { return offset - ( mend - mptr ); }
int Eof() { return !InMem(); }
void Seek( offL_t p );
offL_t Memcmp( ReadFile *other, offL_t length );
offL_t Memcpy( char *buf, offL_t length );
offL_t Memccpy( char *buf, int c, offL_t length );
offL_t Memchr( int c, offL_t length );
offL_t Textcpy( char *dst, offL_t dstlen,
offL_t srclen, LineType type );
int Read();
int InMem() { return mend-mptr ? mend-mptr : Read(); }
unsigned char *mptr; // current char in memory window
unsigned char *maddr; // start of memory window
unsigned char *mend; // end of memory window
offL_t size; // length of file
offL_t offset; // file offset of *mend
int mapped; // maddr is mmapped
size_t mlen; // maddr alloc size
FileSys *fp; // underlying file for Read()
Error e[1]; // for Read() and Close()
} ;