* Copyright 1995, 2000 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* msgclient.cc - definitions of errors for client subsystem.
* Note:
* Never re-use an error code value, these may have already been
* translated and while deleting the error is OKAY using it for a
* different error is not.
* Its okay to add a message in the middle of the file.
* When adding a new error make sure its greater than the current high
* value and update the following number:
* Current high value for a MsgClient error code is: 87
# include <error.h>
# include <errornum.h>
# include "msgclient.h"
ErrorId MsgClient::Connect = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 1, E_FAILED, EV_COMM, 0 ), "Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::Fatal = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 2, E_FATAL, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Fatal client error; disconnecting!" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::BadFlag = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 3, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 0 ), "Unknown flag. Try ? for help." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::ClobberFile = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 4, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Can't clobber writable file %file%" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::MkDir = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 5, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "can't create directory for %file%" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::Eof = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 6, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "EOF reading terminal." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::FileOpenError = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 40, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Error opening file." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::CantEdit = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 7, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "%type% - can't edit this type of file!" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::NoMerger = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 8, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "No merge program specified with $P4MERGE or $MERGE." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::CheckFileBadPath = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 9, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 2 ), "%file% - symlink at '%dir%', file can't be added." };
ErrorId MsgClient::ToolServer2 = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 10, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Could not start another ToolServer. Tool is running under ToolServer." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::ToolServer = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 11, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Could not start ToolServer." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::ToolCmdCreate = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 12, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Could not create command to send to ToolServer." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::ToolCmdSend = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 13, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Could not send command to ToolServer." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::Memory = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 14, E_FATAL, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Out of memory!" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::CantFindApp = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 15, E_FATAL, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Could not find application!" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::BadSignature = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 16, E_FATAL, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "EDITOR_SIGNATURE must be 4 characters exactly!" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::BadMarshalInput = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 29, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Invalid marshalled data supplied as input." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::ResolveManually = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 18, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Must resolve manually." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::NonTextFileMerge = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 19, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Non-text file merge." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::MergeMsg2 = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 28, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 4 ), "Non-text diff: %yours% yours + %theirs% theirs + %both% both + %conflicting% conflicting" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::MergeMsg3 = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 20, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 4 ), "Diff chunks: %yours% yours + %theirs% theirs + %both% both + %conflicting% conflicting" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::MergeMsg32 = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 21, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Diff chunks: %chunks% between yours and theirs (no common base)" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::MergePrompt = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 22, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?) [%mergeDefault%]: " };
ErrorId MsgClient::MergePrompt2 = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 26, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Accept (at/ay) Skip (s) Help (?) [%mergeDefault%]: " };
ErrorId MsgClient::MergePrompt2Edit = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 27, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Accept (at/ay) Edit (et/ey) Skip (s) Help (?) [%mergeDefault%]: " };
ErrorId MsgClient::ConfirmMarkers = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 23, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "There are still change markers: confirm accept (y/n)? " };
ErrorId MsgClient::ConfirmEdit = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 24, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Use 'ae' to indicate original edits: confirm accept merge (y/n)? " };
ErrorId MsgClient::Confirm = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 25, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "This overrides your changes: confirm accept (y/n)? " };
ErrorId MsgClient::CheckFileAssume = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 30, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 3 ), "%file% - %type%, assuming %type2%." };
ErrorId MsgClient::CheckFileAssumeWild = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 41, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 4 ), "%file% - %type%, assuming %type2% (%modified%)." };
ErrorId MsgClient::CheckFileSubst = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 31, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 3 ), "%file% - using %type% instead of %type2%" };
ErrorId MsgClient::CheckFileCant = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 32, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 2 ), "%file% - %type% file can't be added." };
ErrorId MsgClient::FileExists = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 34, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "%file% - can't overwrite existing file." };
ErrorId MsgClient::NoSuchFile = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 35, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "%file% - file does not exist." };
ErrorId MsgClient::LoginPrintTicket = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 36, E_INFO, EV_NONE, 1 ), "%ticket%" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::DigestMisMatch = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 37, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 3 ), "%clientFile% corrupted during transfer (or bad on the server) %clientDigest% vs %serverDigest%" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::NotUnderPath = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 38, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 2 ), "File %clientFile% is not inside permitted filesystem path %clientPath%" } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::LineTooLong = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 39, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Command line too long. Maximum length is %maxLineLen%. This length can be increased by setting filesys.bufsize in P4CONFIG or using -v." };
ErrorId MsgClient::UnknownCharset = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 42, E_FATAL, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Unknown P4CHARSET %charset%." };
ErrorId MsgClient::FileKept = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 43, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Edited File %file% kept due to errors." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::LockCheckFail = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 44, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "File locking check failed, Perforce server can not run." } ;
ErrorId MsgClient::ChdirFail = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 45, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1), "Failed to change to direcitory '%dir%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::InitRootExists = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 46, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Nothing to do - existing dvcs tree at %dir%" };
ErrorId MsgClient::NoDvcsServer = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 47, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "No server root found" };
ErrorId MsgClient::InitServerFail = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 48, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0), "\np4d server failed to initialize. A 2015.1 or later p4d server\nmust be in your path and runable." };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneCantFetch = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 49, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Remote server '%port%' not configured to clone (server.allowfetch)." };
ErrorId MsgClient::NotValidStreamName = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 50, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "'%path%' is not a valid mainline stream name." };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneStart = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 51, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Cloning from '%port%'..." };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneNeedLogin1 = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 52, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 2 ), "'%user%' is not currently logged in to '%port%'" };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneNeedLogin2 = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 53, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 2 ), "run 'p4 -u %user% -p %port% login' to authenticate" };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneTooWide = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 54, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Remote map entry '%path%' cannot be allocated a stream name:\nClone requires at least //<depotname>/<streamname>/ on the left hand side of the map\n" };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneRemoteInvalid = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 55, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Remote clone spec invalid!" };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneTooManyDepots = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 56, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Remote spec references multiple depots on the left hand side of map : %depots%" };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneNoRemote = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 57, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 2 ), "Remote server '%port%' does not have a remote spec '%remote%'" };
ErrorId MsgClient::ClonePathNoMap = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 58, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Filepath '%path%' cannot be mapped" };
ErrorId MsgClient::ClonePathTooWide = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 59, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Filepath '%path%' is too wide open" };
ErrorId MsgClient::ClonePathHasWild = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 60, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Filepath '%path%' contains embedded wildcard" };
ErrorId MsgClient::ClonePathHasIllegal = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 61, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Filepath '%path%' contains illegal characters [@%#*]" };
ErrorId MsgClient::RemoteAlreadySet = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 62, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 1 ), "Remote '%remote%' is already cached" };
ErrorId MsgClient::NoRemoteToSet = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 63, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "No remote in cache" };
ErrorId MsgClient::InitCaseFlagUnset = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 64, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "CaseFlag must be set to -C0 or -C1" };
ErrorId MsgClient::InitUnicodeUnset = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 65, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "Unicode must be set to 0 or 1" };
ErrorId MsgClient::CloneFetchCounts = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 66, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 2 ), "%changes% change(s) containing a total of %revs% file revision(s) were successfully fetched." };
ErrorId MsgClient::LocalRemoteMismatch = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 67, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "ServerHelperApi already refers to a local Perforce Server." };
ErrorId MsgClient::RemoteLocalMismatch = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 68, E_FAILED, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "ServerHelperApi already refers to a remote Perforce Server." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasTooManyEquals = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 69, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: extra equals sign in '%alias%'" };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasMissingEquals = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 70, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: missing equals sign in '%alias%'" };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasTooComplex = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 71, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias definition '%alias%' exceeds the complexity limit of %limit%." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasMissingCommand = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 72, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias definition '%alias%' does not contain the command to run." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasArgSyntax = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 73, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 2 ), "Alias syntax error: '%arg%' not understood in '%alias%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasIOSyntax = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 74, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 2 ), "Alias syntax error: unexpected character '%redirChar%' found in alias '%alias%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasInputMultiple = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 75, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: multiple input redirections were found in alias '%alias%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasOutputMultiple = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 76, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: multiple output redirections were found in alias '%alias%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasRedirection = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 77, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: unrecognized redirection syntax in alias '%alias%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::NoAliasesFound = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 78, E_INFO, EV_CLIENT, 0 ), "You have no aliases defined." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasNoTransform = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 79, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: no transformation found in '%alias%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasEmptyTransform = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 80, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 0 ), "Alias syntax error: empty transformation not allowed." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasPartial = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 81, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 0 ), "Alias syntax error: alias definition incomplete." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasSubstArgs = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 82, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 0 ), "Alias syntax error: p4subst should have exactly two arguments." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasSubstInput = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 83, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 0 ), "Alias syntax error: p4subst input should be redirected." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasSubstOutput = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 84, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 0 ), "Alias syntax error: p4subst output should be redirected" };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasSyntaxError = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 85, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: '%alias%' not understood." };
ErrorId MsgClient::CommandNotAliased = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 86, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "There is no alias which applies to '%cmd%'." };
ErrorId MsgClient::AliasEmptyPattern = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 87, E_FAILED, EV_USAGE, 1 ), "Alias syntax error: no pattern found in '%alias%'" };
// ErrorId graveyard: retired/deprecated ErrorIds.
ErrorId MsgClient::ZCResolve = { ErrorOf( ES_CLIENT, 33, E_FAILED, EV_COMM, 2 ), "Zeroconf resolved '%name%' to '%port%'." } ; // DEPRECATED 2013.1 removed ZeroConf