* Copyright 1995, 2000 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* msggraph.h - definitions of graph depot specific errors
class MsgGraph {
static ErrorId CommitDataShort;
static ErrorId UseGraph;
static ErrorId UseCatFile;
static ErrorId UseChanges;
static ErrorId UseLsTree;
static ErrorId UseDescribe;
static ErrorId UseDiff;
static ErrorId UseDiffTree;
static ErrorId UseDiff2;
static ErrorId UseDirs;
static ErrorId UseFilelog;
static ErrorId UseFiles;
static ErrorId UseFstat;
static ErrorId UseLock;
static ErrorId UseLog;
static ErrorId UseShowRef;
static ErrorId UseMerge;
static ErrorId UseOpen;
static ErrorId UseReconcile;
static ErrorId UseRefHist;
static ErrorId UseRevert;
static ErrorId UseRevList;
static ErrorId UseReceivePack;
static ErrorId UsePackObjects;
static ErrorId UseGraphDescribe;
static ErrorId UseGraphSync;
static ErrorId UseGraphProtects;
static ErrorId UseGraphList;
static ErrorId UseGraphCollect;
static ErrorId UseGraphForkRepo;
static ErrorId UseGraphDeleteRepo;
static ErrorId UseGraphLFSPush;
static ErrorId UseGraphLFSFetch;
static ErrorId UseGraphLFSStat;
static ErrorId UseGraphSubmodule;
static ErrorId UseGraphVerify;
static ErrorId UsePermissionG;
static ErrorId UsePermissionR;
static ErrorId UsePermissionS;
static ErrorId UsePermissionC;
static ErrorId UsePermNoRef;
static ErrorId UsePubKey;
static ErrorId UsePubKeyS;
static ErrorId UseReopen;
static ErrorId UseResolve;
static ErrorId UseResolved;
static ErrorId UseSwitch;
static ErrorId UseTag;
static ErrorId UseUnlock;
static ErrorId ReferenceData;
static ErrorId ReferenceHistory;
static ErrorId ReferenceDataShort;
static ErrorId ReferenceHeadShort;
static ErrorId ReferenceHaveShort;
static ErrorId RepoDefaultBranch;
static ErrorId FileLogData;
static ErrorId SubmoduleData;
static ErrorId RepositoryData;
static ErrorId WrongClientType;
static ErrorId NotSupported;
static ErrorId CmdNotSupported;
static ErrorId CurrentBranchShort;
static ErrorId NoSuchObject;
static ErrorId NoSuchCommit;
static ErrorId NoSuchDepot;
static ErrorId PackRefSyntax;
static ErrorId PackHeader;
static ErrorId PackMagic;
static ErrorId PackIndexCount;
static ErrorId PackTypeByte;
static ErrorId PackSizeByte;
static ErrorId PackIdxFanoutRead;
static ErrorId PackIdxEndOfFile;
static ErrorId PackIdxPartial;
static ErrorId PackOffsetEndOfFile;
static ErrorId PackOffsetPartial;
static ErrorId PackIdxLargeEndOfFile;
static ErrorId PackLargeOffsetPartial;
static ErrorId DeltaVarint;
static ErrorId DeltaOffset;
static ErrorId DeltaOffsetMore;
static ErrorId DeltaOffsetBits;
static ErrorId DeltaCopyOffset;
static ErrorId DeltaLengthBits;
static ErrorId DeltaCopyLength;
static ErrorId DeltaRefBaseMissing;
static ErrorId DeltaLengthMismatch;
static ErrorId DeltaInsertData;
static ErrorId CommitMissing;
static ErrorId CommitNotUnique;
static ErrorId TagMissing;
static ErrorId TagNotUnique;
static ErrorId NoEmailStart;
static ErrorId NoEmailEnd;
static ErrorId NoCommitDate;
static ErrorId TreeModeEndOfFile;
static ErrorId TreeNameEndOfFile;
static ErrorId TreeShaEndOfFile;
static ErrorId LbrShaSyntax;
static ErrorId LbrWrongType;
static ErrorId InvalidBlobHeader;
static ErrorId LbrBadAccess;
static ErrorId LbrPackBadAccess;
static ErrorId LooseWriterBadAccess;
static ErrorId LbrWriteOnly;
static ErrorId TreeMissing;
static ErrorId BlobMissing;
static ErrorId LFSBlobMissing;
static ErrorId TreeNotUnique;
static ErrorId RcvRefSyntax;
static ErrorId RcvFileName;
static ErrorId NotFastForward;
static ErrorId NotAGraphDepot;
static ErrorId UnknownRepo;
static ErrorId IllegalRefChar;
static ErrorId IllegalRefSubstr;
static ErrorId UnqualifiedRef;
static ErrorId InvalidParentChar;
static ErrorId NoSuchParent;
static ErrorId RefTargetMissing;
static ErrorId InvalidReference;
static ErrorId InvalidRepoRef;
static ErrorId InvalidRepo;
static ErrorId PackObjectCount;
static ErrorId PackObjectMissing;
static ErrorId PackObjectLength;
static ErrorId InvalidRepoName;
static ErrorId InvalidDepotName;
static ErrorId NotASha256;
static ErrorId LFSShaMismatch;
static ErrorId LFSAlreadyPresent;
static ErrorId AtomicPushFailed;
static ErrorId TriggerWarnMessage;
static ErrorId UseRepo;
static ErrorId UseRepoo;
static ErrorId UseRepoi;
static ErrorId UseRepod;
static ErrorId UseRepos;
static ErrorId ReposData;
static ErrorId RepoSave;
static ErrorId RepoNoChange;
static ErrorId RepoDelete;
static ErrorId NoSuchRepo;
static ErrorId BadRepoName;
static ErrorId NotInGraphDepot;
static ErrorId CantAutocreateRepo;
static ErrorId OutOfRepoLicenses;
static ErrorId MustForceFork;
static ErrorId ShowPermission;
static ErrorId DepotHasRepos;
static ErrorId EmptyRepo;
static ErrorId AmbiguousRefUpdate;
static ErrorId CantCreateRepo;
static ErrorId CantWriteAllRepo;
static ErrorId CantDeleteRepo;
static ErrorId CantPruneRepo;
static ErrorId CantChangeView;
static ErrorId NoPermissionOnRef;
static ErrorId RepoAccessDenied;
static ErrorId NoMatchPermissions;
static ErrorId NoLFSPushPerm;
static ErrorId NoLFSFetchPerm;
static ErrorId PubKeyData;
static ErrorId BadPublicKey;
static ErrorId PubKeyTooLong;
static ErrorId PubKeyDuplicate;
static ErrorId PubKeyUpdateAction;
static ErrorId PubKeyDeleteAction;
static ErrorId PubKeyNotExist;
static ErrorId PubKeyNeedsForce;
static ErrorId BlobVerified;
static ErrorId BlobDamaged;
static ErrorId LFSBlobVerified;
static ErrorId LFSBlobDamaged;
static ErrorId ArchiveImported;
static ErrorId ReferenceAdded;
static ErrorId ReferenceUpdated;
static ErrorId ReferenceDeleted;
static ErrorId ReferenceForced;
static ErrorId ObjectStatistics;
static ErrorId ForkTargetNotEmpty;
static ErrorId ForkTargetIsSource;
static ErrorId DanglingObject;
static ErrorId NoRepoSelected;
static ErrorId RefAlreadyExists;
static ErrorId RefDoesntExist;
static ErrorId RefValidation;
static ErrorId SpecifyForce;
static ErrorId OpenSuccess;
static ErrorId NoMultiRepoSubmit;
static ErrorId SubmitComplete;
static ErrorId SingleRepoOnly;
static ErrorId DiffData;
static ErrorId NotAtHead;
static ErrorId RepoNotHad;
static ErrorId SyncAdd;
static ErrorId SyncDelete;
static ErrorId SyncUpdate;
static ErrorId SyncIntegUpdate;
static ErrorId SyncIntegDelete;
static ErrorId SyncUptodate;
static ErrorId SyncRefresh;
static ErrorId RefAlreadySet;
static ErrorId NoSuchTag;
static ErrorId TagSaved;
static ErrorId TagDeleted;
static ErrorId NotSyncd;
static ErrorId BranchCreated;
static ErrorId BranchDeleted;
static ErrorId BranchAlreadyExists;
static ErrorId FilesData;
static ErrorId ResolvedData;
static ErrorId DescribeFile;
static ErrorId DirsData;
static ErrorId DetachedHead;
static ErrorId SyncNotSameBranch;
static ErrorId SyncNotFastForward;
static ErrorId SyncUnknownBranch;
static ErrorId CommitSummary;
static ErrorId NoMergeOpenFiles;
static ErrorId FastForwardMerge;
static ErrorId BranchNotFound;
static ErrorId MergeComplete;
static ErrorId NoChangeFixes;
static ErrorId UnsupportedFileType;
static ErrorId ChangeViewBranch;
static ErrorId ChangeViewFuture;
static ErrorId SubmoduleOpen;
static ErrorId UnknownRefType;
static ErrorId CommitFileLog;
static ErrorId CantUpgradePackDir;
static ErrorId NoMatchingRepos;
static ErrorId InvalidRevSpec;
static ErrorId CorruptedTree;
static ErrorId NoAdvancedMappings;
static ErrorId CantAddToRepo;
static ErrorId CantUpdateMirror;
static ErrorId CantSubmitMirror;
static ErrorId AutoLabelsOnly;
static ErrorId LabelViewMustLimit;
static ErrorId LabelViewMustNotLimit;
static ErrorId RepoNotMirrored;
static ErrorId RepoIsMirrored;
static ErrorId GraphNotCompat;
static ErrorId UseGraphPackInfo;
static ErrorId InvalidDefaultBranch;
// Retired ErrorIds. We need to keep these so that clients
// built with newer apis can commnunicate with older servers
// still sending these.
static ErrorId AmbiguousRepoName;
} ;