* Copyright 1995, 2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Perforce - the FAST SCM System.
* RunCommand() -- Just run a command and capture its output
* Classes:
* RunCommand - run a command
* RunCommandIo - run a command controlling stdin/stoud
* RunArgs - a StrBuf for quoting command arugments to protect them
* from the shell. See below for comments on Quoting.
* Except where notes, these are implemented for UNIX, NT, VMS, MAC,
* MACOSX, and OS2.
* Public methods:
* RunArgs::AddArg() - add a single argument, quoting as needed
* RunArgs::AddCmd() - add the first argument, which may be both
* a command and flags. On Windows, we try to
* distinguish a command with spaces in it from
* a command followed by flags. We do so by looking
* for the - or / introducing flags.
* RunArgs::SetArgs() - clear the command buffer and add args
* RunCommand::Run() - run the command
* Used by the client for launching editor, diff.
* Check e->Test() for errors.
* RunCommand::RunInWindow() - create a window to run the command
* Used by p4web for launching editor, resolve.
* Not implemented for VMS.
* Check e->Test() for errors.
* RunCommand::RunChild() - launch a subprocess whose stdin/stdout
* are the given fds. Not implemented for VMS.
* Check e->Test() for subprocess setup errors.
* RunCommand::WaitChild() - wait for the child launched by RunChild().
* RunCommand::PollChild() - check to see if the child launched
* by RunChild() is still running.
* RunCommandIo::Run() - run the command, sending stdin, capturing
* stdout. Used to run triggers for 'p4 submit'.
* Uses RunChild() which isn't implmented for MAC, VMS.
* RunCommandIo::Run() - run the command, with stdin/stdout writeable
* RunCommandIo::Write() - write the the running command's stdin
* RunCommandIo::Read() - read from the running command's stdout
* RunCommandIo::ReadError() - read a little and see if command failed
* Quoting:
* If the command is built by SetArgs/AddArg/AddCmd and run by
* Run(), AddArg() will quote and Run() will pass the built up
* command to the shell. This is how the client runs P4DIFF,
* P4EDITOR, etc:
* NT: quote with " all args, and use CreateProcess()
* UNIX: quote with ' args with spaces, and use system()
* If the command is pre-built and run with RunChild() or
* RunCommandIo::Run(), we get split behavior. This is
* how the client handled P4PORT=rsh: and how the server
* handles triggers:
* NT: use CreateProcess(), which handles quoted args
* UNIX: split with StrOps::Words(), and use execvp().
* Words() handles "; execvp() doesn't.
class StrArray;
enum RunCommandOpts {
RCO_SOLO_FD = 0x01, // RunChild() uses same fd for I/O
RCO_AS_SHELL = 0x02, // RunChild() uses separate pipes, no socketPair
RCO_USE_STDOUT = 0x04, // RunChild() preserves stdout for command
RCO_P4_RPC = 0x08 // RunChild() error output over p4 rpc
} ;
class RunArgs {
RunArgs() {}
RunArgs( const StrPtr &cmd ) { buf = cmd; }
void AddArg( const StrPtr &arg );
void AddArg( const char *arg );
void SetArgs( int argc, const char * const *argv );
void AddCmd( const char *arg );
StrBuf &SetBuf() { buf.Clear(); return buf; }
RunArgs &operator <<( const char *a ) { AddArg( a ); return *this; }
RunArgs &operator <<( const StrPtr &a ) { AddArg( a ); return *this; }
char * Text() { return buf.Text(); }
friend class RunCommand;
int Argc( char **argv, int nargv );
StrBuf buf;
StrBuf argbuf;
} ;
* An array-based version of the string-based RunArgs,
* to avoid quoting/parsing issues.
class RunArgv {
void AddArg( const StrPtr &arg );
void AddArg( const char *arg );
void SetArgs( int argc, const char * const *argv );
void AddCmd( const char *arg );
RunArgv &operator <<( const char *a ) { AddArg( a ); return *this; }
RunArgv &operator <<( const StrPtr &a ) { AddArg( a ); return *this; }
char * Text( StrBuf &buf );
friend class RunCommand;
int Argc( char **argv, int nargv );
StrArray *args;
} ;
class RunCommand {
int Run( RunArgs &cmd, Error *e );
int Run( RunArgv &cmd, Error *e );
int RunInWindow( RunArgs &cmd, Error *e );
int RunInWindow( RunArgv &cmd, Error *e );
void RunChild( RunArgs &cmd, int opts, int f[2], Error *e );
void RunChild( RunArgv &cmd, int opts, int f[2], Error *e );
void DoRunChild( char *cmdText, char *argv[], int opts, int fds[2], Error *e );
int WaitChild();
// NT only! no-op on all other platforms
bool PollChild(unsigned long millisecs) const;
# ifdef HAVE_FORK
pid_t pid;
# endif
# ifdef OS_NT
void *pid;
# endif
} ;
class RunCommandIo : public RunCommand {
int Run( RunArgs &cmd, const StrPtr &in, StrBuf &out, Error *e );
int Run( RunArgs &cmd, StrBuf &result, Error *e )
{ return Run( cmd, StrRef::Null(), result, e ); }
void Run( RunArgs &cmd, Error *e )
{ RunChild( cmd, RCO_AS_SHELL, fds, e ); }
// RunArgv flavors
int Run( RunArgv &cmd, const StrPtr &in, StrBuf &out, Error *e );
int Run( RunArgv &cmd, StrBuf &result, Error *e )
{ return Run( cmd, StrRef::Null(), result, e ); }
void Run( RunArgv &cmd, Error *e )
{ RunChild( cmd, RCO_AS_SHELL, fds, e ); }
int ProcessRunResults( const StrPtr &in, StrBuf &out, Error *e );
void Write( const StrPtr &in, Error *e );
int Read( const StrPtr &out, Error *e );
StrPtr *ReadError( Error *e );
int Read( char *buf, int length, Error *e );
int fds[2];
StrBuf errBuf;
} ;