Name | Modified | Size |
.. | || | 9 years ago | |
bbi_actions.lib | 10 years ago | | | 4 months ago | |
bbi_load_and_verify.lib | 10 years ago | | | 4 months ago | |
bbi_paths.lib | 10 years ago | | | 4 months ago | | | 4 months ago | | | 4 months ago | | | 4 months ago | | | 4 months ago |
Change | User | Description | Committed |
30987 | C. Thomas Tyler | Cleanup after migration of P4BBI from Classic to Streams. Updated to indicate... that P4BBI has moved to the //p4bbi depot. Removed all other files in dev, main, tools, and downloads directories. Before this change: * //p4bbi/main has been populated. * Swarm project branches were updated to use //p4bbi/main paths. * //guest/perforce_software/p4bbi/dev/... and //guest/perforce_software/p4bbi/main/... were identical. * //guest/perforce_software/p4bbi/tools/... is moved to //p4bbi/main/tools/... * A new //p4bbi/main/downloads was created. « |
4 months ago |
30967 | C. Thomas Tyler | Merge down main -> dev. | 4 months ago |
19783 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug in processing of DOS2UNIX option of UPDATE action. Now dos2unix run on files op...ened for add, edit, and move/add. Corrected message to account for DOS2uNIX option for UPDATE tag now applying to files opened add, edit, and move/add The message is now consistent with the logic in the script (which also now works as intended). « |
9 years ago |
19649 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked DOS2UNIX logic to apply to adds, edits, and move/adds. | 9 years ago |
19648 | C. Thomas Tyler | Picked up Kathy's rollback (but incremented version number anyway). | 9 years ago |
19644 | C. Thomas Tyler | Picked up Kathy's change to DOS2UNIX behavior. | 9 years ago |
19070 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed UPDATE action for stream when StreamDepth>1. Made get_stream_subdir() and in accept a depth parameters, and modified calls in to determine a value for the depth paramters and pass it in. Added unit test cases for StreamDepth>1. Added full integration test case to the test suite. « |
9 years ago |
18861 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bugs after a round of QA. | 9 years ago |
18860 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced handling of non-brancing files. | 9 years ago |
18716 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added logic to make a second attempt to execute failed staging area removals (using 'rm -...rf'), but using 'sudo' on the second attempt. « |
9 years ago |
18702 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked the JavaScript beautifier to preserve the original JavaScript unmodified if the b...eautifier tool fails to beautify it (i.e. returns a non-zero exist status). Consistent use of quotes for $tmpFile, which is reliably defined not to have spaces or funky characters in its name and doesn't need the clutter of quoting (which otherwise is often a best practice). « |
9 years ago |
18699 | C. Thomas Tyler | Made warnings more consistent for different varieties of ASTYLE processing. | 9 years ago |
18698 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked to do the 'chmod -R +w .' just one time for the entire import workspace tree. |
9 years ago |
18697 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added reporting of files by name which fail JavaScript beautification. Tweaked some 'find...' commands to use $PWD rather than '.' to capture full file names for errors. « |
9 years ago |
18661 | C. Thomas Tyler | Robustness tweak: Followed best practice and defacto standard of ignoring comments and bl...ank lines in the astyle.*.dirs files. « |
9 years ago |
18654 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added support for replacing files with '...' in the file name. Added test case for file... with '...' in the name. Fixed test data causing COPY actions to appear to fail. Fixed test data causing ASTYLE to fail for Classic Perforce. « |
9 years ago |
18649 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed ASTYLE processing of 'include:' directives for scenario where we import at a level... below the stream workspace root. Minor cosmetic tweak to DOS2UNIX processing. « |
9 years ago |
18648 | C. Thomas Tyler | Another tweak for the MOVE action. | 9 years ago |
18647 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed BUG in MOVE action when importing to 'complex' stream workspaces (those where we im...port below the stream root). « |
9 years ago |
18646 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug in 'include' path for ASTYLE processing. | 9 years ago |
18644 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added support for enhanced astyle dirs file format: Each line now has a prefix: C: Loo...k for *.c, *.cpp, and *.h files in given dirs. JavaScript: Look for *.js files in given dirs. Java: Look for *.java files recursively in in given trees. include:<component_file> includes contents of another file. C/C++ and Java are formatted using astyle. JavaScript is formatted using Added simulated script to support test suite update to test JavaScript beautification. « |
9 years ago |
18503 | C. Thomas Tyler | Removed spurious text. | 9 years ago |
18457 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added CLIENT_SPEC action. Added VERIFY option to UPDATE action. Fixed RENAME option, re...named RENAME to MOVE, and added RENAME as a synonym for MOVE. Shortened error messages by removing redundant 'Aborting' comment in bail() calls, as messages are already prefixed with 'FATAL:'. Enhanced auditing and fixed issues with parallel submits. Updated BBI Config File require version to 3.6.0. « |
9 years ago |
18456 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed variable name typo. | 9 years ago |
18452 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Completed implementation of parallels submit. Enhanced auditability. |
9 years ago |
18451 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Performance enhancement: Now does parallel submits if net.parallel.max > 1. |
9 years ago |
18443 | C. Thomas Tyler | Removed debug text. | 9 years ago |
18442 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked! | 9 years ago |
18439 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked ASTYLE processing. | 9 years ago |
18438 | C. Thomas Tyler | Implemented 'Injection script' mechanism, to allow for running hand-crafted corrective ac...tion scripts to handle symlink refactoring conversions (e.g. symlink to a file replaced with a file). « |
9 years ago |
18410 | C. Thomas Tyler | Implemented 'CMD:' prefix for baseline definintions, and added sample config file to illu...strate pulling from Git Hub. Updated BBIJunkFiles.txt to exclude import of .git foldres. Added test case and updatd test suite to call it. « |
9 years ago |
18409 | C. Thomas Tyler | Adjusted rsync command for processing tarfiles that apply to a subdirectory of a stream w...orkspace root. « |
9 years ago |
18408 | C. Thomas Tyler |
BBI Config File format updated to 3.5.1. RENAME action support has been re-added. |
9 years ago |
18407 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added support for using branch specs for POPULATE, COPY, and RECORD_MERGE actions. Add...ed support for custom description for POPULATE (which before just printed a message indicating custom messages were ignored). Adjusted test suite to test. « |
9 years ago |
18402 | C. Thomas Tyler | v3.5.1: Added support for BRANCH_SPEC, DEPOT_SPEC, and STREAM_SPEC actions, which... allow imports to use hand-crafted spec files during imports. This allows the BBI import process to simulate the evolution of stream specs over time, e.g. to reflect reparenting, and to account for things like non-branching files and CBD workflows that use sophisticated, hand-crafted stream specs. The required BBI Config file version has been updated from 3.2 to 3.5. Test suite has been updated to test new functionality. « |
9 years ago |
18394 | C. Thomas Tyler | Implemented labeling feature. Added doc for label feature. Added preflight checks for... malformed label tags. « |
9 years ago |
18389 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced astyle processing to do recursive search for *.java files in specified while searching only in specified directories for *.(c|cpp|h) files. Added sample *.java file to the test suite for testing Java style. « |
9 years ago |
18387 | C. Thomas Tyler | Implemented the DOS2UNIX option for the UDPATE action. Updated test suite to apply DOS2...UNIX. Documented DOS2UNIX in BBIConfigFileFormat.txt, and enhanced ASTYLE documentation as well. « |
9 years ago |
18384 | C. Thomas Tyler | Removed unnecessary '+x' bit from | 9 years ago |
18379 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug in depot spec generation. Fixed a bug in the DEPOT action where the generated... depot spec had a 'Type:' field with only a single newline rather than a double-newline. I suspect this will fix spurious failures reported by Adrian Waters where there was an error related to the StreamDepth field, which this script doesn't interact with. It's not clear why the failure was only spurious, but this should put an end to it once and for all. #review-18380 @adrian_waters « |
9 years ago |
18376 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Just incremented version numbers for Adrian's changes. No functional changes. |
9 years ago |
18375 | adrian_waters | Add 'Step Mode' (-S argument) so process pauses (for user input) between each configuratio...n file action #review @ttyler « |
9 years ago |
18220 | C. Thomas Tyler | Merged to pick up updated SDP lib file. | 9 years ago |
18219 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug in RECORD_MERGE processing. After BBI creates the temporary workspace and map...s it to a path on the server, it does a 'p4 flush' rather than 'p4 sync' prior to doing UPDATE, COPY, or RECORD_MERGE processing. That's a performance optimization; flush is a 1000x faster than a sync, since it only says it syncs files, without actually syncing them. For UPDATE and COPY actions, it's entirely appropriate to skip the actual sync, since UPDATE and COPY put the correct file content they want in place anyway. But for RECORD_MERGE, which needs to do a 'resolve' check, the fact that it did a 'flush' and not a real 'sync' mattered, since it really needs the workspace contents to be accurate before the resolve. That's where the tamper check saved the day. Perforce was thinking, "OK, these should match the target files exactly, with no change, since a 'resolve -ay' was done. And when it went to verify that, the tamper check failed. Once figured, the fix was simple: For the RECORD_MERGE action, it now does a real 'sync' rather than a 'flush'. « |
9 years ago |
18177 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added '-R' flag to attempt rename detection, with warnings about when it results in insan...ely long run times. « |
9 years ago |
18174 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added support for non-branching files (Streams only). If a *.nobranch file exists in th...e config directory when processing updates, the files specified in the *.nobranch are not added to version control unless the stream type is 'mainline.' The *.nobranchg file (e.g. FGS.nobranch) contains a list of non-branchign files, one per line, with a path relative to the root of a workspace). « |
9 years ago |
18164 | C. Thomas Tyler | Modified so that existing stream specs are not updated with the STREAM tag; only new ones... are created. Added quotes around '-ztag -F' format field values. « |
9 years ago |
18034 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added code for calling astyle on Java code. | 9 years ago |
16891 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed a regression for importing into Classic Perforce introduced when making updates for... Streams. « |
9 years ago |
16889 | C. Thomas Tyler | Non-zero rsync exit codes are now always treated as hard failures. This will create cha...llenges for when exporting from ClearCase dynamic views, rsync copies from which tend to result in scary but (mostly?) harmless rsync errors. « |
9 years ago |