// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // $Id: fop.js 1325624 2012-04-13 06:28:25Z gadams $ --> // jscript to run FOP, adapted from the Jakarta-Ant project. // rpm_mode is irrelevant on Windows // var rpm_mode=true; var java_exec_args = "-Djava.awt.headless=true"; var fop_exec_args = ""; var no_config=false; var fop_exec_debug=false; var debug=false; var keep_open=false; var show_help=false; var config_wanted = new Array("FOP_HOME", "CLASSPATH", "FOP_HYPHENATION_PATH", "FOP_OPTS", "JAVA_OPTS", "LOGCHOICE", "LOGLEVEL"); // parse command-line arguments function read_args() { var args = WScript.Arguments; var named = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { switch(args(i)) { case "--debug": debug=true; break; case "--execdebug": fop_exec_debug=true; break; case "--keepopen": keep_open=true; break; case "--noconfig": no_config=true; break; case "-h": case "--help": case "--h": case "-help": show_help=true; // fop_exec_args=fop_exec_args + " -h"; break; default: fop_exec_args=fop_exec_args + " " + args(i); } } if (debug) { WScript.Echo("debug: " + debug); WScript.Echo("execdebug: " + fop_exec_debug); WScript.Echo("keepopen: " + keep_open); WScript.Echo("noconfig: " + no_config); WScript.Echo("help: " + show_help); WScript.Echo("java arguments: " + java_exec_args); WScript.Echo("fop arguments: " + fop_exec_args); } } var help_text="Usage:\n" + WScript.ScriptFullName + " [script options] [FOP options]\n" + "Script Options:\n" + " --help, -h print this message and FOP help\n" + " --debug print debugging information for this launch script\n" + " --execdebug print FOP exec line generated by this launch script\n" + " --keepopen keep FOP's command window open\n" + " --noconfig suppress reading of configuration file and registry"; function read_environment() { for (i in config_wanted) { if (!config.Exists(config_wanted[i])) { var env_var_string = "%" + config_wanted[i] + "%"; var env_var = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(env_var_string); if (env_var != "" && env_var != env_var_string) { config.Add(config_wanted[i], env_var); if (debug) { WScript.Echo(config_wanted[i] + " env: " + config.Item(config_wanted[i])); } } } } } function read_desktop(dtname) { if (fs.FolderExists(dtname)) { var fopname = fs.GetFolder(dtname).ParentFolder.Path + "\\Application Data\\Fop"; if (fs.FolderExists(fopname)) { var fop_conf_name = fs.GetFolder(fopname).Path + "\\fop.conf"; if (fs.FileExists(fop_conf_name)) { // source fop_conf_file var conf_file = fs.openTextFile(fs.GetFile(fop_conf_name)); var conf_lines = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); while (!conf_file.AtEndOfStream) { var line = conf_file.ReadLine(); var m = line.match(/(.+?)=(.+)/); if (m != null) { conf_lines.Add(m[1], m[2]); } } for (j in config_wanted) { if (!config.Exists(config_wanted[j]) && conf_lines.Exists(config_wanted[j])) { config.Add(config_wanted[j], conf_lines.Item(config_wanted[j])); if (debug) { WScript.Echo(config_wanted[j] + " " + dts[i] + ": " + config.Item(config_wanted[i])); } } } } } } } function read_registry(section) { for (j in config_wanted) { if (!config.Exists(config_wanted[j])) { var reg_var; try { reg_var = shell.RegRead(section + "\\Software\\Fop\\" + config_wanted[j]); config.Add(config_wanted[j], reg_var); if (debug) { WScript.Echo(config_wanted[j] + " " + rks[i] + ": " + config.Item(config_wanted[j])); } } catch(e) {} } } } // construct FOP_HOME from the script folder function get_fop_home() { if (!config.Exists("FOP_HOME") || !fs.FolderExists(config.Item("FOP_HOME"))) { var fop_home = WScript.ScriptFullName; fop_home = fop_home.substring(0, fop_home.length - WScript.ScriptName.length - 1); if (config.Exists("FOP_HOME")) { config.Remove("FOP_HOME"); } config.Add("FOP_HOME", fop_home); if (debug) { WScript.Echo("FOP_HOME dyn: " + config.Item("FOP_HOME")); } } } function get_java_cmd() { var java_home = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%JAVA_HOME%"); javacmd = "java"; if (java_home != "" && typeof(java_home) != "undefined" && fs.FolderExists(java_home)) { var javacmd_candidate = java_home + "\\bin\\java.exe"; if (fs.FileExists(javacmd_candidate)) { javacmd = javacmd_candidate; } } if (debug) { WScript.Echo("java command: " + javacmd); } } function get_local_classpath() { if (config.Exists("CLASSPATH")) { local_classpath = config.Item("CLASSPATH"); if (debug) { WScript.Echo("local classpath: " + local_classpath); } } // add fop.jar, fop-sandbox and fop-hyph.jar, which reside in $FOP_HOME/build var lcp = local_classpath; local_classpath = config.Item("FOP_HOME") + "\\build\\fop.jar;" + config.Item("FOP_HOME") + "\\build\\fop-sandbox.jar;" + config.Item("FOP_HOME") + "\\build\\fop-hyph.jar"; if (lcp != "") { local_classpath += ";" + lcp; } if (debug) { WScript.Echo("local classpath: " + local_classpath); } // add in the dependency .jar files, which reside in $FOP_HOME/lib var libdir_name = config.Item("FOP_HOME") + "\\lib"; var dirlibs; if (fs.FolderExists(libdir_name)) { dirlibs = fs.GetFolder(libdir_name).Files; var e = new Enumerator(dirlibs); for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { if (e.item().Name.match("\.jar$")) { local_classpath = libdir_name + "\\" + e.item().Name + ";" + local_classpath; } } if (debug) { WScript.Echo("local classpath: " + local_classpath); } } // add in user-defined hyphenation JARs if (config.Exists("FOP_HYPHENATION_PATH")) { local_classpath += ";" + config.Item("FOP_HYPHENATION_PATH"); if (debug) { WScript.Echo("local classpath: " + local_classpath); } } } // Execute fop via shell.Exec function fop_exec() { var fop_exec_command = "\"" + javacmd + "\" " + java_exec_args + " " + (config.Exists("JAVA_OPTS")?config.Item("JAVA_OPTS") + " ":"") + (config.Exists("LOGCHOICE")?config.Item("LOGCHOICE") + " ":"") + (config.Exists("LOGLEVEL")?config.Item("LOGLEVEL") + " ":"") + "-classpath \"" + local_classpath + "\" " + (config.Exists("FOP_OPTS")?config.Item("FOP_OPTS"):"") + "org.apache.fop.cli.Main " + fop_exec_args; if (debug || fop_exec_debug) { WScript.Echo(fop_exec_command); } var fop_run = shell.Exec(fop_exec_command); while (true) { while (!fop_run.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) { WScript.Echo(fop_run.StdOut.ReadLine()); } while (!fop_run.StdErr.AtEndOfStream) { WScript.Echo(fop_run.StdErr.ReadLine()); } if (fop_run.Status == 1) { break; } WScript.Sleep(100); } if (debug) { WScript.Echo("exit status: " + fop_run.ExitCode); } } // Execute fop via shell.Run function fop_run() { var fop_exec_command = "cmd /" + (keep_open?"K":"C") + " \"" + "\"" + javacmd + "\" " + java_exec_args + " " + (config.Exists("JAVA_OPTS")?config.Item("JAVA_OPTS") + " ":"") + (config.Exists("LOGCHOICE")?config.Item("LOGCHOICE") + " ":"") + (config.Exists("LOGLEVEL")?config.Item("LOGLEVEL") + " ":"") + "-classpath \"" + local_classpath + "\" " + (config.Exists("FOP_OPTS")?config.Item("FOP_OPTS") + " ":"") + "org.apache.fop.cli.Main " + fop_exec_args + "\""; if (debug || fop_exec_debug) { WScript.Echo(fop_exec_command); } var exit_code = shell.Run(fop_exec_command, 1, 1); if (debug) { WScript.Echo("exit status: " + exit_code); } else { if (exit_code != 0) { WScript.Echo("A FOP error occurred (FOP exit status: " + exit_code + ")\n" + "Use option --keepopen to see FOP's output\n" + "(that is two dashes)"); } } } function get_log_choice() { // The default commons logger for JDK1.4 is JDK1.4Logger. // To use a different logger, uncomment the one desired below if (!config.Exists("LOGCHOICE")) { // config.Add("LOGCHOICE","\"-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog\""); // config.Add("LOGCHOICE","\"-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog\""); // config.Add("LOGCHOICE","\"-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger\""); if (debug && config.Exists("LOGCHOICE")) { WScript.Echo("LOGCHOICE script: " + config.Item("LOGCHOICE")); } } } function get_log_level() { // Logging levels // Below option is only if you are using SimpleLog instead of the default JDK1.4 Logger. // To set logging levels for JDK 1.4 Logger, edit the %JAVA_HOME%/JRE/LIB/logging.properties // file instead. // Possible SimpleLog values: "trace", "debug", "info" (default), "warn", "error", or "fatal". if (!config.Exists("LOGLEVEL")) { // config.Add("LOGLEVEL","\"-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.defaultlog=INFO\""); if (debug && config.Exists("LOGLEVEL")) { WScript.Echo("LOGLEVEL script: " + config.Item("LOGLEVEL")); } } } var shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); var fs = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); // configuration var config = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); read_args(); read_environment(); if (!no_config) { // read user and system-wide fop configurations var spec = shell.SpecialFolders; var dts = new Array("Desktop", "AllUsersDesktop"); for (i in dts) { read_desktop(spec(dts[i])); } // read user and system-wide registry var rks = new Array("HKCU", "HKLM"); for (i in rks) { read_registry(rks[i]); } } get_fop_home(); get_log_choice(); get_log_level(); var javacmd = ""; get_java_cmd(); var local_classpath = ""; get_local_classpath(); // Show script help if requested if (show_help) { // fop_exec_args = ""; keep_open = true; WScript.Echo(help_text); } // fop_exec(); fop_run();
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 26953 | Paul Allen | Move //guest/perforce_software/p4convert to //guest/perforce_software/p4convert/main | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4convert/docs/fop-1.1/fop.js | |||||
#2 | 14806 | Paul Allen | Update docs and add +w. | ||
#1 | 13920 | Paul Allen | copy part 2 (no errors) | ||
//guest/paul_allen/p4convert-maven/docs/fop-1.1/fop.js | |||||
#1 | 13895 | Paul Allen | Copying using p4convert-docbook | ||
//guest/perforce_software/doc_build/main/fop-1.1/fop.js | |||||
#1 | 12728 | eedwards |
Upgrade ANT doc build infrastructure to assemble PDFs: - remove non-namespaced DocBook source and add namespaced DocBook source. - add Apache FOP 1.1 - copy fonts, images, XSL into _build, establishing new asset structure. The original structure remains until all guides using it can be upgraded, and several other issues can be resolved. - updated build.xml to allow for per-target build properties. - upgraded the P4SAG to use the new infrastructure. - tweaked admonition presentation in PDFs to remove admonition graphics, and resemble closely the presentation used in the new HTML layout, including the same colors. With these changes, building PDFs involves using a shell, navigating into the guide's directory (just P4SAG for now), and executing "ant pdf". Issues still to be resolved: - PDF generation encounters several warnings about missing fonts (bold versions of Symbol and ZapfDingbats), and a couple of locations where the page content exceeds the defined content area. - Due to issues within Apache FOP, PDF generation emits a substantial amount of output that is not easily suppressed without losing important warning information. - Apache FOP's interface to ANT does not expose a way to set the font base directory. The current configuration does work under Mac OSX, but further testing on Windows will need to be done to determine if the relative paths defined continue to work. The workaround is for Windows users to customize the fop-config.xml to provide absolute system paths to the required fonts. - HTML generation needs further browser testing, and exhibits broken navigation on iOS browsers within the TOC sidebar. - A number of PDF and HTML presentation tweaks still need to be made, for example: sidebars, gui* DocBook tags, whitespace, section separation, etc. |