/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "clientapi.h" #include "strtable.h" #include "spec.h" #include "undefdups.h" extern "C" { #include "php.h" } #include "php_macros.h" #include "specmgr.h" #include <strops.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; struct defaultspec { const char *type; const char *spec; } speclist[] = { { "branch", "Branch;code:301;rq;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;" "Update;code:302;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:303;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:304;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;" "Options;code:309;type:line;len:32;val:" "unlocked/locked;;" "View;code:311;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" }, { "change", "Change;code:201;rq;ro;fmt:L;seq:1;len:10;;" "Date;code:202;type:date;ro;fmt:R;seq:3;len:20;;" "Client;code:203;ro;fmt:L;seq:2;len:32;;" "User;code:204;ro;fmt:L;seq:4;len:32;;" "Status;code:205;ro;fmt:R;seq:5;len:10;;" "Type;code:211;seq:6;type:select;fmt:L;len:10;" "val:public/restricted;;" "ImportedBy;code:212;type:line;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;" "Identity;code:213;type:line;;" "Description;code:206;type:text;rq;seq:7;;" "JobStatus;code:207;fmt:I;type:select;seq:9;;" "Jobs;code:208;type:wlist;seq:8;len:32;;" "Files;code:210;type:llist;len:64;;" }, { "client", "Client;code:301;rq;ro;seq:1;len:32;;" "Update;code:302;type:date;ro;seq:2;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:303;type:date;ro;seq:4;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:304;seq:3;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Host;code:305;seq:5;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;" "Root;code:307;rq;type:line;len:64;;" "AltRoots;code:308;type:llist;len:64;;" "Options;code:309;type:line;len:64;val:" "noallwrite/allwrite,noclobber/clobber,nocompress/compress," "unlocked/locked,nomodtime/modtime,normdir/rmdir;;" "SubmitOptions;code:313;type:select;fmt:L;len:25;val:" "submitunchanged/submitunchanged+reopen/revertunchanged/" "revertunchanged+reopen/leaveunchanged/leaveunchanged+reopen;;" "LineEnd;code:310;type:select;fmt:L;len:12;val:" "local/unix/mac/win/share;;" "Stream;code:314;type:line;len:64;;" "StreamAtChange;code:316;type:line;len:64;;" "ServerID;code:315;type:line;ro;len:64;;" "Type;code:318;type:select;len:10;val:writeable/readonly;;" "Backup;code:319;type:select;len:10;val:enable/disable;;" "View;code:311;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" "ChangeView;code:317;type:llist;len:64;;" }, { "depot", "Depot;code:251;rq;ro;len:32;;" "Owner;code:252;len:32;;" "Date;code:253;type:date;ro;len:20;;" "Description;code:254;type:text;len:128;;" "Type;code:255;rq;len:10;;" "Address;code:256;len:64;;" "Suffix;code:258;len:64;;" "StreamDepth;code:260;len:64;;" "Map;code:257;rq;len:64;;" "SpecMap;code:259;type:wlist;len:64;;" }, { "group", "Group;code:401;rq;ro;len:32;;" "MaxResults;code:402;type:word;len:12;;" "MaxScanRows;code:403;type:word;len:12;;" "MaxLockTime;code:407;type:word;len:12;;" "MaxOpenFiles;code:413;type:word;len:12;;" "Timeout;code:406;type:word;len:12;;" "PasswordTimeout;code:409;type:word;len:12;;" "LdapConfig;code:410;type:line;len:128;;" "LdapSearchQuery;code:411;type:line;len:128;;" "LdapUserAttribute;code:412;type:line;len:128;;" "Subgroups;code:404;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;" "Owners;code:408;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;" "Users;code:405;type:wlist;len:32;opt:default;;" }, { "job", "Job;code:101;rq;len:32;;" "Status;code:102;type:select;rq;len:10;" "pre:open;val:open/suspended/closed;;" "User;code:103;rq;len:32;pre:$user;;" "Date;code:104;type:date;ro;len:20;pre:$now;;" "Description;code:105;type:text;rq;pre:$blank;;" }, { "label", "Label;code:301;rq;ro;fmt:L;len:32;;" "Update;code:302;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:303;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:304;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Description;code:306;type:text;len:128;;" "Options;code:309;type:line;len:64;val:" "unlocked/locked,noautoreload/autoreload;;" "Revision;code:312;type:word;words:1;len:64;;" "ServerID;code:315;type:line;ro;len:64;;" "View;code:311;type:wlist;len:64;;" }, { "ldap", "Name;code:801;rq;len:32;;" "Host;code:802;rq;type:word;words:1;len:128;;" "Port;code:803;rq;type:word;words:1;len:5;;" "Encryption;code:804;rq;len:10;val:" "none/ssl/tls;;" "BindMethod;code:805;rq;len:10;val:" "simple/search/sasl;;" "Options;code:816;type:line;len:64;val:" "nodowncase/downcase,nogetattrs/getattrs," "norealminusername/realminusername;;" "SimplePattern;code:806;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchBaseDN;code:807;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchFilter;code:808;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchScope;code:809;len:10;val:" "baseonly/children/subtree;;" "SearchBindDN;code:810;type:line;len:128;;" "SearchPasswd;code:811;type:line;len:128;;" "SaslRealm;code:812;type:word;words:1;len:128;;" "GroupBaseDN;code:813;type:line;len:128;;" "GroupSearchFilter;code:814;type:line;len:128;;" "GroupSearchScope;code:815;len:10;val:" "baseonly/children/subtree;;" "AttributeUid;code:817;type:word;len:128;;" "AttributeName;code:818;type:line;len:128;;" "AttributeEmail;code:819;type:word;len:128;;" }, { "license", "License;code:451;len:32;;" "License-Expires;code:452;len:10;;" "Support-Expires;code:453;len:10;;" "Customer;code:454;type:line;len:128;;" "Application;code:455;len:32;;" "IPaddress;code:456;len:24;;" "IPservice;code:461;type:wlist;len:24;;" "Platform;code:457;len:32;;" "Clients;code:458;len:8;;" "Users;code:459;len:8;;" "Files;code:460;len:8;;" }, { "protect", "Protections;code:501;fmt:C;type:wlist;words:5;opt:default;len:64;;" }, { "remote", "RemoteID;code:851;rq;ro;len:32;;" "Address;code:852;rq;type:line;len:32;;" "Owner;code:853;fmt:R;len:32;;" "RemoteUser;code:861;fmt:R;len:32;;" "Options;code:854;type:line;len:32;val:" "unlocked/lockednocompress/compress;;" "Update;code:855;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:856;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Description;code:857;type:text;len:128;;" "LastFetch;code:858;fmt:L;len:10;;" "LastPush;code:859;fmt:L;len:10;;" "DepotMap;code:860;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" "ArchiveLimits;code:862;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" }, { "server", "ServerID;code:751;rq;ro;len:32;;" "Type;code:752;rq;len:32;;" "Name;code:753;type:line;len:32;;" "Address;code:754;type:line;len:32;;" "ExternalAddress;code:755;type:line;len:32;;" "Services;code:756;rq;len:128;;" "Description;code:757;type:text;len:128;;" "User;code:761;type:line;len:64;;" "ClientDataFilter;code:758;type:wlist;len:64;;" "RevisionDataFilter;code:759;type:wlist;len:64;;" "ArchiveDataFilter;code:760;type:wlist;len:64;;" "DistributedConfig;code:762;type:text;len:128;;" }, { "spec", "Fields;code:351;type:wlist;words:5;rq;;" "Words;code:352;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Formats;code:353;type:wlist;words:3;;" "Values;code:354;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Presets;code:355;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Openable;code:362;type:wlist;words:2;;" "Comments;code:356;type:text;;" }, { "stream", "Stream;code:701;rq;ro;len:64;;" "Update;code:705;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Access;code:706;type:date;ro;fmt:L;len:20;;" "Owner;code:704;len:32;;" "Name;code:703;rq;type:line;len:32;;" "Parent;code:702;rq;len:64;open:isolate;;" "Type;code:708;rq;len:32;open:isolate;;" "Description;code:709;type:text;len:128;;" "Options;code:707;type:line;len:64;val:" "allsubmit/ownersubmit,unlocked/locked," "toparent/notoparent,fromparent/nofromparent," "mergedown/mergeany;;" "Paths;code:710;rq;type:wlist;words:2;maxwords:3;len:64;open:isolate;;" "Remapped;code:711;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;open:isolate;;" "Ignored;code:712;type:wlist;words:1;len:64;open:isolate;;" "View;code:713;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;;" "ChangeView;code:714;type:llist;ro;len:64;;" }, { "triggers", "Triggers;code:551;type:wlist;words:4;len:64;opt:default;" }, { "typemap", "TypeMap;code:601;type:wlist;words:2;len:64;opt:default;" }, { "user", "User;code:651;rq;ro;seq:1;len:32;;" "Type;code:659;ro;fmt:R;len:10;;" "Email;code:652;fmt:R;rq;seq:3;len:32;;" "Update;code:653;fmt:L;type:date;ro;seq:2;len:20;;" "Access;code:654;fmt:L;type:date;ro;len:20;;" "FullName;code:655;fmt:R;type:line;rq;len:32;;" "JobView;code:656;type:line;len:64;;" "Password;code:657;len:32;;" "AuthMethod;code:662;fmt:L;len:10;val:perforce/ldap;;" "Reviews;code:658;type:wlist;len:64;;" }, { 0, 0} }; SpecMgr::SpecMgr() { debug = 0; specs = 0; // Enable expansion of numeric sequences by default. expandSequences = true; Reset(); } SpecMgr::~SpecMgr() { delete specs; } void SpecMgr::AddSpecDef( const char *type, StrPtr &specDef ) { if ( specs->GetVar( type ) ) specs->RemoveVar( type ); specs->SetVar( type, specDef ); } void SpecMgr::AddSpecDef( const char *type, const char *specDef ) { if ( specs->GetVar( type ) ) specs->RemoveVar( type ); specs->SetVar( type, specDef ); } void SpecMgr::Reset() { delete specs; specs = new StrBufDict; for ( struct defaultspec *sp = &speclist[ 0 ]; sp->type; sp++ ) AddSpecDef( sp->type, sp->spec ); } int SpecMgr::HaveSpecDef( const char *type ) { return specs->GetVar( type ) != 0; } // // Convert a Perforce StrDict into a PHP hash. Convert multi-level // data (Files0, Files1, etc. ) into (nested) array members of the hash. // void SpecMgr::StrDictToHash( StrDict *dict, zval *retval ) { StrRef var, val; int i; if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG_CALLS ) cerr << "[P4] StrDictToHash()" << endl; array_init( retval ); for ( i = 0; dict->GetVar( i, var, val ); i++ ) { if ( var == "specdef" || var == "func" || var == "specFormatted" ) continue; InsertItem( retval, &var, &val ); } } // // Convert a Perforce StrDict into a P4.Spec object // // TODO: convert this to use a SpecData object instead (might require rewrite) void SpecMgr::StrDictToSpec( StrDict *dict, StrPtr *specDef, zval *retval ) { StrRef var, val; int i; if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG_CALLS ) cerr << "[P4] StrDictToSpec()" << endl; array_init( retval ); // create a few variables to hold the spec definition // a spec element and any errors that occur Error e; SpecElem* se; Spec s( specDef->Text(), "", &e ); for ( i = 0; dict->GetVar( i, var, val ); i++ ) { if ( var == "specdef" || var == "func" || var == "specFormatted" ) continue; // if we are expanding sequences and have successfully // fetched the spec definition, skip expansion for // spec fields that legitimately end in a digit if (GetExpandSequences() && !e.Test() && var.Length() > 1 && isdigit(*(var.End()-1)) && (se = s.Find(var)) ) { SetExpandSequences(false); InsertItem( retval, &var, &val ); SetExpandSequences(true); continue; } InsertItem( retval, &var, &val ); } } // // Parse routine: converts a string into a PHP hash. // void SpecMgr::StringToSpec( const char *type, const char *form, Error *e, zval *retval ) { SpecDataTable specData; StrPtr * specDef = specs->GetVar( type ); Spec s( specDef->Text(), "", e ); if ( !e->Test() ) s.ParseNoValid( form, &specData, e ); if ( e->Test() ) { ZVAL_NULL( retval ); return; } StrDictToSpec( specData.Dict(), specDef, retval ); } // // Format routine, updates a StrBuf object with the form content. // The StrBuf can then be converted to a PHP string where required. // void SpecMgr::SpecToString( const char *type, zval *hash, StrBuf &b, Error *e ) { StrPtr *specDef = specs->GetVar( type ); if ( !specDef ) { e->Set( E_FAILED, "No specdef available. Cannot convert hash to a " "Perforce form" ); return; } SpecDataTable specData; Spec s( specDef->Text(), "", e ); if ( e->Test() ) return; int cur; zend_string * key; uint key_len; ulong index; zval *elem, *subval; HashTable *ht, *ht2; StrBuf os, err; TSRMLS_FETCH(); ht = Z_ARRVAL_P( hash ); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL(ht, index, key, elem) { if ( Z_TYPE_P(elem) == IS_REFERENCE ) { elem = Z_REFVAL_P( elem ); } switch ( Z_TYPE_P( elem ) ) { case IS_ARRAY: // Need to flatten the list ht2 = Z_ARRVAL_P( elem ); for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < zend_hash_num_elements( ht2 ); idx2++ ) { subval = zend_hash_index_find(ht2, idx2); os.Clear(); os << key->val << idx2; if ( Z_TYPE_P(subval) == IS_REFERENCE ) { subval = Z_REFVAL_P( subval ); } if ( Z_TYPE_P(subval) != IS_STRING ) { err.Set("Encountered non-string value while parsing spec "); err << StrNum( Z_TYPE_P(subval) ); php_error( E_WARNING, err.Text(), 1 ); continue; } specData.Dict()->SetVar( os.Text(), Z_STRVAL_P(subval) ); if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG_DATA ) cerr << "... " << os.Text() << " -> " << Z_STRVAL_P( subval ) << endl; } break; case IS_STRING: specData.Dict()->SetVar( key->val, Z_STRVAL_P( elem ) ); if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG_DATA ) cerr << "... " << key->val << " -> " << Z_STRVAL_P( elem ) << endl; break; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); s.Format( &specData, &b ); } // // This method returns a hash describing the valid fields in the spec. To // make it easy on our users, we map the lowercase name to the name defined // in the spec (with an underscore in front). // Thus, the users can always user lowercase, and if the field // should be in mixed case, it will be. // void SpecMgr::SpecFields( const char *type, zval *retval ) { return SpecFields( specs->GetVar( type ), retval ); } void SpecMgr::SpecFields( StrPtr *specDef, zval *retval ) { if ( !specDef ) { ZVAL_NULL( retval ); return; } // // There's no trivial way to do this using the API (and get it right), so // for now, we parse the string manually. We're ignoring the type of // the field, and any constraints it may be under; what we're interested // in is solely the field name // array_init( retval ); const char *b, *e; const char *sep = ";"; const char *fsep = ";;"; const char *seek = sep; for ( e = b = specDef->Text(); e && b ; ) { e = strstr( b, seek ); if ( e && seek == sep ) { StrBuf k; k.Set( b, e - b ); StrBuf v(k); StrOps::Lower( k ); add_assoc_string( retval, k.Text(), v.Text() ); b = ++e; seek = fsep; } else if ( e ) { b = e += 2; seek = sep; } } } // // Split a key into its base name and its index. i.e. for a key "how1,0" // the base name is "how" and the index is "1,0". We work backwards from // the end of the key looking for the first char that is neither a // digit, nor a coma. // void SpecMgr::SplitKey( const StrPtr *key, StrBuf &base, StrBuf &index ) { int i = 0; // Don't break off the index if expand sequences is disabled. if ( GetExpandSequences() == false ) { base.Set( key->Text(), key->Length() ); index.Set( StrBuf("") ); return; } base = *key; index = ""; for ( i = key->Length(); i; i-- ) { char prev = (*key)[ i-1 ]; if ( !isdigit( prev ) && prev != ',' ) { base.Set( key->Text(), i ); index.Set( key->Text() + i ); break; } } } // // Insert an element into the response structure. The element may need to // be inserted into an array nested deeply within the enclosing hash. // void SpecMgr::InsertItem( zval *hash, const StrPtr *var, const StrPtr *val ) { zval ary; zval *data; StrBuf base, index; StrRef comma( "," ); TSRMLS_FETCH(); HashTable * ht = Z_ARRVAL_P( hash ); SplitKey( var, base, index ); if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG ) { std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} " << std::endl; std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} Var: " << var->Text() << ", val: " << val->Text() << std::endl; std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} SplitKey(var, base, index)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} base.Text(): " << base.Text() << ", index.Text(): " << index.Text() << std::endl; } // If there's no index, then we insert into the top level hash // but if the key is already defined then we need to rename the key. This // is probably one of those special keys like otherOpen which can be // both an array element and a scalar. The scalar comes last, so we // just rename it to "otherOpens" to avoid trashing the previous key // value if ( index == "" ) { StrBuf key( *var ); if ( zend_hash_str_exists( ht, var->Text(), var->Length() ) ) key << "s"; add_assoc_stringl( hash, key.Text(), val->Text(), val->Length()); if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG ) { std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} Adding top-level: " << var->Text() << ": " << val->Text() << std::endl; } return; } // // Get or create the parent array from the hash. // if ( (data = zend_hash_str_find( ht, base.Text(), base.Length())) == NULL ) { array_init( &ary ); add_assoc_zval( hash, base.Text(), &ary ); if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG ) { std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} Adding empty array" << std::endl; } } else { if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG ) { std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} Found " << base.Text() << " in hash" << std::endl; } ary = *data; } // Ensure that the parent array is in fact an array. // If it is not, just store value (val) under original name (var) if ( Z_TYPE( ary ) != IS_ARRAY ) { add_assoc_stringl( hash, var->Text(), val->Text(), val->Length()); if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG ) { std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} Adding " << var->Text() << "=" << val->Text() << " and returning" << std::endl; } return; } // The index may be a simple digit, or it could be a comma separated // list of digits. For each "level" in the index, we need a containing // array. for ( const char *c = 0; ( c = index.Contains( comma ) ); ) { StrBuf level; level.Set( index.Text(), c - index.Text() ); index.Set( c + 1 ); // Found another level so we need to get/create a nested array // under the current entry. We use the level as an index so that // missing entries are left empty deliberately. int levelValue = level.Atoi(); zval tlist; if ( PHP_PERFORCE_DEBUG ) { std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} levelValue=" << levelValue << std::endl; std::cerr << "[P4] {SpecMgr::InsertItem} zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL_P( ary ) )=" << zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL( ary ) ) << std::endl; } if ( levelValue >= zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL( ary ) ) ) { for (int i = zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL( ary ) ); i < levelValue; i++) { add_index_unset( &ary, i ); } array_init( &tlist ); add_next_index_zval( &ary, &tlist ); ary = tlist; } else { zval *tmp; if ( (tmp = zend_hash_index_find( Z_ARRVAL( ary ), levelValue)) == NULL ) { array_init( &tlist ); add_next_index_zval( &ary, &tlist ); } else { ary = *tmp; } } } // Fill in any intervening keys that are missing with null. for ( int i = index.Atoi(); i > zend_hash_num_elements( Z_ARRVAL( ary ) ); ) { add_next_index_null( &ary ); } add_next_index_string( &ary, val->Text() ); }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 24779 | Robert Cowham | P4PHP 2016.2.1490102 | ||
#1 | 16506 | perforce_software | Move P4PHP to main branch. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4php/specmgr.cc | |||||
#1 | 8467 | Jan Van Uytven |
Initial commit of P4PHP from //depot/main/p4-php |