Your <i>client workspace</i> is the area on your local filesystem where you work on files managed by Perforce. Your Perforce <i>client
spec</i> defines your workspace location, the depot files you plan to work with, and their location in your workspace when
you invoke Perforce commands.
When you work with P4Web, all workspaces reside on the machine where P4Web is running.
You must define a client workspace before you can do any work with
files in your workspace. To define a client workspace, use the p4 command-line interface or P4V, the Perforce Visual Client. (You cannot create a workspace using P4Web.) For information about the attributes of a client spec,
see <ahref="editclient.html">Editing Client Specs</a>. After defining the client workspace, you can move files between it and the <a
href="defs.html#depot">depot</a>, enabling you to check the files out, edit them, and submit them.
<b>Accessing Client Specs</b>
<p> To list client workspace, click on the <B>Clients</B> tab. To display details about a specific workspace, click its name.
<p> To switch workspaces, click the desired workspace, then click the <b>Switch to</b> link