- <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>P4Web User Guide - Using The Control Panel</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FONT SIZE=-1><B>P4Web Release 2012.1 User Guide</B></FONT><BR>
- <FONT SIZE=-1><B><A HREF="quickstart.html">[Getting Started]</A> <A HREF="howto.html">[How To...]</A> <A HREF="tips.html">[Browser Tips]</A> <A HREF="defs.html">[Glossary]</A> <A HREF="roadmap.html">[Road Map]</A> </B></FONT><BR>
- <H3>Using The Control Panel</H3>
- <FORM>
- <P> The P4Web control panel, visible at the top of every P4Web page, offers
- <a href="controlpanel.html#shortcuts">shortcut buttons</a> and the <a href="controlpanel.html#menus">Action
- menu</a>. It also shows your Perforce <a href="controlpanel.html#config">configuration
- information</a>, and in some cases, <a href="controlpanel.html#recentactivity">recent
- depot activity</a>. Some of the shortcuts buttons and menu choices are available
- only if you're using P4Web in <a href="helper.html">Standard mode</a> and
- are not displayed in <A HREF="browseonly.html">Viewer mode</A>.
- <h4>
- <a name=shortcuts>
- Shortcut buttons
- </a>
- </h4>
- Depending on the P4Web page you're on, you'll see a selection of shortcut buttons.These
- buttons provide links to many of the operations that are also available in the
- drop-down menus. In most browsers, you can mouse over the buttons to see brief
- descriptions of what they do:
- <p>
- <table width=100%><tr><td valign=top>
- <font size=-1>
- <br><img src="../icons/gotree.gif">Display the Tree view of the depot or workspace
- <br><img src="../icons/runsync.gif">Sync to head revisions
- <br><img src="../icons/runedit.gif">Open for edit
- <br><img src="../icons/rundelete.gif">Open for delete
- <br><img src="../icons/rundiff.gif">Diff workspace file
- </font>
- </td><td valign=top>
- <font size=-1>
- <br><img src="../icons/launchedit.gif">Open file in associated editor
- <br><img src="../icons/showtext.gif">Show file text
- <br><img src="../icons/showfilelog.gif">Show revision history
- <br><img src="../icons/runsubmit.gif">Submit default changelist
- <br><img src="../icons/runrevert.gif">Revert opened files if unchanged
- </font>
- </td><td valign=top>
- <font size=-1>
- <br><img src="../icons/cancel.gif">Cancel the last Perforce command
- <br><img src="../icons/recentactivity.gif">Show/hide recent activity
- <br><img src="../icons/info.gif">Show P4Web, Server, and Perforce information
- </font>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h4> <a name=menus> The Action menu </a> </h4>
- <p> There is a pulldown Action menu at the top of every page that allows you
- to act on the objects on that page. Depending on your browser, you either
- simply select the option or select the option and click <B>Go</B>.
- <p>
- <H4>
- <a name=config>
- Configuration settings
- </a>
- </H4>
- <P>
- The banner at the top of the P4Web control panel shows the
- P4Web page you're on, and your current Perforce
- <A HREF="defs.html#port">port</A>,
- <A HREF="defs.html#user">user</A>, and
- <A HREF="defs.html#client">client</A> configuration settings.
- You can change the current client workspace setting by clicking the
- <b>Settings</b> tab.
- <p> This banner also shows your current path in the <b>Path</b> field, which
- is important in P4Web, because you are often given the option of viewing items
- that only affect your current path.
- <ul>
- <li>While viewing a file, click <b>Go</b> to view the Revision History of that file.
- <li>While viewing a folder, click <b>Go</b> to go to the Tree view of that folder.
- </ul>
- To navigate to another file or folder, type the path in the <b>Path</b> field
- and click <b>Go</b>. If the path is a folder, the path must have a trailing
- path delimiter. If the path does not have a trailing path delimiter, P4Web assumes
- that the path is a file.
- <h4>
- <a name=recentactivity>
- Recent activity
- </a>
- </h4>
- <p>
- The control panel can be set to
- show the five most recent changes to the current file or path.
- Use either the "Show/Hide recent activity"
- <a href="controlpanel.html#shortcuts">shortcut button</a> to set this preference.
- If you are working with a large depot, please see
- see <a href="tips.html#serverimpact">Reducing P4Web's impact on the Perforce Server</a>.
- </FORM>
- <P>
- <HR>
- <FONT SIZE=-1><I>
- Copyright 2012 <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce Software</A>.
- All rights reserved.
- </I></FONT>
- </BODY></HTML>
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21055 |
p4mdavies |
Add release notes and documentation. |
8 years ago