<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> P4Web User Guide - Adding and Replacing Files in a Label </TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FONT SIZE = -1 ><B> P4Web Release 2012.1 User Guide </B></FONT><BR> <FONT SIZE = -1 ><B><A HREF = "quickstart.html" > [Getting Started] </A> <A HREF = "howto.html" > [How To...] </A> <A HREF = "tips.html" > [Browser Tips] </A> <A HREF = "defs.html" > [Glossary] </A> <A HREF = "roadmap.html" > [Road Map] </A> </B></FONT><BR> <H3> Adding and Replacing Files in a Label </H3> <P> <P> There are essentially two steps to creating a label: <ol type = 1 > <li> Create the label spec, which defines the name of the label and <a href = "defs.html#labelview" > label view </a> . <li> Tag the files with that label using <B> Add/Replace files... </B> </ol> <B> Add/Replace files... </B> tags a set of files with a label. Once you have tagged them, you can refer to a set of files by their label name. <P> <P> For more information about labels, see <A HREF = "label.html" > Working with Labels </a> . <p> <h4> Add/Replace restrictions </h4> Bear in mind that you <i> cannot </i> use <B> Add/Replace files </B> to update a label if: <ul> <li> The label's <b> Owner: </b> field is not your userid. You can only update labels you own. <li> The label has its <b> Options: </b> field set to <i> locked </i> </ul> For more information about a label's fields, see <A HREF = "editlabel.html" > Creating and Editing Labels </A> . <p> <h4> To Add/Replace files in a label </h4> <ol type = 1 > <li> Select the <b> Labels </b> tab. <li> Click on the name of the label to which you want to add or replace files. <li> Select <b> Add/Replace labels... </b> from the pulldown list. </ol> <b> On the Add/Replace Files page </b> <ol> <li> Under <b> Revision: </b> select one of the following radio buttons: <ul> <li><b> Workspace Revision </b> : tags the file revisions currently synced in your workspace with the label. <li><b> Head Revision </b> : tags the file revisions that are currently the latest versions in the depot with the label. <li><b> Label, Changelist or Date </b> : enter a label name, a changelist number, or a date to tag files at revisions matching that criteria. </ul> <p> <li> Under <b> Options: </b> select one of the following radio buttons: <ul> <li><b> Replace label contents completely </b> : specified files are added or replaced. Files previously in the label that do not match your specification are removed from the label. <li><b> Add files to label </b> : adds or replaces only the files that you specify. Labeled files that do not match your specifications are unaffected. <li><b> Remove files from label </b> : removes the named files from the label. </ul> <p> <li> Under <b> Files: </b> you can specify or restrict the files to add or replace. Select one of the following options: <ul> <li><b> All files in label view </b> : includes all files in this label's <A HREF = "defs.html#labelview" > label view </a> . <li><b> Files in <i> [path] </i></b> : this option is only available when your current path is not the root of the depot tree. Select <b> and subdirectories </b> or <b> at this level only </b> , depending on which files you want to include. <li><b> Files in this list </b> : includes only the files listed in the textbox. You must provide a full pathname for these files, and you can use <A HREF = "defs.html#wildcard" > wildcards </a> . Note that the files you specify must be in the label's view, or P4Web displays a "No such file" error. You can also specify revisions if you have selected the <b> Workspace Revision </b> option. </ul> <p> <li> When you have finished defining the parameters, click the <b> Preview Add/Replace </b> button to see the results before actually updating the label. If the command has the expected results, click your browser's "Back" button and click the <b> Add/Replace </b> button to proceed. </ol> <P> <HR> <FONT SIZE = -1 ><I> Copyright 2012 <A HREF = "http://www.perforce.com" > Perforce Software </A> . All rights reserved. </I></FONT> </BODY></HTML>
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