- <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>P4Web User Guide - Displaying Submitted Changelists</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><FONT SIZE=-1><B>P4Web Release 2012.1 User Guide</B></FONT><BR>
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- <H3>Displaying Submitted Changelists</H3>
- <p>
- You can see the history of any file or path in a Perforce
- depot by displaying its
- <a href="defs.html#submittedchangelist">submitted changelists</a> by clicking on the
- <b>Submitted </b> tab.
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>
- To view submitted changelists for one particular <I>file</I>, click on that file and click the
- <b>Submitted</b> tab. This lists all the
- changelists that affected the current file, most recent
- first.
- <p>
- <li>
- To view submitted changelists in a particular <I>path</I>,
- Click on that directory and then click the <b>Submitted</b> tab. This lists all the
- changelists that affected files in the current path, most recent
- first.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <h4>Filtering Changelists</h4>
- <p>
- You can filter your view of the submitted changelists in several ways, using the <b>Changelist
- Filter</b>:
- <ul>
- <li>Enter the number of changelists to display in the list.
- <br>
- <li>In the <b>Highest(or Range)</b> text box, specify:
- <ul>
- <li>The highest changelist number that you want to view. Only changelists
- up to and including this number are listed.
- <li>A range of changelist numbers, separated by a comma.
- </ul>
- <li>If the <b>File Pattern</b> text box is displayed, you can specify a particular
- file or set of files, including wildcards. <br>
- <li>View changelists by user and/or client, using the <b>User</b> and <b>Client</b> text boxes.
- <li>To view all submitted changelists in the depot, uncheck the <B>Display only
- changelists for current path</B> option.
- </ul>
- When you have finished making your selections, click the <B>Filter</B> button.
- <p> To clear your selections, click the <b>Reset</b> button.
- <p> To save your Submitted Changelist preferences after you have selected all
- of your options, <a href="tips.html#bookmarks">bookmark</a> this page for future
- use.
- <p>
- <h4>Integrated Changes</h4>
- <p> By default, only changelists associated directly with the current file or
- path are shown. For example, if your current path is<tt> //depot/projects/titan/index.html</tt>,
- the submitted changelists page shows the changelists that involve revisions
- of the <tt>//depot/projects/titan/index.html</tt> file.
- <p> The <b>Include integrated changes</b> option expands the changelists shown
- to include those known to have been <a href="integrate.html">integrated</a>
- to the current file or path. For example, if your current file is<tt> //depot/projects/titan/index.html</tt>,
- enabling the <b>Include integrated changes</b> option displays:
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li> Changelists that involve revisions of the <tt>//depot/projects/titan/index.html</tt>
- file
- <p>
- <li> Changelists that involve any other file revisions that were integrated to
- the <tt>//depot/projects/titan/index.html</tt> file.
- </ul>
- <p> <b>NOTE:</b> P4Web does not display integrated changelists lower than those
- shown on the page that includes the first changelist number that directly affected
- the current file or path. For example, assume the current file is <tt>//depot/projects/titan/index.html</tt>
- and it was created with changelist 14560. The last page of submitted changelists
- you can display, including integrated changelists, is the page on which changelist
- 14560 is listed. Even though there are other file revisions in considerably
- earlier changelists that might have been integrated into <tt>//depot/projects/titan/index.html</tt>,
- they are not displayed unless they fit on the same page as changelist 14560.
- <P>
- <HR>
- <FONT SIZE=-1><I>
- Copyright 2012 <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com">Perforce Software</A>.
- All rights reserved.
- </I></FONT>
- </BODY></HTML>
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
21055 |
p4mdavies |
Add release notes and documentation. |
8 years ago