// P4ListCtrl.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "p4win.h" #include "P4ListCtrl.h" #include "P4PaneView.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "P4Object.h" #include "P4ListBrowse.h" #include "cmd_delete.h" #include "cmd_editspec.h" #include "SpecDescDlg.h" #include "RegKeyEx.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif static LPCTSTR sRegKey = _T("Software\\Perforce\\P4Win\\Layout\\"); static LPCTSTR sRegValue_ColumnWidths = _T("Column Widths"); static LPCTSTR sRegValue_SortColumns = _T("Sort Columns"); static LPCTSTR sRegValue_ColumnNames = _T("Column Names"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CP4ListCtrl IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CP4ListCtrl, CListCtrl) CP4ListCtrl::CP4ListCtrl() { m_UpdateState= LIST_CLEAR; m_SortAscending=FALSE; m_ActivatedBefore=FALSE; m_EditInProgress=FALSE; m_LastSortCol=0; m_ContextContext= KEYSTROKED; m_ReadSavedWidths = m_ColsInited = FALSE; m_PostViewUpdateMsg = 0; m_LastSelIx = -1; for (int i = -1; ++i < MAX_SORT_COLUMNS; ) m_SortColumns[i] = 0; } CP4ListCtrl::~CP4ListCtrl() { } void CP4ListCtrl::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus) { if (m_EditInProgress && (bShow || GET_P4REGPTR()->AutoMinEditDlg())) m_EditInProgressWnd->ShowWindow(bShow ? SW_RESTORE : SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE); } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnActivateModeless(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (m_EditInProgress && wParam == WA_ACTIVE) ::SetFocus(m_EditInProgressWnd->m_hWnd); return 0; } void CP4ListCtrl::SetUpdateDone() { m_UpdateState = LIST_UPDATED; MainFrame()->SetLastUpdateTime(UPDATE_SUCCESS); } void CP4ListCtrl::SetUpdateFailed() { m_UpdateState = LIST_CLEAR; MainFrame()->SetLastUpdateTime(UPDATE_FAILED); } // Last line of OnViewUpdate() should ALWAYS call this base fn void CP4ListCtrl::OnViewUpdate() { m_UpdateState= LIST_UPDATING; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CP4ListCtrl, CListCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CP4ListCtrl) ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(LVN_COLUMNCLICK, OnColumnclick) ON_WM_SHOWWINDOW() ON_WM_SETCURSOR() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(LVN_KEYDOWN, OnKeydown) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_EDIT_COPY, OnUpdateEditCopy) ON_COMMAND(ID_EDIT_COPY, OnEditCopy) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_MESSAGE( WM_FINDPATTERN, OnFindPattern ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_FETCHOBJECTLIST, OnP4ObjectFetch ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_GETOBJECTLIST, OnP4ObjectList ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_WIZFETCHOBJECTLIST, OnP4WizObjectFetch ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_WIZGETOBJECTLIST, OnP4WizObjectList ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_INTEGFETCHOBJECTLIST, OnP4IntegObjectFetch ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_INTEGGETOBJECTLIST, OnP4IntegObjectList ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_SELECTTHIS, OnSelectThis ) ON_MESSAGE( WM_ACTIVATEMODELESS, OnActivateModeless ) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CP4ListCtrl diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CP4ListCtrl::AssertValid() const { CListCtrl::AssertValid(); } void CP4ListCtrl::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CListCtrl::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CP4ListCtrl message handlers void CP4ListCtrl::OnColumnclick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR; if(pNMListView->iItem == -1) { if(pNMListView->iSubItem == m_LastSortCol) m_SortAscending= !m_SortAscending; else m_LastSortCol=pNMListView->iSubItem; ReSort(); } *pResult = 0; } struct SortParam { CP4ListCtrl * listCtrl; int subItem; }; static int CALLBACK SortCallback(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) { SortParam *sp = (SortParam*)lParamSort; int rc = sp->listCtrl->OnCompareItems(lParam1, lParam2, sp->subItem); // check for duplicate keys; if so, sort on next sort columns int nextcol; if (!rc && sp->subItem && ((nextcol = sp->listCtrl->NextSortColumn(sp->subItem)) != 0)) { // nextcol now contains a value like 1 for col-0-ascending or like -1 for col-0-decending BOOL saveSortAscending = sp->listCtrl->m_SortAscending; if (nextcol < 0) { nextcol = 0 - nextcol; sp->listCtrl->m_SortAscending = FALSE; } else sp->listCtrl->m_SortAscending = TRUE; rc = sp->listCtrl->OnCompareItems(lParam1, lParam2, (LPARAM)(nextcol - 1)); sp->listCtrl->m_SortAscending = saveSortAscending; } return rc; } void CP4ListCtrl::ReSort() { // update sort column and/or direction AddSortColumn(m_LastSortCol, m_SortAscending); // actually sort the list items SortParam sp; sp.listCtrl = this; sp.subItem = m_LastSortCol; SetRedraw(FALSE); SortItems(SortCallback, (DWORD)&sp); SetRedraw(TRUE); // update the header and make sure the selected item is visible m_headerctrl.SetSortImage( m_LastSortCol, m_SortAscending ); if( GetSelectedItem() != -1 ) EnsureVisible(GetSelectedItem(), FALSE); } BOOL CP4ListCtrl::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { if(SERVER_BUSY()) return SET_BUSYCURSOR(); else return CListCtrl::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message); } void CP4ListCtrl::SetIndexAndPoint( int &index, CPoint &point ) { if( m_ContextContext == MOUSEHIT ) { index= GetContextItem( point ); m_ContextContext= KEYSTROKED; } else { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); point= rect.CenterPoint(); ClientToScreen(&point); index= GetSelectedItem(); } } int CP4ListCtrl::GetContextItem( const CPoint & point ) { int index = GetHitItem ( point, TRUE ); if ( index < 0 ) { // user right clicked on the empty part of the pane. // if something is selected, unselect it so user doesn't get confused. // int i = GetSelectedItem( ); if ( i > -1 ) SetItemState( i, 0 , LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); } else { // we got a hit on a name. select it, since another name may have // been selected -- if the user has right-clicked on a new name, // let's assume s/he wants this new one to be selected as well. // SetItemState( index, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); } return index; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Windows NT3.51 screws up context menues in listview, just as NT4 screws these // up in tree views. Manually implement context menu invokation. void CP4ListCtrl::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // Just eat the message } void CP4ListCtrl::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // Right click context menu is broken in CListViews - a dbl right click is what // it wants. CPoint screenPt=point; ClientToScreen(&screenPt); m_ContextContext= MOUSEHIT; OnContextMenu(NULL, screenPt); } // Save current column widths to the registry void CP4ListCtrl::OnDestroy() { SaveColumnWidths(); CListCtrl::OnDestroy(); } // Save current column widths to the registry void CP4ListCtrl::SaveColumnWidths() { // Save the column widths if(m_ColsInited && !m_SubKey.IsEmpty()) { CString theKey = sRegKey + m_SubKey; CRegKeyEx key; if(ERROR_SUCCESS == key.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, theKey)) { CString str; int i; for(i=0; i < MAX_P4OBJECTS_COLUMNS; i++) { // Note that GetColumnWidth returns zero if i > numcols CString num; num.Format(_T("%d"), GetColumnWidth(i)); if(i) str+=_T(","); str+=num; } key.SetValueString(str, sRegValue_ColumnWidths); str.Empty(); for(i=0; i < MAX_SORT_COLUMNS; i++) { CString num; num.Format(_T("%d"), m_SortColumns[i]); if(i) str+=_T(","); str+=num; } key.SetValueString(str, sRegValue_SortColumns); } } } // Check the registry to see if we have recorded the column widths last // used for this list view void CP4ListCtrl::RestoreSavedWidths(int *width, int numcols, LPCTSTR subkey) { m_SubKey = subkey; if(!m_SubKey.IsEmpty()) { CString theKey = sRegKey + m_SubKey; CRegKeyEx key; if(ERROR_SUCCESS == key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, theKey, KEY_READ)) { CString colWidths = key.QueryValueString(sRegValue_ColumnWidths); CString sortCols = key.QueryValueString(sRegValue_SortColumns); if(!colWidths.IsEmpty()) { // things can go wrong with the registry setting of the // widths. // use the defaults if the entry is all zeroes. // if ( colWidths != _T("0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0") ) for(int i=0; i< numcols; i++) { // Always use at least 30, so no column gets hidden. Very important // when changing p4port and hitting a server whose job spec has more // columns than the last server had. Allowing the width of new columns // to default to zero can confound someone unfamiliar with spreadsheet // operation, since it is not obvious that you can drag them back to a // visible width // // Also check that the column width has not been set too large // XP seems to lose it if the column width is very large - job006177. width[i] = GetPositiveNumber(colWidths); if (width[i] < 30) width[i] = 30; else if (width[i] > 3000) width[i] = 150; } } if(!sortCols.IsEmpty()) { for(int i=0; i< MAX_SORT_COLUMNS; i++) { m_SortColumns[i]= GetANumber(sortCols); if(!i && !m_SortColumns[i]) m_SortColumns[i] = 1; } m_LastSortCol=abs(m_SortColumns[0]) - 1; // SortColumns are signed & 1-relative m_SortAscending = m_SortColumns[0] >= 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; } } m_ReadSavedWidths= TRUE; } // Make sure no column completely disappeared (because you can't get it back then) for (int i=-1; ++i < numcols; ) { if (width[i] < 5) width[i] = 5; } } // Check the registry to see if we have recorded column names last // used for this list view BOOL CP4ListCtrl::GetSavedColumnNames(CStringArray &colNames, LPCTSTR subkey) { BOOL rc = TRUE; CString allCols = _T(":101 :102 :103 :104 :105 "); // note ' ' must follow last fieldname m_SubKey = subkey; CString theKey = sRegKey + m_SubKey; CRegKeyEx key; if(ERROR_SUCCESS == key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, theKey, KEY_READ)) { CString colNames = key.QueryValueString(sRegValue_ColumnNames); if(!colNames.IsEmpty()) { allCols = colNames; allCols += _T(' '); rc = FALSE; } } int i; int j = 0; while ((j++ < MAX_P4OBJECTS_COLUMNS) && ((i = allCols.Find(_T(' '))) != -1)) { CString name = allCols.Left(i); colNames.Add(name); allCols = allCols.Right(allCols.GetLength() - i); allCols.TrimLeft(); } return rc; } void CP4ListCtrl::SaveColumnNames(CString &colNames, LPCTSTR subkey) { // Save the column names if(!m_SubKey.IsEmpty()) { CString theKey = sRegKey + m_SubKey; CRegKeyEx key; if(ERROR_SUCCESS == key.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, theKey)) { colNames.TrimRight(); key.SetValueString(colNames, sRegValue_ColumnNames); } } } void CP4ListCtrl::DeleteColumnNames(LPCTSTR subkey) { // Save the column names if(!m_SubKey.IsEmpty()) { CString theKey = sRegKey + m_SubKey; CRegKeyEx key; if(ERROR_SUCCESS == key.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, theKey)) { key.DeleteValue(sRegValue_ColumnNames); } } } /* _________________________________________________________________ hitting enter should do what the left click button does (mainly call ondescribe, although some lists call onedit for some reason) do delete too, when i get the owners of the clients etc. and deletes are allowed. also, when i know who is a super user, allow inserts. _________________________________________________________________ */ void CP4ListCtrl::OnKeydown( NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { LV_KEYDOWN *pLVKeyDow = ( LV_KEYDOWN *)pNMHDR; MainFrame()->SetGotUserInput( ); switch ( pLVKeyDow->wVKey ) { case VK_RETURN: OnDescribe( ); break; case VK_DELETE: OnDelete( GetDeleteType( ) ); break; case VK_TAB: if ( ::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000 ) // Ctrl+TAB switches to opposite pane MainFrame()->SwitchPanes(DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CView, GetParent()), ( ::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000 )); // Shift+Ctrl+TAB switches to status pane break; } *pResult = 0; } /* _________________________________________________________________ */ int CP4ListCtrl::GetDeleteType( ) { return ( m_viewType == P4BRANCH_SPEC ) ? P4BRANCH_DEL : ( m_viewType == P4CLIENT_SPEC ) ? P4CLIENT_DEL : ( m_viewType == P4JOB_SPEC ) ? P4JOB_DEL : ( m_viewType == P4LABEL_SPEC ) ? P4LABEL_DEL : ( m_viewType == P4USER_SPEC ) ? P4USER_DEL : 0; } /* _________________________________________________________________ put all this in one place to reduce code bloat. _________________________________________________________________ */ void CP4ListCtrl::InsertColumnHeaders( const CStringArray &colnames, int * widths ) { // Delete all of the old columns. int nColumnCount = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); for (int i=-1; ++i < nColumnCount; ) DeleteColumn(0); SetImageList( TheApp()->GetImageList(), LVSIL_SMALL ); for( int subItem = 0; subItem < colnames.GetSize(); subItem++ ) { LVCOLUMN lvCol; lvCol.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_SUBITEM | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvCol.pszText = ( LPTSTR )( LPCTSTR ) colnames.GetAt( subItem ); lvCol.iSubItem = lvCol.iOrder = subItem; lvCol.cx = widths[ subItem ]; static BOOL bErrDispalyed=FALSE; int i = InsertColumn( subItem, &lvCol ); if (i==-1 && !bErrDispalyed) { AfxMessageBox(_T("Column header insert failure"), MB_ICONSTOP); bErrDispalyed = TRUE; } } m_ColsInited = TRUE; } /* _________________________________________________________________ get the string of the item. return it. if nothing is selected return an empty string. _________________________________________________________________ */ CString CP4ListCtrl::GetSelectedItemText( ) { TCHAR str[ LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE + 1 ]; int index = GetSelectedItem ( ); CString name = ""; if( index != -1 ) { GetItemText( index, 0, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); name = str; } return name; } CString CP4ListCtrl::GetSelectedItemOwner(int ownerColumnNumber) { TCHAR str[ LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE + 1 ]; int index = GetSelectedItem ( ); CString owner = ""; if( index != -1 ) { GetItemText( index, ownerColumnNumber, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); owner = str; } return owner; } BOOL CP4ListCtrl::SelectedItemIsLocked(int optionsColumnNumber ) { TCHAR str[ LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE + 1 ]; int index = GetSelectedItem ( ); if( index != -1 ) { GetItemText( index, optionsColumnNumber, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); if (str[0] == _T('l')) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int CP4ListCtrl::GetSelectedItem() { if ( m_LastSelIx != -1 && GetItemState( m_LastSelIx, LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) return m_LastSelIx; int cnt = GetItemCount(); int start = max(GetTopIndex() - 100, -1); for( m_LastSelIx = start; ++m_LastSelIx < cnt; ) { if( GetItemState( m_LastSelIx, LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) return m_LastSelIx; } for( m_LastSelIx = start+1; --m_LastSelIx >= 0; ) { if( GetItemState( m_LastSelIx, LVIS_SELECTED ) == LVIS_SELECTED ) return m_LastSelIx; } return m_LastSelIx = -1; } int CP4ListCtrl::GetHitItem( const CPoint &point, BOOL bScreenCoords /* = FALSE */) { CPoint local = point; if ( bScreenCoords ) ScreenToClient( &local ); LV_HITTESTINFO ht; ht.pt = local; ht.flags = LVHT_ONITEMICON | LVHT_ONITEMLABEL; return HitTest( &ht ); } int CP4ListCtrl::FindInList( const CString &name ) { TCHAR str[ LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE + 1 ]; for( int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++ ) { GetItemText( i, 0, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); if( !Compare(name,str) ) return i; } return -1; } int CP4ListCtrl::FindInListAll( const CString &name ) { int cnt = m_ListAll.column[0].GetCount(); for( int i = 0; i < cnt; i++ ) { if( !Compare(name, m_ListAll.column[0].GetAt(i)) ) return i; } return -1; } int CP4ListCtrl::FindInListNoCase( const CString &name ) { TCHAR str[ LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE + 1 ]; for( int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++ ) { GetItemText( i, 0, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); if( !name.CompareNoCase(str) ) return i; } return -1; } void CP4ListCtrl::OnDescribe( void ) { m_Active = GetSelectedItemText(); if ( m_Active.IsEmpty( ) ) return; CCmd_Describe *pCmd = new CCmd_Describe; pCmd->Init( m_hWnd, RUN_ASYNC ); if( pCmd->Run( m_viewType, m_Describing = m_Active ) ) { MainFrame()->UpdateStatus( LoadStringResource(IDS_FETCHING_SPEC) ); return; } else { delete pCmd; return; } } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4Describe( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { MSG msg; BOOL ret = FALSE; CCmd_Describe *pCmd = ( CCmd_Describe * )wParam; if(!pCmd->GetError() && !MainFrame()->IsQuitting()) { CString ref = pCmd->GetReference(); ASSERT(!ref.IsEmpty()); if (!ref.IsEmpty()) m_Describing = ref; int i, j = -2; CString specblankdesc = CCmd_EditSpec::g_blankDesc; CString desc = MakeCRs( pCmd->GetDescription( ) ); if ((i = desc.Find(specblankdesc)) > 0) { j = lstrlen(_T("\r\nDescription:\r\n\t")); j = desc.Find(_T("\r\nDescription:\r\n\t"), i - j*2) + j; } if ((i == j) && (desc.GetAt(i-1) == _T('\t')) && ((i+specblankdesc.GetLength() >= desc.GetLength()) || (desc.GetAt(i+specblankdesc.GetLength()) < _T(' ')))) { CString msg; msg.FormatMessage(IDS_THERE_IS_NO_s_TO_DESCRIBE, m_Describing); AddToStatus(msg, SV_WARNING); } else { int key; CSpecDescDlg *dlg = new CSpecDescDlg(this); dlg->SetIsModeless(TRUE); dlg->SetKey(key = pCmd->HaveServerLock()? pCmd->GetServerKey() : 0); if (m_viewType == P4USER_SPEC) { if ((desc.Find(_T("\r\n\r\nUpdate:\t")) == -1) && (desc.Find(_T("\r\n\r\nAccess:\t")) == -1)) { desc += _T("\n\n\tTHIS USER DOES NOT APPEAR TO EXIST - has it been deleted?"); } } dlg->SetDescription( desc ); dlg->SetItemName( m_Describing ); if (m_viewType == P4JOB_SPEC) dlg->SetReportedByTitle( m_ReportedByTitle ); CString caption; caption.FormatMessage(IDS_PERFORCE_DESCRIPTION_FOR_s, m_Describing); dlg->SetCaption( caption ); dlg->SetShowNextPrev(m_UpdateState == LIST_UPDATED ? TRUE : FALSE); dlg->SetShowShowFixes(m_viewType == P4JOB_SPEC); dlg->SetShowShowFiles(m_viewType == P4LABEL_SPEC); dlg->SetViewType(m_viewType); dlg->SetCaller(pCmd->GetCaller()); if (pCmd->GetListCtrl() && pCmd->GetListCtrl() != this) { dlg->SetShowEditBtn(FALSE); dlg->SetListCtrl(pCmd->GetListCtrl()); } else { dlg->SetListCtrl(this); switch(m_viewType) { case P4CLIENT_SPEC: dlg->SetShowEditBtn(!key && GET_P4REGPTR()->GetP4Client() == m_Describing); break; case P4USER_SPEC: dlg->SetShowEditBtn(!key && GET_P4REGPTR()->GetP4User() == m_Describing); break; default: dlg->SetShowEditBtn(!key ? TRUE : FALSE); break; } } if (m_EditInProgress) // overrides any previous possibility dlg->SetShowEditBtn(FALSE); while ( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) ) // clear the message queue { if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT ) // get out if app is terminating break; TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } if (!dlg->Create(IDD_SPECDESC, this)) // display the description dialog box { EnumChildWindows(AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, ChildSetRedraw, TRUE); dlg->DestroyWindow(); // some error! clean up delete dlg; } else ret = TRUE; } } else // had an error - need to turn painting back on { EnumChildWindows(AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, ChildSetRedraw, TRUE); } delete pCmd; MainFrame()->ClearStatus(); return ret; } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4EndDescribe( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CSpecDescDlg *dlg = (CSpecDescDlg *)lParam; CString ref = dlg->GetItemName(); ASSERT(!ref.IsEmpty()); if (!ref.IsEmpty()) m_Describing = ref; switch(wParam) // which button did they click to close the box? { case IDC_NEXTITEM: case IDC_PREVITEM: { CListCtrl *plc = (CListCtrl *)dlg->GetListCtrl(); if (SetToNextPrevItem(m_Describing, wParam == IDC_NEXTITEM ? 1 : -1, plc)) { if (plc == this) OnDescribe(); // display the next/prev in the list on the screen else dlg->GetCaller()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, IDC_DESCRIBE, 0); break; } } case IDC_EDITIT: if (wParam == IDC_EDITIT) // note fall-thru from above! EditTheSpec(&m_Describing); default: // clicked OK, pressed ESC or ENTER - need to turn painting back on EnumChildWindows(AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, ChildSetRedraw, TRUE); break; } dlg->DestroyWindow(); return TRUE; } // The plc points to the list control that initially fired off // the Describe - it may not be the same as 'this' BOOL CP4ListCtrl::SetToNextPrevItem(CString& name, int np, CListCtrl *plc) { // Rummage through the list for the desired item int index = -1; int count = plc->GetItemCount(); TCHAR str[ LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE + 1 ]; BOOL b = FALSE; if (plc == this && m_LastSelIx != -1) { plc->GetItemText( m_LastSelIx, 0, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); if( !Compare(name,str) ) { index = m_LastSelIx; b = TRUE; } } if (!b) { for( int i = -1; ++i < count; ) { plc->GetItemText( i, 0, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); if( !Compare(name,str) ) { index = i; break; } } } if((index + np < 0) || (index == -1) || (index + np >= count)) return FALSE; plc->SetItemState( index + np, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); if (b) m_LastSelIx = index + np; return TRUE; } void CP4ListCtrl::OnDelete( int type ) { m_Active = GetSelectedItemText( ) ; if ( m_Active.IsEmpty( ) ) return; if ( !OKToDelete( ) ) return; CString msg; msg.FormatMessage ( IDS_DELETEIT_s, m_Active ); if( AfxMessageBox( msg, MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2|MB_ICONQUESTION ) != IDYES) return; CCmd_Delete *pCmd = new CCmd_Delete; pCmd->Init( m_hWnd, RUN_ASYNC ); if( pCmd->Run( type, m_Active ) ) MainFrame()->UpdateStatus( LoadStringResource(IDS_DELETING) ); else delete pCmd; } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4Delete( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { CCmd_Delete *pCmd = ( CCmd_Delete * )wParam; if(!pCmd->GetError()) { AddToStatus( pCmd->GetCompletionMessage() , SV_COMPLETION ); int index = FindInList( m_Active ); if ( index > -1 ) DeleteItem( index ); index = FindInListAll( m_Active ); if ( index > -1 ) m_ListAll.column[0].SetAt(index, _T("@@")); // Removes from list of all items } // the following code is only used if a new user is created, // but then the edit of the new user is canceled. // in that case the newly created user is deleted // so we then want to switch back to the previous user. if ( m_viewType == P4USER_SPEC ) { CString sw2user = pCmd->GetSwitch2User(); if (!sw2user.IsEmpty()) { // switch to the previous user if( !GET_P4REGPTR()->SetP4User( sw2user, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ) ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_P4USER_TO_THE_REGISTRY, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); m_Active = GET_P4REGPTR()->GetP4User(); } MainFrame()->UpdateCaption( ) ; } } delete pCmd; MainFrame()->ClearStatus(); return 0; } /* _________________________________________________________________ */ BOOL CP4ListCtrl::OnUpdateShowMenuItem( CCmdUI* pCmdUI, UINT idString ) { CString str; CString txt = GetSelectedItemText(); str.FormatMessage(idString, TruncateString(txt, 50)); pCmdUI->SetText ( str ); return( !SERVER_BUSY( ) && !txt.IsEmpty( ) ); } int CP4ListCtrl::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CListCtrl::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; DWORD dwStyle = ::SendMessage(m_hWnd,LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE,0,0); dwStyle |= LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT; ::SendMessage(m_hWnd,LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE,0,dwStyle); // In any event, subclass the stinkin header so we can owner-draw // sort arrows to indicate how its sorted m_headerctrl.SubclassWindow(GetHeaderCtrl()->m_hWnd); return 0; } void CP4ListCtrl::OnUpdateEditCopy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(GetItemCount() ? TRUE : FALSE); } void CP4ListCtrl::OnEditCopy() { CString txt = GetSelectedItemText(); CopyTextToClipboard(txt); } void CP4ListCtrl::OnEditPaste( const CString &name ) { int index; if (m_viewType == P4JOB_SPEC && _istdigit(name.GetAt(0)) && GET_P4REGPTR()->GetConvertJobNbr()) { BOOL b = TRUE; CString jobStr = name; for (int i=0; ++i < jobStr.GetLength(); ) { if (!_istdigit(jobStr.GetAt(i))) { b = FALSE; break; } } if (b) jobStr.FormatMessage(IDS_JOBNAME_FORMAT_n, _tstoi(jobStr)); index = FindInList( jobStr ); } else index = FindInList( name ); if ( index > -1 ) { SetItemState( index, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); EnsureVisible(index, FALSE); } else MessageBeep(0); } // Save sort columns in array of signed, 1-relative numbers; // negative columns numbers are for descending, positive for ascending. // Note that incoming 'colnbr' is a non-negative 0-relative number and must be incremented void CP4ListCtrl::AddSortColumn(int colnbr, BOOL sortAscending) { int i; BOOL lastAsc = m_SortColumns[0] >= 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; // first, check for just changing ascending/descending (after making 1 relative) if (++colnbr == abs(m_SortColumns[0])) { if (sortAscending != lastAsc) m_SortColumns[0] = 0 - m_SortColumns[0]; return; } // if first column, clear the saved columns since the 1st column is unique if (colnbr == 1) { for (i = -1; ++i < MAX_SORT_COLUMNS; ) m_SortColumns[i] = 0; } // descending columns are stored as a negative number if (!sortAscending) colnbr = 0 - colnbr; // move older columns up one, then save new signed, 1-relative column number for (i = MAX_SORT_COLUMNS; --i; ) m_SortColumns[i] = m_SortColumns[i-1]; m_SortColumns[0] = colnbr; // remove any older references to this column since they are no longer valid for (i = 0; ++i < MAX_SORT_COLUMNS; ) { if (!m_SortColumns[i]) break; if (abs(m_SortColumns[i]) == abs(colnbr)) { for (int j = i; ++j < MAX_SORT_COLUMNS; ) m_SortColumns[j-1] = m_SortColumns[j]; m_SortColumns[MAX_SORT_COLUMNS-1] = 0; } } } // Since a sort column can only appear once in our saved column array, // given the current column, we can determine the next column. // Note that incoming 'colnbr' is a non-negative 0-relative number and must be incremented // The return value is a signed 1-relative number; negative for descending, positive for ascending int CP4ListCtrl::NextSortColumn(int lastcol) { if (lastcol == 0) return 0; // 0 => no next column lastcol++; for (int i = -1; ++i < (MAX_SORT_COLUMNS-1); ) { if (abs(m_SortColumns[i]) == lastcol) return m_SortColumns[i+1]; } return 0; // 0 => no next column } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnFindPattern(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR str[ 1024 ]; CString text; CString what = (TCHAR *)lParam; int flags = (int)wParam; if (!(flags & FR_MATCHCASE)) what.MakeLower(); int i = GetSelectedItem( ); int j; if ( i == -1 ) SetItemState( 0, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); int columns = GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); if (flags & FR_DOWN) { if (flags < 0) i++; while( i < GetItemCount() ) { for (j =-1; ++j < columns; ) { GetItemText( i, j, str, sizeof(str)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); text = str; if (!(flags & FR_MATCHCASE)) text.MakeLower(); if (text.Find(what) != -1) { SetItemState( i, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); EnsureVisible(i, FALSE); MainFrame()->SetMessageText(LoadStringResource(IDS_FOUND)); return 0; } } i++; } } else { if (flags < 0) i--; while( i >= 0 ) { for (j =-1; ++j < columns; ) { GetItemText( i, j, str, sizeof(str)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); text = str; if (!(flags & FR_MATCHCASE)) text.MakeLower(); if (text.Find(what) != -1) { SetItemState( i, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); EnsureVisible(i, FALSE); MainFrame()->SetMessageText(LoadStringResource(IDS_FOUND)); return 0; } } i--; } } MessageBeep(0); MainFrame()->SetMessageText(LoadStringResource(IDS_NOT_FOUND)); return 0; } void CP4ListCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // find out what was hit LVHITTESTINFO ht; ht.pt=point; int index = HitTest( &ht ); // if it wasn't on an item, return if( index == -1 || !(ht.flags & LVHT_ONITEM) ) return; // We can't call CListView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point) like we want to // because doing so screws up the double click (you have to double click slowly // for it to be detected(!)), so we have to set the selection ourselves. SetItemState(index, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED); EnsureVisible(index, FALSE); TCHAR str[ LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE + 1 ]; GetItemText( index, 0, str, LISTVIEWNAMEBUFSIZE ); m_DragFromItemName = str; // Create a suitably small drag rect around the cursor CPoint pt= point; ClientToScreen(&pt); m_DragSourceRect.SetRect( max(0, pt.x - 2), max(0, pt.y - 2), max(0, pt.x + 2), max(0, pt.y + 2) ); TryDragDrop( ); } BOOL CP4ListCtrl::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { cs.style|=LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS | LVS_ALIGNLEFT | LVS_REPORT; if (GET_P4REGPTR( )->AlwaysShowFocus()) cs.style|=LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS; return CListCtrl::PreCreateWindow(cs); } void CP4ListCtrl::GetListItems(CStringArray *list) { for(int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++) list->Add(GetItemText(i, 0)); } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4ObjectFetch( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if( GetItemCount() > 0 ) SendMessage( WM_GETOBJECTLIST, wParam, lParam); else { m_PostViewUpdateMsg = WM_GETOBJECTLIST; m_PostViewUpdateWParam = wParam; m_PostViewUpdateLParam = lParam; ViewUpdate(); } return 0; } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4IntegObjectFetch( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if( GetItemCount() > 0 ) SendMessage( WM_INTEGGETOBJECTLIST, wParam, lParam); else { m_PostViewUpdateMsg = WM_INTEGGETOBJECTLIST; m_PostViewUpdateWParam = wParam; m_PostViewUpdateLParam = lParam; ViewUpdate(); } return 0; } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4WizObjectFetch( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if( GetItemCount() > 0 ) SendMessage( WM_WIZGETOBJECTLIST, wParam, lParam); else { // Wizard doesn't work if there are not any clients in the client pane // So simulate pressing the Back button CString txt; CP4PaneView * pv = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CP4PaneView, GetWnd()->GetParent()); CString caption = pv ? pv->GetContent()->GetCaption() : _T("Perforce Objects"); txt.FormatMessage(IDS_NO_s_AVAILABLE, caption); AfxMessageBox(txt, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); HWND hWnd = (HWND)wParam; UINT msg = (UINT)lParam; ::SendMessage(hWnd, msg, IDC_BACK, 0); } return 0; } int CP4ListCtrl::GetColNamesAndCount(CStringArray &cols) { TCHAR txt[100]; CString str; int nbrcols; LVCOLUMN column; column.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM; column.pszText = txt; column.cchTextMax = sizeof(txt)/sizeof(TCHAR)-1; for (nbrcols = -1; ++nbrcols < MAX_P4OBJECTS_COLUMNS; ) { if (GetColumn(nbrcols, &column)) { str = column.pszText; cols.Add(str); } else break; } return nbrcols; } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnSelectThis(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CString *name = (CString *)lParam; int index = FindInList( *name ); if ( index > -1 ) { SetItemState( index, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED ); EnsureVisible(index, FALSE); } return 0; } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4ObjectList(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return P4ObjectList(wParam, lParam, FALSE, FALSE); } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4WizObjectList(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return P4ObjectList(wParam, lParam, TRUE, FALSE); } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::OnP4IntegObjectList(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return P4ObjectList(wParam, lParam, FALSE, TRUE); } LRESULT CP4ListCtrl::P4ObjectList(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL bWiz, BOOL bInteg, BOOL bFiltered) { int i; CString str; CString caption; CP4PaneView * pv = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CP4PaneView, GetWnd()->GetParent()); if (bWiz && pv) caption = pv->GetContent()->GetPlainCaption() + LoadStringResource(IDS__WIZARD); else caption = pv ? pv->GetContent()->GetCaption() : _T("Perforce Objects"); // Get the column names and count CStringArray cols; int nbrcols = GetColNamesAndCount(cols); // Get the list of objects SET_APP_HALTED(TRUE); CObList *objs = new CObList; if (bFiltered) { for(i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++ ) { int subitem; CP4Object *newObj= new CP4Object(); for (subitem = -1; ++subitem < nbrcols; ) { str = GetItemText(i, subitem); if (!subitem) newObj->Create(str); else newObj->AddField(str); } objs->AddHead(newObj); } } else { if (pv) { caption = pv->GetContent()->GetPlainCaption(); if (bWiz) caption += LoadStringResource(IDS__WIZARD); } for(i = 0; i < m_ListAll.column[0].GetCount(); i++ ) { int subitem; CP4Object *newObj= new CP4Object(); for (subitem = -1; ++subitem < nbrcols; ) { str = m_ListAll.column[subitem].GetAt(i); if (!subitem) newObj->Create(str); else newObj->AddField(str); } objs->AddHead(newObj); } } if( objs->GetCount() == 0 ) { CString txt; txt.FormatMessage(IDS_NO_s_AVAILABLE, caption); AfxMessageBox(txt, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); SET_APP_HALTED(FALSE); delete objs; return 0; } // Get the currently selected item's name i = GetSelectedItem(); CString curr = GetItemText(i, 0); // Display the dialog box. CP4ListBrowse dlg(this, bWiz, bInteg); dlg.SetP4ObjectFont(GetFont()); dlg.SetP4ObjectType(m_viewType); dlg.SetP4ObjectList(objs); dlg.SetP4ObjectCols(&cols); dlg.SetP4ObjectCurr(&curr); dlg.SetP4ObjectSKey(&m_SubKey); dlg.SetP4ObjectCaption(&caption); dlg.SetP4ObjectImage(m_iImage); if (bFiltered && (GetItemCount() < m_ListAll.column[0].GetCount())) dlg.SetP4ObjectIsFiltered(TRUE); int retcode= dlg.DoModal(); SET_APP_HALTED(FALSE); // Delete the object list for(POSITION pos=objs->GetHeadPosition(); pos!=NULL; ) delete (CP4Object *) objs->GetNext(pos); delete objs; CString *objname= dlg.GetSelectedP4Object(); if(retcode == IDOK && !objname->IsEmpty()) { HWND hWnd = (HWND)wParam; UINT msg = (UINT)lParam; retcode = ::SendMessage(hWnd, msg, 0, (LPARAM)objname); } else if (retcode == IDC_REFRESH) { if (bFiltered && (GetItemCount() < m_ListAll.column[0].GetCount())) { retcode = P4ObjectList(wParam, lParam, bWiz, bInteg, FALSE); } else { m_PostViewUpdateMsg = dlg.IsBranchInteg() ? WM_INTEGFETCHOBJECTLIST : WM_GETOBJECTLIST; m_PostViewUpdateWParam = wParam; m_PostViewUpdateLParam = lParam; ViewUpdate(); retcode = 0; } } else if (retcode == IDC_BACK) { HWND hWnd = (HWND)wParam; UINT msg = (UINT)lParam; retcode = ::SendMessage(hWnd, msg, IDC_BACK, 0); } MainFrame()->ClearStatus(); return retcode; } void CP4ListCtrl::CantEditRightNow(int type) { CString msg; msg.FormatMessage(IDS_CANTEDIT_INPROGRESS, LoadStringResource(type), LoadStringResource(type)); AddToStatus( msg, SV_WARNING ); }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 16169 | perforce_software | Move files to follow new path scheme for branches. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4win/gui/P4ListCtrl.cpp | |||||
#1 | 8562 | Matt Attaway |
These feet never stop running. Initial commit of the P4Win source code. To the best of our knowledge this compiles and runs using the 2013.3 P4 API and VS 2010. Expect a few changes as we refine the build process. Please post any build issues to the forums. |