- TODO for VCP
- *NOTE* Doing a `grep -r TODO lib bin` will find lots of small things and
- future feature ideas. This file will grow to include the more important
- of those.
- - Bugfixes
- - do not attempt to convert Perforce "purged" revisions
- - VCP::Source::parse_time should pay attention to the UTC offset if
- present.
- - if vcp::source::p4 fails to create temporary p4 client,
- don't try to delete it, or at least, don't complain when
- the delete fails.
- - deduce_rev_root should be called after all metadata is extracted
- (or perhaps as it is being extracted) and deduce the root from
- all of the revisions extracted. This will eliminate the need for
- --rev-root to be used with VCP::Source::p4's --follow-branch-into,
- for instance.
- - VCP::Source::cvs should either ignore a leading "/" before the
- module name or complain about it.
- - Clean up VCP::Dest::p4 vcp_#### integrate spec.
- - Make it so that a dest of cvs:blah:foo is either an error or is just
- like cvs:blah:foo/... (if it looks like a directory given the source
- revs or the target repository topology)
- - Prevent keyword expansion on all checkouts. Found by
- Thomas Quinot <quinot@inf.enst.fr>
- * Carry executable bit through (Nick Ing-Simmons)
- * Make <rev_root>, <name>, etc. use binary escapes when needed
- * VCP::Dest::cvs needs to set the binary mode properly on files it creates
- and checks in [[check status]]
- * VCP::Source::cvs needs to deduce binary modes correctly [[check status]]
- - there should be an filter to detect collisions between
- underscorified names (users, files, tage) in VCP::Dest::*.
- - get p4 forms parsing to lex *exactly* like p4 does it.
- - fix docs to give .vcp file examples before command line examples
- - Testing
- - Make sure all filters that can delete revs call skip_rev()
- - finish t/95vss2p4.t (all tests should pass, need to clean up RevML).
- - automate VCP-tests/
- - fully test scan/filter/transfer in test suite
- - t/99foo2bar.t "real world corner conditions" tests.
- - Test VCP::Source::cvs branching corner conditions, perhaps all
- corner conditions for this sort of thing.
- - when the first rev on a branch is a delete
- - when the first rev on a branch occurs as the first change in an
- incremental export
- - when a file is added on a branch in an incremental conversion
- - Test importing two bootstrap imports one on top of the other
- - should VCP warn when it detects this?
- - Test CVS vendor tags in cvs->p4 and cvs->cvs; not sure how to do this
- best; there is no VCP internal designation of a vendor branch.
- Such a flag would also have to be visible in RevML and would be
- needed for testing purposes. Right now, CVS seems to make vendor
- branches appear as branches of rev 1.1, which is OK, I think, but
- it means that the first p4 integrate looks backwards.
- - Test aliased CVS tags
- - Test unlabelled CVS branches
- - Feature Adds
- - support <earlier_id>s in RevML
- - Rename earlier_id to something clearer.
- - Implement --ignore-deleted-files
- - Implement --ignore-corrupted-files, which should allow VCP to
- continue if it encounters corruption by either creating revisions
- marked as corrupted or by not going further back in to history
- when it can't. Currently, it will blow up, thus preventing any
- transfer. We've seen corruption in both VSS and CVS
- repositoriies.
- - Implement clone support in VCP::Dest::cvs and VCP::Dest::vss.
- - Consider having clone revs carry the action of the cloned revision
- because currently we have to look back at the "previous_id" or
- "from_id" to see what the action being cloned is.
- - add a "move" action for this situation (from Gerry Thompson
- <gerry@perforce.com>, Thu, 30 Oct 2003 14:51:48 -0800):
- If VCP can detect a move from 'a' to 'b' in the ss history then we can
- do the usual Perforce dance of
- p4 integrate a b
- p4 delete a
- p4 submit
- - Detect and play back all the various VSS branching scenarios with
- minimal loss of data. Note that VSS allows you to lose data
- before we get there with its combination of sharing, pinning,
- rollback and branching operations. See gerry's email of Oct. 2003
- for some ideas.
- - Implement a MetaDataFudge filter to fudge missing user_id, times
- and comments. This should perhaps be implemented as a VCP::Dest
- feature so that it could work on the aggregated comment.
- - Have VCP::Source::cvs set limits on the $r->time field on all
- branch revs to be identical within the limits possible
- - Must be >= parent's time and <= .1 rev's time
- - Should be > parent's time and <= .1 rev's time
- - May need to have multiple times in the case of disjoint
- timespans between parents and children on the same branch.
- - Example:
- - A#1.1 time is 2000-01-01
- - A# time is 2000-01-02
- - B#1.1 time is 2000-01-03
- - B# time is 2000-01-04
- - In this case, it's not possible for A# and
- B# to have the same timestamps.
- - Improve metadb support
- - Single flat file, named in spec
- - add RevML and SOP formats?
- - create .rep files to define repositories
- - p4 spec format
- - Prompt for repo_id in VCP.stml
- - Pay attention to case-sensitive() throughout
- - needs a code audit
- - look for compile_shellish qr, lc, eq, cmp, and uc
- - pass it in the header to all filters
- - store it in revml
- - Add the following hints for VSS-> conversions (from gerry@perforce.com)
- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Subject: RE: [p4] Migration hints from Visual SourceSafe
- Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 09:45:37 +0200
- From: "Yariv Sheizaf" <yariv_sheizaf@bezeqint.net>
- To: <perforce-user@perforce.com>, <Thierry.Michalowski@echotech.ch>
- Hi Thierry,
- We just finished to convert to big (3GB each) VSS databases
- to Perforce using the VSS2P4 script.
- The script itself running coorrectly, and its installation is easy.
- Pay attention to two elements:
- 1. Locate all components required for the conversion process:
- VSS DB, Perforce server+DB, Vss2P4 script -
- on the same machine.
- It reduces the conversion time very much (6 hours instead of 6 days).
- 2. Run "analyze" and "analyze -f" if needed on the VSS DB until it fixed -
- no error messages should be appeared.
- In any case that the VSS DB is not consistent (e.g. - does not
- passing "analyze" correctly) - the conversion process will fail.
- Regards,
- Yariv
- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- - Bundle HTML docs with the app, don't require HTML::Links as a
- prerequisite in the CPAN dist or vcp.pl file.
- - Allow the called executable name (cvs, p4, etc) to be set as an option.
- - Transfer and translate branch specs and other metadata on
- p4->p4 transfers.
- - Extend revml to have a <client> tag to allow p4->* conversions
- to carry the p4 client through.
- - option to lock label specs (integrate specs)?
- - Handle differently localized timestamps. RevML should be
- in GMT or use ISO8601's tz indicators.
- - VCP::Dest::cvs Investigate running cvs as root to spoof user
- names properly
- - setting the called executable name (another todo) could
- be extended to allow multi-word invocations
- - looks like cvs calls getlogin(), might need to spoof
- wtmp to do this
- - VCP::Dest::cvs Write RCS files directly
- - only way to get accurate data in to RCS file format
- - usernames, times
- - VCP::Filter::usermap to allow usernames to be altered
- - VCP::Filter::commentedit to allow comments to be edited (post-sort
- but pre change aggregation); this is to allow cvs2p4-like comments.
- - warn when a *Map filter is used and the default <<keep>> action
- fires, because this indicates a possible missing or faulty rule.
- - improve error reporting for .vcp files. Either use recursive descent
- to delegate each value to the appropriate object or capture line and
- column with each value for error reporting.
- - give better diagnostics when the state file appears to be out of
- date:
- - when --continue is specified we can't.
- - when --continus is not specified and a revision already exists in
- the destination state files (but not in the destination rep). We
- could keep track of the last known change to the destination in
- the state file and probe to see if that file is at the indicated
- revision. Or just watch for revisions coming along that should be
- in the dest (according to the state file) but aren't.
- - Add a --skip-unchanged-revs option or VCP::Filter that skips
- unchanged revisions; all children of such a revision become
- children of that revision's parent.
- - Enable an "--append-revs" flag to allow a bootstrap file to be
- added. This is dangerous (there's no checking to be sure that the
- first new version is the first version after the existing version in
- the repository) but useful. This might be done already with
- --bootstrap specified on the source, but is completely untested
- - reports and queries against the state files to show:
- - head rev of each filebranch
- - what source revs ended up where (path & rev_id)
- - how branches got mapped
- - what the main branch_id is for foo->cvs imports.
- - what fields got edited how by StringEdit, Map, LabelMap, etc.
- - Make the transfers more transactional, so we can recover from
- where we left off when something fails. We're part way there with
- the --continue support, but VCP needs to log what it's about to
- submit and sniff out how far the submittal got before it blew up.
- This would allow recovery by updating the state files to the
- correct state and not trying to double commit files.
- - Allow the state files to be checked in to the destination. Probably
- as text, in order to avoid sdbm byte ordering issues if they are
- checked out on a differently byte ordered system.
- - Perhaps allow keyword expansion, but convert the expanded texts
- so that they are no longer seens as RCS style keywords. This would
- allow imported files to have a "stamp of origin" in them. Would
- also need an option to leave the keywords in place in this case, since
- the user might presumably want expansion to work correctly in the
- new repository too. Suggested by Thomas Quinot <quinot@inf.enst.fr>.
- - Add a link checker to vcp html
- - An option to not bring over deleted files Steve James <SJames@ariba.com>
- - A report destination that offers a preview of what a transfer will
- do, with summary and long views.
- - Limit the number of NtLkLy queries per command to prevent server lockup.
- Steve James <SJames@ariba.com> (possibly URGENT, need to test).
- - Set CVS_PASSFILE for all cvs invocations to prevent mucking with the
- users' current .cvspass
- - Use ptys to handle CVS login, if available. Recomend installing
- IO::Pty if needed but not installed.
- - implement VCP::Source::cvs -d option when scanning RCS files
- - PERHAPS checksum all non-binary files line by line, removing all \r's
- in order to reduce sensitivity to varying platform settings between
- the source and the destination.
- - allow VCP::{Source,Dest}::* to "sniff" at unknown directories /
- files to see if they can detect what kind of repository is there.
- This will make schemes optional, so tab completion will work again.
- - Efficiency
- - Batch cvs checkouts somehow (see clkao's patch)
- - extend VCP::Source::cvs to build revisions directly from the RCS
- files, this will probably mean memorizing the offsets of the delta
- or full text chunk for each version in the RCS file, then applying
- them all as needed to get the desired version. They may need to be
- reversed as a speed hack since RCS files tend to store the most
- recent revision in full text and uses deltas from that to encode
- older revisions, and we'll probably want the oldest revision first.
- This means that we can build the more recent revisions from the
- older revisions by reversing the deltas as we apply them to build
- the older revisions, then apply those reversed deltas. Or
- something; not sure what's best here.
- - VCP::Source::revml should only keep on hand the versions it needs at
- each moment in order to conserve disk space. The problem with this
- is that the RevML may be coming from a non-seek()able byte stream,
- like STDIN, so we need to patch as we go. One alternative is to
- cache the revml off to the side and rescan it if this happens.
- Another is to only patch- as-you-go if the input is non-seek()able.
- NOTE: P'haps VCP::Source::revml and VCP::Source::cvs can share the
- RCS file scanner. NOTE: P'haps VCP::Source::revml and
- VCP::Source::cvs can share the an internal file revision format; RCS
- is bass ackwards for our needs.
- - in --continue mode, VCP::Source::p4 could do a p4 files to get all
- the source_filebranch_ids and then get the last_rev_in_filebranch
- for each, which would probably be a lot quicker than running a full
- filelog and throwing away most of the data (ie for a --continue on a
- large tree with lots of changes, but only one or two files have
- changed since the last export).
- - Consider offering a repeat attribute in RevML <char code="0x00"
- repeat="34234"> (david d zuhn <zoo@bravara.com>)
- - the RevMapDB should be purged of any revisions descended from a
- revision being transferred. Right now, if you restore the set
- repository from an earlier backup and don't rewind the vcp_state
- directory, you will end up with a mix of RevMapDB entries from the
- prior transfer and the current. For now, a warning is generated.
- - Cleanup
- - Unify END{} blocks that delete/destroy resources to get stable
- cleanup ordering. For instance, this should make sure that the
- directory a p4d is running in is not destroyed until the p4d is
- shut down (this affects t/99p4_label_branch_rev_1.t, for instance).
- - replace assert_eq (and it's *huge* reams of output on failure)
- with ok_or_diff. [Mostly done]
- - use VCP::Utils::is_win32() whereever $^O is tested for win32.
- - Refactor File::Spec->rel2abs( ..., start_dir ) calls in to a new
- VCP::Utils::start_dir();
- - Refactor $self->work_path( "co" ... ) calls in to a
- VCP::Plugin::checkout_path( ... ) or generalize the concept of a
- repository workspace.
- - use parent/child nomenclature instead of previous/next
- - Slim down the destination state; in implementing Dest::svn, it
- seemed like Dest::cvs is storing more than need be, not sure.
- - Rejected
- - VCP::Source::p4 should be able to create and read a metadata dump as
- an option. Watch out for different schemas in different p4d
- versions. Q: Read the btree files directly? 'twould be faster and
- more space efficient. (rejected by Perforce so as to not tie VCP to
- p4d's schema; this may still be contributed as OSS by others, but
- will not be done by the core team any time soon unless the plans
- change)
- - VCP::Dest::p4 should write a metadata file directly, and be able to
- merge new data in to a destination's exported metafile for reimport.
- Q: Write the btree files directly? This would bypass any checking
- p4d does on recovering from a metadata file. (rejected by Perforce
- so as to not tie VCP to p4d's schema; this may still be contributed
- as OSS by others, but will not be done by the core team any time
- soon unless the plans change)
- - An option to prefix all labels with some user-defined string Steve
- James <SJames@ariba.com> (this is no longer necessary, as vcp does
- not add its own labels by default).
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#105 | 5404 | Barrie Slaymaker | - SVN support added - Makefile gives clearer notices about missing optional prereq...s. - VCP::Filter::labelmap and VCP::Filter::map: <<skip>> replaces deprecated <<delete>> to be clearer that no revisions are deleted from either repository but some just are skipped and not inserted. - VCP::Filter::map: support added for SVN-like branch labels - VCP::Source: support added for ISO8601 timestamps emitted by SVN. « |
19 years ago | |
#104 | 5344 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Add test for time parsing fixed bug in VCP::Source. | 19 years ago | |
#103 | 4557 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Source::p4 uses "filelog -t" if p4d >= 2002.2 | 20 years ago | |
#102 | 4513 | Barrie Slaymaker | - <earlier_id> need noted in TODO | 21 years ago | |
#101 | 4507 | Barrie Slaymaker | - RevML: - added <action>, removed <delete>, <placeholder>... and <move> - added <from_id> for clones (and eventually merge actions) - Simplified DTD (can't branch DTD based on which action any more) - VCP::Source::cvs, VCP::Filter::changesets and VCP::Dest::p4 support from_id in <action>clone</action> records - VCP::Dest::perl_data added - VCP::Rev::action() "branch" added, no more undefined action strings - "placeholder" action removed « |
21 years ago | |
#100 | 4495 | Barrie Slaymaker | - record some ideas to better handle VSS branching perfidy | 21 years ago | |
#99 | 4481 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Filter::map calls skip_rev when deleting a rev (spotted by clkao) | 21 years ago | |
#98 | 4467 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Noted need to execute cleanup code in END{} in a stable order | 21 years ago | |
#97 | 4305 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Note FreeBSD unexpected output failure | 21 years ago | |
#96 | 4175 | Matt Attaway | Update with purged revision bug | 21 years ago | |
#95 | 4086 | Barrie Slaymaker | - TODO list updated | 21 years ago | |
#94 | 4038 | Barrie Slaymaker | - TODO cleaned up | 21 years ago | |
#93 | 3993 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Fold in changes from clkao's SVN work | 21 years ago | |
#92 | 3930 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Source::cvs and VCP::Dest::p4 handle cloning deletes - "placeholder" actions and i...s_placeholder_rev() deprecated in favor of is_branch_rev() and is_clone_rev(). - Misc cleanups and minor bugfixes « |
21 years ago | |
#91 | 3858 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Final tweaks for 0.5 release | 21 years ago | |
#90 | 3814 | Barrie Slaymaker | - TODO items cleaned up a bit | 21 years ago | |
#89 | 3781 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Note some testing TODOs | 21 years ago | |
#88 | 3752 | Barrie Slaymaker | - TODO: --cd testing, renaming | 21 years ago | |
#87 | 3720 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Note some future feature adds in TODO | 21 years ago | |
#86 | 3692 | Barrie Slaymaker | - assert_eq() is deprecated | 21 years ago | |
#85 | 3681 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP now scans much more of real_vss_1 and converts it to revml | 21 years ago | |
#84 | 3679 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Source::vss respects --case-sensitive in more places | 21 years ago | |
#83 | 3673 | Barrie Slaymaker | - rev_root sanity check is now case insensitive on Win32 | 21 years ago | |
#82 | 3670 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Note new TODO | 21 years ago | |
#81 | 3666 | Barrie Slaymaker | - vcp can now edit existing .vcp files, for VSS sources and revml dests | 21 years ago | |
#80 | 3659 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Minor merges from crashed HD | 21 years ago | |
#79 | 3554 | John Fetkovich |
added p42cvs_default_filters sub. Corrected documentation. |
22 years ago | |
#78 | 3533 | John Fetkovich | remove completed rel2abs items | 22 years ago | |
#77 | 3520 | John Fetkovich | add item | 22 years ago | |
#76 | 3484 | John Fetkovich | fix a prompt name | 22 years ago | |
#75 | 3483 | John Fetkovich | removed done item | 22 years ago | |
#74 | 3482 | John Fetkovich | done item removed | 22 years ago | |
#73 | 3468 | Barrie Slaymaker | - get --output-config-file working with ui (if ui completes, which may not happen... if the user enters invalid input). - Note various UI issue in TODO. « |
22 years ago | |
#72 | 3460 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Revamp Plugin/Source/Dest hierarchy to allow for reguritating options in to .vcp... files « |
22 years ago | |
#71 | 3434 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note important testing TODOs | 22 years ago | |
#70 | 3432 | Barrie Slaymaker | - "p4 print" to "p4 sync" | 22 years ago | |
#69 | 3413 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Delete some completed TODOs - Note s/$^O.*Win32/is_win32()/g cleanup needed |
22 years ago | |
#68 | 3405 | John Fetkovich | added item | 22 years ago | |
#67 | 3401 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Note that VCP::Source::cvs should deal gracefully with "/module" (as opposed to... "module") « |
22 years ago | |
#66 | 3395 | John Fetkovich | various ui refinements | 22 years ago | |
#65 | 3392 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note TODO to document need for VSS cleanup prior to conversion | 22 years ago | |
#64 | 3375 | John Fetkovich | more ui changes | 22 years ago | |
#63 | 3372 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note gerry's concerns about UI as must-do items | 22 years ago | |
#62 | 3336 | Barrie Slaymaker | Add API TODO to add RunWait() calls | 22 years ago | |
#61 | 3222 | Barrie Slaymaker | HTML build process tweak TODO | 22 years ago | |
#60 | 3180 | Barrie Slaymaker | Add to TODOs | 22 years ago | |
#59 | 3098 | Barrie Slaymaker | Convert all length p4 command line calls to us p4 -x -. All ha...il p4 -x -. « |
22 years ago | |
#58 | 3088 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note p4->cvs problem | 22 years ago | |
#57 | 3078 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note more CVS oddities we really should be testing for but are...n't. « |
22 years ago | |
#56 | 3066 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Set time correctly on integrate and pre-delete add changes. |
22 years ago | |
#55 | 3060 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note arglist too long error in p4->p4 conversion | 22 years ago | |
#54 | 3048 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note some tweaks | 22 years ago | |
#53 | 3030 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note cleanup needed for placeholder revs on empty branches for... CVS. « |
22 years ago | |
#52 | 3021 | Barrie Slaymaker | Force integrate to branch from proper revision and allow it to... branch from the predecessor of a deleted file (CVS allows file deletes). « |
22 years ago | |
#51 | 3009 | John Fetkovich | removed completed TODO item | 22 years ago | |
#50 | 3007 | Barrie Slaymaker | Read CVS vendor branche tags | 22 years ago | |
#49 | 3006 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note the bugs Gerry found. | 22 years ago | |
#48 | 2954 | John Fetkovich | removed completed item | 22 years ago | |
#47 | 2917 | Barrie Slaymaker | Reorganize TODO | 22 years ago | |
#46 | 2911 | Barrie Slaymaker | Document changes, add a few TODOs | 22 years ago | |
#45 | 2898 | Barrie Slaymaker | More TODO | 22 years ago | |
#44 | 2861 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note need to test -r and -d options. | 22 years ago | |
#43 | 2838 | John Fetkovich | Use parse_options rather than using Getopt::Long directly. | 22 years ago | |
#42 | 2823 | John Fetkovich | removed already done item | 22 years ago | |
#41 | 2809 | Barrie Slaymaker | Implement --repo-id in Plugin.pm, refactor source & dest o...ptions parsing starting in VCP::Source::cvs (need to roll out to other sources and dests), get t/91cvs2revml.t passing again (first time in months! branching and --continue support works in cvs->foo!). « |
22 years ago | |
#40 | 2802 | John Fetkovich | Added a source_repo_id to each revision, and repo_id to each Source and Dest. The r...epo_ids include repository type (cvs,p4,revml,vss,...) and the repo_server fields. Changed the $self->...->set() and $self->...->get() lines in VCP::Dest::* to pass in a conglomerated key value, by passing in the key as an ARRAY ref. Also various restructuring in VCP::DB.pm, VCP::DB_file.pm and VCP::DB_file::sdbm.pm related to this change. « |
22 years ago | |
#39 | 2776 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note need to test -r in test suite. | 22 years ago | |
#38 | 2775 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note possible future culling improvement | 22 years ago | |
#37 | 2773 | Barrie Slaymaker | TODO | 22 years ago | |
#36 | 2772 | Barrie Slaymaker | TODO | 22 years ago | |
#35 | 2771 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note need for source_repo_id in each rev & what to do with it | 22 years ago | |
#34 | 2768 | John Fetkovich | Allow revml to be output in non-indented form with --no-indent ...;option on dest::revml « |
22 years ago | |
#33 | 2764 | John Fetkovich | add --compress switch to dest::revml add --uncompress switch t...o source::revml use gzip to compress/uncompress revml files « |
22 years ago | |
#32 | 2763 | John Fetkovich | test a rerooted revml->p4 to someplace deep in the p4 tree, to make sure ... that VCP is configuring p4 to map the files to the right place. « |
22 years ago | |
#31 | 2758 | John Fetkovich | Check contents of t/cvsroot_2 in t/91revml2cvs.t | 22 years ago | |
#30 | 2755 | John Fetkovich | Completed coversion of tests to IPC::Run3 | 22 years ago | |
#29 | 2746 | Barrie Slaymaker | Make current and flag things that are now feasible | 22 years ago | |
#28 | 2721 | Barrie Slaymaker | VCP::Dest::p4 now uses RevMapDB | 22 years ago | |
#27 | 2707 | Barrie Slaymaker | todo items | 22 years ago | |
#26 | 2706 | Barrie Slaymaker | Interim checkin | 22 years ago | |
#25 | 2682 | Barrie Slaymaker | more underscorification documentation. | 22 years ago | |
#24 | 2307 | Barrie Slaymaker | get VCP::Filter::map working, update docs | 22 years ago | |
#23 | 2293 | Barrie Slaymaker | Update CHANGES, TODO, improve .vcp files, add --init-cvs | 22 years ago | |
#22 | 2281 | Barrie Slaymaker | foo | 22 years ago | |
#21 | 2267 | Barrie Slaymaker | factor out cvs2revml, test both --use-cvs and direct modes, with times | 22 years ago | |
#20 | 2242 | Barrie Slaymaker | add forthcoming p4 filelog -t | 22 years ago | |
#19 | 2233 | Barrie Slaymaker | debug | 22 years ago | |
#18 | 2229 | Barrie Slaymaker | reminders to self | 22 years ago | |
#17 | 2042 | Barrie Slaymaker | Basic source::p4 branching support | 23 years ago | |
#16 | 2017 | Barrie Slaymaker | Interim checkin of id=/base_version_id for revml: and branch_d...iagram: « |
23 years ago | |
#15 | 2009 | Barrie Slaymaker | lots of fixes, improve core support for branches and VCP::Source::cvs ...; now supports branches. « |
23 years ago | |
#14 | 2006 | Barrie Slaymaker | more preparations for branching support, handling of cvs :foo:...... CVSROOT specs, misc fixes, improvements « |
23 years ago | |
#13 | 2005 | Barrie Slaymaker | Add code cleanup note | 23 years ago | |
#12 | 1855 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Major VSS checkin. Works on Win32 |
23 years ago | |
#11 | 1809 | Barrie Slaymaker | VCP::Patch should ignore lineends | 23 years ago | |
#10 | 1448 | Barrie Slaymaker | suggestions for NtLkly hack cleanups, reporting. | 23 years ago | |
#9 | 1367 | Barrie Slaymaker | lots of docco updates | 23 years ago | |
#8 | 1358 | Barrie Slaymaker | Win32 changes | 23 years ago | |
#7 | 1330 | Barrie Slaymaker | Ignore cvs lock mgmt warnings in VCP::Source::cvs. | 23 years ago | |
#6 | 824 | Barrie Slaymaker | Fix p4 backfilling path math to not mangle paths. | 24 years ago | |
#5 | 719 | Barrie Slaymaker | vcp 0.221 | 24 years ago | |
#4 | 695 | Barrie Slaymaker | Cleaned up support for binary files in VCP::Dest::revml and altered test suite to deal wi...th it better. Added some thoughts to the TODO file. « |
24 years ago | |
#3 | 628 | Barrie Slaymaker | Cleaned up POD in bin/vcp, added BSD-style license. | 24 years ago | |
#2 | 620 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Underscorify CVS tags, only warn about undeleted files if debugging. |
24 years ago | |
#1 | 478 | Barrie Slaymaker | 0.05 Mon Dec 18 07:27:53 EST 2000 - Use `p4 labels //...@label` command as p...er Rober Cowham's suggestion, with the '-s' flag recommended by Christopher Siewald and Amaury.FORGEOTDARC@atsm.fr. Though it's actually something like vcp: running /usr/bin/p4 -u safari -c safari -p localhost:5666 -s files //.../NtLkly //...@compiler_a3 //.../NtLkly //...@compiler_may3 and so //on //for 50 parameters to get the speed up. I use the //.../NtLkly "file" as //a separator between the lists of files in various //revisions. Hope nobody has any files named that :-). What I should do is choose a random label that doesn't occur in the labels list, I guess. - VCP::Source::revml and VCP::Dest::revml are now binary, control code, and "hibit ASCII" (I know, that's an oxymoron) clean. The <comment>, <delta>, and <content> elements now escape anything other than tab, line feed, space, or printable chars (32 <= c <= ASCII 126) using a tag like '<char code="0x09">'. The test suite tests all this. Filenames should also be escaped this way, but I didn't get to that. - The decision whether to do deltas or encode the content in base64 is now based on how many characters would need to be escaped. - We now depend on the users' diff program to have a "-a" option to force it to diff even if the files look binary to it. I need to use Diff.pm and adapt it for use on binary data. - VCP::Dest::cvs now makes sure that no two consecutive revisions of the same file have the same mod_time. VCP::Source::p4 got so fast at pulling revisions from the repositories the test suite sets up that CVS was not noticing that files had changed. - VCP::Plugin now allows you to set a list of acceptable result codes, since we now use p4 in ways that make it return non-zero result codes. - VCP::Revs now croaks if you try to add two entries of the same VCP::Rev (ie matching filename and rev_id). - The <type> tag is now limited to "text" or "binary", and is meant to pass that level of info between foreign repositories. - The <p4_info> on each file now carries the one line p4 description of the file so that p4->p4 transferes can pick out the more detailed info. VCP::Source::p4, VCP::Dest::p4 do this. - VCP::{Source,Dest}::{p4,cvs} now set binaryness on added files properly, I think. For p4->p4, the native p4 type is preserved. For CVS sources, seeing the keyword substitution flag 'o' or 'b' implies binaryness, for p4, seeing a filetype like qr/u?x?binary/ or qr/x?tempobj/ or "resource" implies binaryness (to non-p4 destinations). NOTE: Seeing a 'o' or 'b' in a CVS source only ends up setting the 'b' option on the destination. That should be ok for most uses, but we can make it smarter for cvs->cvs transfers if need be. « |
24 years ago |