- eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q'
- if 0;
- # -*-Fundamental-*-
- require 5.000;
- # $Id: //guest/rick_richardson/perforce/utils/cvs2p4/bin/dochanges#1 $
- #
- # Richard Geiger
- #
- # These re's specify the set of expected messages from various p4
- # operations which are successful. I.e., if a message is seen that
- # doe *not* match one of these, it's considered an error.
- #
- # ... for "p4 submit"s:
- #
- $check_submits = <<MSGS;
- Change [0-9]+ created with [0-9]+ open file\\(s\\).
- ^Change [0-9]+ submitted.\$
- ^Locking [0-9]+ files ...\$
- ^Submitting change [0-9]+.\$
- ^(add|branch|edit|delete) //.+#[0-9]+\$
- ^//.+ - refreshing\$
- @check_submits = split(/\n/, $check_submits);
- #
- # ... for "p4 change -f"s:
- #
- $check_changefs = <<MSGS;
- Change [0-9]+ updated.\$
- @check_changefs = split(/\n/, $check_changefs);
- #print "\@check_submits:\n";
- #foreach $c (@check_submits) { print "$c\n"; }
- #obs##print "\n\@check_changes:\n";
- #obs##foreach $c (@check_changes) { print "$c\n"; }
- #print "\n\@check_changefs:\n";
- #foreach $c (@check_changefs) { print "$c\n"; }
- #exit 1;
- sub dirname
- {
- local($dir) = @_;
- $dir =~ s%^$%.%; $dir = "$dir/";
- if ($dir =~ m%^/[^/]*//*$%) { return "/"; }
- if ($dir =~ m%^.*[^/]//*[^/][^/]*//*$%)
- { $dir =~ s%^(.*[^/])//*[^/][^/]*//*$%$1%; { return $dir; } }
- return ".";
- }
- use Carp; # ...or flounder. (This will fail unless 'perl' is a perl5!)
- $| = 1;
- ($Myname = $0) =~ s%^.*/%%;
- $Mydir = &dirname($0);
- $Here = `/bin/pwd`; chop $Here;
- if ($Mydir ne ".") { chdir "$Mydir" || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$Mydir\": $!"; }
- chdir ".." || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"..\": $!";
- $Mydir = `/bin/pwd`; chop $Mydir;
- chdir $Here || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$Here\": $!";
- #obs#use IPC::Open2;
- require "$Mydir/lib/util.pl";
- $Convclient = "cvs2p4";
- $Usage = <<LIT;
- $Myname: usage: $Myname [-v <n>] [-s <start_change_group>] <conversiondir>
- sub usage
- {
- print STDERR $Usage;
- exit 1;
- }
- sub help
- {
- print STDERR <<LIT;
- $Usage
- $Myname <to be written>
- exit 1;
- }
- # Guarantee that the name directory (may be multiple levels deep)
- # exists; create intermediate directories as needed (like mkdir -p)
- #
- sub insuredir
- {
- my($d) = @_;
- if (! -d $d)
- {
- my($p) = &dirname($d);
- &insuredir($p);
- mkdir $d, 0755;
- }
- }
- sub path
- {
- my($prefix, $file_dir, $file_name) = @_;
- my($path);
- $path = "$prefix";
- if ($file_dir) { $path .= "$file_dir/"; }
- $path .= "$file_name";
- return $path;
- }
- # Check a message; if it matches any of the expected ones on @res,
- # it's OK; otherwise, declare a problem and rithlessly exit. We
- # demand perfection!
- #
- sub checkmsg
- {
- my($msg, $from, @res) = @_;
- chop $msg;
- foreach $re (@res)
- { if ($msg =~ /$re/) { return; } }
- print "$Myname: checkmsg: *** $from *** $msg\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- # A temp file used to hold p4 command output
- #
- $tmpout = "/tmp/p4_submit_out.$$";
- # A convenient switch for disabling actual exection of commands.
- #
- $Do = 1;
- # Submit the current default change.
- # $msg is the log message to use.
- # $who is the original author of the RCS revision(s)
- # $time is the original time of the RCS revsision(s)
- # $files is the file list for the change.
- # @change is the change set; required for building revmap
- # (Used to construct the map of RCS revisions -> p4 changes.
- #
- sub p4submit
- {
- my($msg, $who, $time, $files, @change) = @_;
- my $changenum;
- # This bit is to allow us to pass multiple arrays.
- # Hipper folks would use refs to arrays, I know.
- # I must be as old as Larry Wall's Mom.
- #
- my (@files) = split(/\001/, $files);
- # Start the submit...
- #
- $p4submit = "$P4 submit -i >$tmpout 2>&1";
- if ($V > 0) { print "$Myname: ...| $p4submit\n"; }
- if (! open(SUBMITW, "| $p4submit"))
- {
- print "$Myname: open \"| $p4submit\" failed: $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- $P1 = <<P1;
- Change:\tnew
- Client:\t$Convclient
- User:\t$Username
- Status:\tnew
- Description:
- P1
- if ($V > 1) { my $vl; foreach $vl (split(/\n/, $P1)) { print "->SUBMITW: $vl\n"; } }
- print SUBMITW $P1;
- # Insert the log message...
- #
- if ($LOGNOTE)
- {
- my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);
- my($ts) = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
- $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
- $msg .= "\n[imported from CVS by $Convclient at $ts]\n";
- }
- @msg = split(/\n/, $msg);
- foreach $line (@msg)
- {
- if ($V > 1) { print "->SUBMITW:\t$line\n"; }
- print SUBMITW "\t$line\n";
- }
- $P2 = <<P2;
- Files:
- P2
- if ($V > 1) { my $vl; foreach $vl (split(/\n/, $P2)) { print "->SUBMITW: $vl\n"; } }
- print SUBMITW $P2;
- # Insert the files list...
- #
- foreach $file (@files)
- {
- if ($V > 1) { print "->SUBMITW:\t$file\n"; }
- print SUBMITW "$file\n";
- }
- close SUBMITW;
- # OK, now we inspect the output from "p4 submit". (Hey, we used to
- # use open2, but it kept leaving zombies around, and I got tired of
- # trying to understand why...)
- #
- if (! open(SUBMITR, "<$tmpout"))
- {
- print "$Myname: open \"<$tmpout\" failed: $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- # Build %chrevs - the whole first field of the change line, indexed
- # by the file path part.
- #
- foreach $chrev (@change)
- {
- ($revinfo = $chrev) =~ s/ .*//; chop $revinfo;
- $revinfo =~ m%^$CVS_MODULE/(.*)/([0-9\.]+)%;
- $chrev{$1} = $revinfo;
- }
- while (<SUBMITR>)
- {
- if ($V > 0) { print "SUBMITR->:$_"; }
- &checkmsg($_, "p4 submit", @check_submits);
- # Now update the rev map for each Perforce rev we see...
- #
- if (/^(add|branch|delete|edit) $P4_DEPOT\/[^\/]+\/(.*)#([0-9]+)$/)
- {
- $chpath = $2;
- $p4rev = $_; chop $p4rev; $p4rev =~ s/^.* //;
- $cvsrev = $chrev{$chpath};
- $REVMAP{$p4rev} = $cvsrev;
- }
- if ($_ =~ /^Change ([0-9]+) submitted\.$/) { $changenum = $1; }
- }
- close SUBMITR;
- # Now we spoof the change to appear as done by $who at $time:
- #
- if ($changenum !~ /[0-9]+/)
- { print "$Myname: assert: didn't see change number <$changenum>.\n"; exit 1; }
- # Start "p4 change -i -f"
- #
- $p4changef = "$P4 change -i -f >$tmpout 2>&1";
- if ($V > 0) { print "$Myname: ...| $p4changef\n"; }
- if (! open(CHANGEW, "| $p4changef"))
- {
- print "$Myname: open \"| $p4submit\" failed: $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time);
- $Date = sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
- $C1 = <<C1;
- Change:\t$changenum
- Date:\t$Date
- Client:\t$Convclient
- User:\t$who
- Status:\tsubmitted
- Description:
- C1
- if ($V > 1) { my $vl; foreach $vl (split(/\n/, $C1)) { print "->CHANGEW: $vl\n"; } }
- print CHANGEW $C1;
- # Insert the log message. Again.
- #
- foreach $line (@msg)
- {
- if ($V > 1) { print "->CHANGEW:\t$line\n"; }
- print CHANGEW "\t$line\n";
- }
- close CHANGEW;
- # Now inspect the p4 output for errors...
- #
- if (! open(CHANGER, "<$tmpout"))
- {
- print "$Myname: open \"<$tmpout\" failed: $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- while (<CHANGER>)
- {
- if ($V > 0) { print "SUBMITR->:$_"; }
- &checkmsg($_, "p4 change -f", @check_changefs);
- }
- close CHANGER;
- unlink $tmpout;
- }
- $ext = <<EXTS;
- a
- bin
- bmp
- class
- coff
- com
- dll
- doc
- dvi
- dwarf
- exe
- fm
- gif
- gz
- ico
- jar
- jpg
- lib
- o
- obj
- pdf
- ps
- tar
- xbm
- xls
- zip
- z
- @ext = split(/\n/, $ext); foreach $ext (@ext) { $ext{$ext} = 1; }
- sub is_binary_file
- {
- my ($path) = @_;
- my ($filename) = $path;
- $filename =~ s/^.*\///;
- my $fileext;
- $filename =~ m/\.([^\.]+)$/;
- $fileext = $1;
- $fileext =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- if (defined($ext{$fileext})) { return 1; }
- return 0;
- }
- #if (&is_binary_file($ARGV[0]))
- # { print "BINARY\n"; } else { print "TEXT\n"; }
- #exit 1;
- # Determine whether the depot already has this file on this code line.
- # (Used to determine when we need to branch).
- #
- sub depot_has
- {
- my($clientfile) = @_;
- my($line);
- $p4files = "$P4 files '$clientfile' 2>&1";
- print "$Myname: $p4files |...\n";
- if (! open(FILES, "$p4files |"))
- {
- print "$Myname: open \"$p4files |\" failed: $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- $line = <FILES>;
- #print $line; while(<FILES>) { print $_; }
- close FILES;
- if ($line =~ /- no such file\(s\)\./
- || $line =~ / - file\(s\) not in client view./
- || $line =~ / - delete change /)
- { return 0; }
- else
- { return 1; }
- }
- # Process one "change" from RCS.
- # Called with the set of RCS files/revs to process in @change
- #
- sub dochange
- {
- my @map;
- print "\n========== change group $do_change_num\n";
- if ($V > 0)
- {
- foreach $c (@change)
- {
- ($filerev, $time, $who, $state, $line, $branches, $prevrev, $options) = split(/$S/, $c);
- @filerev = split(/\//, $filerev);
- $rev = pop(@filerev);
- $file = join("/", @filerev);
- print "$who $time $filerev $state $line $branches\n";
- }
- }
- # Get the
- #
- # Do the revisions...
- #
- print "=== deletes\n";
- $nc = 0; undef $files;
- foreach $c (@change)
- {
- ($filerev, $time, $who, $state, $line, $branches, $prevrev, $options) = split(/$S/, $c);
- if ($line eq "$TRUNKLINE") { $line = "main"; }
- @filerev = split(/\//, $filerev);
- $rev = pop(@filerev);
- $file = join("/", @filerev);
- ($file_dir = &dirname($file)) =~ s/^$CVS_MODULE//;
- $file_dir =~ s/^\///;
- ($file_name = $file) =~ s%^.*/%%;
- $Depotfile = &path("$P4_DEPOT/$line/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- $Clientfile = &path("$Client/$line/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- &insuredir(&dirname($Clientfile));
- if ($state eq "dead")
- {
- $Exists_in_depot = &depot_has($Clientfile);
- if ($Exists_in_depot)
- {
- if (! -e $Clientfile)
- {
- # Create a dummy one to remove (p4/ must be stateless)
- #
- if (! open(C, ">$Clientfile"))
- {
- print "$Myname: can't create \"$Clientfile\": $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- close C;
- }
- if ($sts = &s("$P4 delete '$Clientfile'", $Do)) { exit $sts; } $nc++;
- if ($files) { $files .= "\001"; }
- $files .= "\t$Depotfile\t# Delete";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($nc > 0) { &p4submit("Deleting\n", $who, $time, $files, @change); }
- print "===adds/edits===\n";
- $nc = 0; undef $files;
- foreach $c (@change)
- {
- ($filerev, $time, $who, $state, $line, $branches, $prevrev, $options) = split(/$S/, $c);
- if ($line eq "$TRUNKLINE") { $line = "main"; }
- @filerev = split(/\//, $filerev);
- $rev = pop(@filerev);
- $file = join("/", @filerev);
- ($file_dir = &dirname($file)) =~ s/^$CVS_MODULE//;
- $file_dir =~ s/^\///;
- ($file_name = $file) =~ s%^.*/%%;
- $Depotfile = &path("$P4_DEPOT/$line/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- $Clientfile = &path("$Client/$line/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- $Rcsfile = "$file,v";
- if (! -f $Rcsfile)
- {
- $Rcsfile = &path("$CVS_MODULE/", $file_dir, "Attic/$file_name,v");
- if (! -f $Rcsfile)
- { print "$Myname: can't find RCS ,v file for \"$file\".\n"; exit 1; }
- }
- &insuredir(&dirname($Clientfile));
- # Note: we assume binary files never become text files or vice versa
- #
- if ($state ne "dead")
- {
- $Exists_in_depot = &depot_has($Clientfile);
- if ($Exists_in_depot)
- {
- if (($sts = &rm($Clientfile)) || ($sts = &s("$CO -p$rev '$Rcsfile' >'$Clientfile'", $Do)))
- { exit $sts; }
- if ($sts = &s("$P4 edit '$Clientfile'", $Do)) { exit $sts; } $nc++;
- if ($files) { $files .= "\001"; }
- $files .= "\t$Depotfile\t# Edit";
- }
- else
- {
- if (($sts = &rm($Clientfile)) || ($sts = &s("$CO -p$rev '$Rcsfile' >'$Clientfile'", $Do)))
- { exit $sts; }
- # This is where we decide if this pup is a text or a binary file.
- #
- # We used to just trust the CVS options to tell us when we have
- # a binary... but many times binary files get checked in to CVS
- # and nobody remembers to tell CVS! So.... we now try to be more
- # clever.
- if ($options =~ /[ob]/ || -B $Clientfile || &is_binary_file($Clientfile))
- { $type = "binary" }
- else
- { $type = "text"; }
- if ($options =~ /x/) { $type = "x$type"; }
- if ($type =~ /text/) { $type = "k$type"; }
- if ($sts = &s("$P4 add -t $type '$Clientfile'", $Do)) { exit $sts; } $nc++;
- if ($files) { $files .= "\001"; }
- $files .= "\t$Depotfile\t# Add";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($nc > 0) { &p4submit($MSGS{$filerev}, $who, $time, $files, @change); }
- print "===branches===\n";
- $nc = 0; undef $files;
- foreach $c (@change)
- {
- ($filerev, $time, $who, $state, $line, $branches, $prevrev, $options) = split(/$S/, $c);
- if ($line eq "$TRUNKLINE") { $line = "main"; }
- if ($state ne "dead" && $branches ne "-")
- {
- @filerev = split(/\//, $filerev);
- $rev = pop(@filerev);
- $file = join("/", @filerev);
- ($file_dir = &dirname($file)) =~ s/^$CVS_MODULE//;
- $file_dir =~ s/^\///;
- ($file_name = $file) =~ s%^.*/%%;
- $Depotfile = &path("$P4_DEPOT/$line/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- $Clientfile = &path("$Client/$line/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- foreach $branch (split(/:/, $branches))
- {
- $Depot_branchfile = &path("$P4_DEPOT/$branch/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- if ($sts = &s("$P4 integrate '$Depotfile' '$Depot_branchfile'", $Do)) { exit $sts; } $nc++;
- if ($files) { $files .= "\001"; }
- $files .= "\t$Depot_branchfile\t# Branch";
- $Client_branchfile = &path("$Client/$branch/", $file_dir, $file_name);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($nc > 0) { &p4submit("Branching\n", $who, $time, $files, @change); }
- }
- # Expect messages from "p4d checkpoint"
- #
- $check_checkpoints = <<MSGS;
- ^command "checkpoint"\$
- ^p4d_admin>
- ^: Checkpointing to
- ^: Saving journal to
- ^: Truncating
- @check_checkpoints = split(/\n/, $check_checkpoints);
- sub docheckpoint
- {
- my($cmd) = "rsh $P4HOST -l $P4USER /u/p4/bin/p4d_admin port $P4PORTNUM rsh checkpoint 2>&1 </dev/null |";
- print "\n=== checkpoint after $do_change_num\n";
- if (! open(RSH, $cmd))
- {
- print "$Myname: can't open \"$cmd\": $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- print "$Myname: $cmd\n";
- while (<RSH>)
- {
- &checkmsg($_, "p4d_admin rsh checkpoint", @check_checkpoints);
- print "$Myname: CHECKPOINT: $_";
- }
- close RSH;
- }
- ###### main starts here
- #
- (@pwent) = getpwuid($<);
- if ($#pwent < 7)
- {
- print STDERR "$Myname: can't get your passwd file entry.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- $Username = $pwent[0];
- -x "/bin/domainname" &&
- `/bin/domainname` =~ /^netapp.com$/)
- { $Docheckpointing = 1; }
- else
- { $Docheckpointing = 0; }
- # option switch variables get defaults here...
- $Metadata = "metadata";
- # option switch variables get defaults here...
- $Boolopt = 0;
- $V = 1;
- $Start_at_ch = 1;
- while ($#ARGV >= 0)
- {
- if ($ARGV[0] eq "-boolopt") { $Boolopt = 1; shift; next; }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-v")
- {
- shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; }
- $V = $ARGV[0]; shift; next;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-s")
- {
- shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; }
- $Start_at_ch = $ARGV[0]; shift; next;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-help")
- { &help; }
- elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { &usage; }
- if ($Args ne "") { $Args .= " "; }
- push(@Args, $ARGV[0]);
- shift;
- }
- if ($#Args ne 0) { &usage; }
- $Convdir = $Args[0];
- chdir $Convdir || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$Convdir\": $!";
- $Convdir = `/bin/pwd`; chop $Convdir;
- chdir $Here || die "$Myname: can't chdir \"$Here\": $!";
- $Metadata = "$Convdir/metadata";
- $Logmsgs = "$Convdir/logmsgs";
- $Changes = "$Convdir/changes";
- $Revmap = "$Convdir/revmap";
- $Client = "$Convdir/p4";
- $LOGNOTE = 1;
- require "$Convdir/config";
- if (! defined($P4PORT))
- { print "$Myname: no P4PORT in \"$Convdir/config\".\n"; exit 1; }
- else
- { $ENV{"P4PORT"} = $P4PORT; }
- ($P4HOST = $P4PORT) =~ s/:.*//;
- ($P4PORTNUM = $P4PORT) =~ s/^.*://;
- $P4USER = "p4";
- $ENV{"P4CLIENT"} = $Convclient;
- # These defaults can be overriden in the config file
- #
- # Path the the RCS co command
- #
- if (! defined($CO)) { $CO = "/usr/local/bin/co"; }
- if (! -x ($CO))
- { print "$Myname: No executable \"co\" command at \"$CO\".\n"; exit 1; }
- # Path the the p4 client command
- #
- if (! defined($P4)) { $P4 = "/usr/local/bin/p4"; }
- if (! -x ($P4))
- { print "$Myname: No executable \"p4\" command at \"$P4\".\n"; exit 1; }
- if ($Start_at_ch == 1)
- {
- # We only do this to start (not when restarting from a chackpoint)
- #
- $P4CMD = "$P4 client -i";
- # Remove $Convdir/p4 if it already exists...
- # (This is where the client tree gets build)
- #
- &s("/bin/rm -rf '$Convdir/p4'");
- # Remove any revmap files...
- #
- &s("/bin/rm -f $Revmap.dir $Revmap.pag");
- # Remove any existing client defined with this name.
- #
- &s("$P4 client -d $Convclient");
- if (! open(P4, "| $P4CMD"))
- {
- print "$Myname: open \"/usr/local/bin/p4 client -i\" failed: $!.\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- print P4 <<CLI;
- Client: $Convclient
- Root: $Client
- View:
- $P4_DEPOT/... //$Convclient/...
- close P4;
- if ($?) { print "$Myname: \"$P4CMD\" failed to create client.\n"; exit 1; }
- }
- # Open the changes file (this is the genchamges output file)
- #
- if (! open(CHGS, "<$Changes"))
- { print "$Myname: can't open \"$Changes\": $!\n"; exit 1; }
- # Open the REVMAP database...
- #
- if (! dbmopen(REVMAP, $Revmap, 0666))
- { print "$Myname: can't dbmopen \"$Revmap\": $!\n"; exit 1; }
- # Open the log messages database
- #
- if (! dbmopen(MSGS, $Logmsgs, 0444))
- { print "$Myname: can't dbmopen \"$Logmsgs\": $!\n"; exit 1; }
- $gather_change_num = $do_change_num = 0;
- while (<CHGS>)
- {
- if (/^# ([0-9]+)$/)
- {
- $gather_change_num = $1;
- if ($do_change_num)
- {
- &dochange(@change);
- if (($CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL > 0) && (($do_change_num % $CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL) == 0))
- { if ($Docheckpointing) { &docheckpoint; } }
- $do_change_num = 0;
- }
- if ($gather_change_num < $Start_at_ch) { $gather_change_num = 0; next; }
- # Clear the change
- #
- undef @change;
- }
- elsif ($gather_change_num)
- { push(@change, $_); $do_change_num = $gather_change_num; }
- }
- if ($do_change_num) { &dochange(@change); }
- # I like closure...
- #
- dbmclose MSGS;
- close CHGS;
- dbmclose REVMAP;
- if ($Docheckpointing) { &docheckpoint; }
- # This is the pre- -s capable version...
- # keeping it around a few revs for reference.
- #
- # # Eat the first line of CHGS; it should be a change number...
- # #
- # $_ = <CHGS>;
- # if (/^# ([0-9]+)$/)
- # { $change_num = $1; }
- # else
- # { die "first input line !~ /^# ([0-9]+)\$/...?"; }
- #
- # $n_changes_done = 0;
- # while (! eof CHGS)
- # {
- # # Clear the change
- # #
- # undef @change;
- #
- # # Gather all the revs for this change...
- # #
- # while (<CHGS>)
- # {
- # if (/^# ([0-9]+)/) { $change_num = $1; last; }
- # chop;
- # push(@change, $_);
- # }
- #
- # # And make it so...
- # #
- # &dochange(@change);
- # $n_changes_done++;
- #
- # # Time to checkpoint?
- # #
- # if (($CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL > 0) && (($n_changes_done % $CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL) == 0))
- # { if ($Docheckpointing) { &docheckpoint; } }
- # }