@echo off
:: This is the simplest NT command script, write checks that "Bug:"
:: appears in a changelist description.
:: It's included as an example, and is a good SMALL example that's
:: used in the most recent Perforce classes on machines that might
:: not have perl or a C compiler or python.
:: Run this script with the changelist number as the only argument.
:: Note that if there are multiple servers, it'll connect to a default
:: and not necessarily the one that ran this script.
:: Trigger "specification" section to run this follows:
:: Triggers:
:: bug_check //depot/r2.2/... "c:\Perforce\scripts\bug_check.bat %change%"
:: (Of course, the full pathname will probably change!)
if "%1" == "" goto error
p4 describe %1 | findstr "Bug:"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto end
:: run a non-existent command, to give a 'failing' exit code.
garbagecommand 2>NULL: