/* * Copyright 1995, 1996 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Library RCS. See rcstest.c. */ /* * rcsparse.c - parse an RCS file into an RcsArchive structure * * Methods defined: * * RcsArchive::Parse() - parse the whole RCS archive * * Internal classes: * * RcsParse - the parser * * Internal methods: * * RcsParse::Put() - create RcsParse struct * RcsParse::Free() - free RcsParse struct * RcsParse::SetError() - emit an error and quit * RcsParse::Token() - read a single token (could be a big block) * RcsParse::Lookup() - lookup token as a keyword * RcsParse::Expect() - read a token and quit if it isn't the right one * RcsParse::List() - parse the accces, lock, symbol or branch list * RcsParse::RevHeaders() - parse a revision header * RcsParse::Description() - parse a reivison description * RcsParse::RevLogs() - parse a revision log * * History: * 5-13-95 (seiwald) - added lost support for 'branch rev' in ,v header. * 12-17-95 (seiwald) - added support for 'expand flag' in ,v header. * 2-18-97 (seiwald) - translated to C++. * 10-25-97 (seiwald) - added support for MKS "format binary" and * "ext @xxx@" fields. */ # define NEED_TYPES # include <stdhdrs.h> # include <ctype.h> # include <error.h> # include <debug.h> # include <strbuf.h> # include <readfile.h> # include "rcsdebug.h" # include "rcsarch.h" # include "rcsrev.h" # include <msglbr.h> const int RCS_MAX_TOKEN = 128; enum RcsToken { RCS_T_EOF = 0, RCS_T_SEMICOLON, RCS_T_COLON, RCS_T_ATBLOCK, RCS_T_COMMA, RCS_T_HEAD, RCS_T_ACCESS, RCS_T_SYMBOLS, RCS_T_LOCKS, RCS_T_STRICT, RCS_T_COMMENT, RCS_T_DATE, RCS_T_BRANCHES, RCS_T_AUTHOR, RCS_T_STATE, RCS_T_NEXT, RCS_T_DESC, RCS_T_LOG, RCS_T_TEXT, RCS_T_NAME, RCS_T_STRING, RCS_T_REVISION, RCS_T_BRANCH, RCS_T_EXPAND, RCS_T_FORMAT, RCS_T_EXT } ; struct RcsParse { public: RcsParse( ReadFile *file ); void Expect( RcsToken token, Error *e ); void List( RcsList **headPtr, Error *e ); void OptRev( RcsText *t, const char *trace, Error *e ); void RevHeaders( RcsArchive *ra, Error *e ); void RevLogs( RcsArchive *archive, Error *e ); void SetError( Error *e ); RcsToken Token( Error *e ); RcsToken Lookup( RcsToken token ); public: ReadFile *file; /* Tracing purposes only */ int lineno; /* Scanned chunks */ RcsChunk chunk; /* Scanned text */ int textlen; char text[ RCS_MAX_TOKEN ]; } ; static const char *const tokenNames[] = { "EOF", ";", ":", "@", ",", "head", "access", "symbols", "locks", "strict", "comment", "date", "branches", "author", "state", "next", "desc", "log", "text", "name", "<string>", "<rev>", "branch", "expand", "format", "ext" } ; static const struct { char name[9]; int length; RcsToken token; } tokens[] = { /* Longest to shortest! */ "branches", 8, RCS_T_BRANCHES, "symbols", 7, RCS_T_SYMBOLS, "comment", 7, RCS_T_COMMENT, "strict", 6, RCS_T_STRICT, "branch", 6, RCS_T_BRANCH, "author", 6, RCS_T_AUTHOR, "access", 6, RCS_T_ACCESS, "expand", 6, RCS_T_EXPAND, "format", 6, RCS_T_FORMAT, "state", 5, RCS_T_STATE, "locks", 5, RCS_T_LOCKS, "text", 4, RCS_T_TEXT, "next", 4, RCS_T_NEXT, "head", 4, RCS_T_HEAD, "desc", 4, RCS_T_DESC, "date", 4, RCS_T_DATE, "ext", 3, RCS_T_EXT, "log", 3, RCS_T_LOG, "", -1, RCS_T_EOF } ; /* see if a character is RCS whitespace, immune from ctype. */ static const char whiteTab[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, } ; # define iswhite(c) whiteTab[ (unsigned char)(c) ] RcsParse::RcsParse( ReadFile *rf ) { file = rf; lineno = 1; textlen = 0; } void RcsParse::SetError( Error *e ) { e->Set( MsgLbr::Parse ) << lineno; } RcsToken RcsParse::Token( Error *e ) { register ReadFile * const rf = file; /* suck up whitespace */ while( !rf->Eof() && iswhite( rf->Char() ) ) { if( rf->Char() == '\n' ) ++lineno; rf->Next(); } /* single character tokens */ if( rf->Eof() ) return RCS_T_EOF; switch( rf->Char() ) { case ';': rf->Next(); return( RCS_T_SEMICOLON ); case ':': rf->Next(); return( RCS_T_COLON ); case ',': rf->Next(); return( RCS_T_COMMA ); case '%': rf->Next(); /* Handle blocks preceeded with %bytes */ { int n; char linebuf[ 32 ]; n = rf->Memccpy( linebuf, '\n', sizeof( linebuf ) - 1 ); linebuf[ n ] = '\0'; chunk.file = rf; chunk.offset = rf->Tell(); chunk.length = StrRef( linebuf ).Atoi64(); chunk.atWork = RCS_CHUNK_ATCLEAN; rf->Seek( chunk.offset + chunk.length ); return RCS_T_ATBLOCK; } case '@': rf->Next(); /* Handle blocks quoted with @'s */ chunk.file = rf; chunk.offset = rf->Tell(); chunk.atWork = RCS_CHUNK_ATCLEAN; for(;;) { if( rf->Eof() ) { e->Set( MsgLbr::EofAt ); return RCS_T_EOF; } /* This blows the lineno, but is really fast. */ /* Lineno is good for errors and tracing, though */ if( !DEBUG_ANY ) rf->Memchr( '@', -1 ); if( rf->Eof() ) { e->Set( MsgLbr::EofAt ); return RCS_T_EOF; } switch( rf->Char() ) { case '@': /* Check for @@ (quoted @) */ rf->Next(); if( rf->Eof() || rf->Char() != '@' ) { chunk.length = rf->Tell() - 1 - chunk.offset; return RCS_T_ATBLOCK; } /* Note that this block contains quoted @'s */ chunk.atWork = RCS_CHUNK_ATDOUBLE; break; case '\n': ++lineno; break; default: break; } rf->Next(); } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* Parse a word */ int isx = 1; { char *p = text; do { if( p >= text + RCS_MAX_TOKEN ) { e->Set( MsgLbr::TooBig ); return RCS_T_EOF; } if( isx && !( isdigit( rf->Char() ) || rf->Char() == '.' ) ) isx = 0; *p++ = rf->Char(); rf->Next(); } while( !rf->Eof() && !iswhite( rf->Char() ) && rf->Char() != ':' && rf->Char() != ';' && rf->Char() != '@' ); textlen = p - text; *p++ = 0; } /* revision numbers */ if( textlen && isx ) return( RCS_T_REVISION ); return( RCS_T_STRING ); } RcsToken RcsParse::Lookup( RcsToken token ) { /* Now look for wordy tokens */ /* Token list is sorted by length - abort search early if possible. */ if( token != RCS_T_STRING ) return token; for( int i = 0; textlen <= tokens[i].length; i++ ) { if( textlen == tokens[i].length && !strcmp( text, tokens[i].name ) ) { if( DEBUG_PARSE_FINE ) p4debug.printf( "%d: %s\n", lineno, text ); return( tokens[i].token ); } } return RCS_T_STRING; } void RcsParse::Expect( RcsToken token, Error *e ) { RcsToken nt = Token( e ); if( e->Test() ) return; if( token != RCS_T_STRING ) nt = Lookup( nt ); if( nt != token ) e->Set( MsgLbr::Expect ) << tokenNames[ token ] << tokenNames[ nt ]; } void RcsParse::OptRev( RcsText *t, const char *trace, Error *e ) { switch( Token( e ) ) { case RCS_T_REVISION: t->Save( text, textlen, trace ); Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); break; case RCS_T_SEMICOLON: break; default: e->Set( MsgLbr::ExpRev ); break; } } void RcsParse::List( RcsList **headPtr, Error *e ) { RcsList *list = 0; int last = 0; *headPtr = 0; while( !e->Test() ) { switch( Token( e ) ) { case RCS_T_COMMA: Expect( RCS_T_STRING, e ); /* fall through */ case RCS_T_STRING: list = new RcsList( headPtr ); list->string.Save( text, textlen, "str" ); last = RCS_T_STRING; break; case RCS_T_COLON: Expect( RCS_T_REVISION, e ); if( e->Test() ) break; /* fall through */ case RCS_T_REVISION: if( last != RCS_T_STRING ) list = new RcsList( headPtr ); list->revision.Save( text, textlen, "rev" ); last = RCS_T_REVISION; break; case RCS_T_SEMICOLON: return; default: e->Set( MsgLbr::ExpSemi ); break; } } } void RcsParse::RevHeaders( RcsArchive *ra, Error *e ) { RcsRev *rev = ra->AddRevision( text, 1, 0, e ); if( !rev ) return; Expect( RCS_T_DATE, e ); Expect( RCS_T_REVISION, e ); rev->date.Save( text, textlen, "date" ); Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); Expect( RCS_T_AUTHOR, e ); Expect( RCS_T_STRING, e ); rev->author.Save( text, textlen, "author" ); Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); Expect( RCS_T_STATE, e ); Expect( RCS_T_STRING, e ); rev->state.Save( text, textlen, "state" ); Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); Expect( RCS_T_BRANCHES, e ); List( &rev->branches, e ); Expect( RCS_T_NEXT, e ); OptRev( &rev->next, "next", e ); } void RcsParse::RevLogs( RcsArchive *archive, Error *e ) { RcsRev *rev = archive->FindRevision( text, e ); if( DEBUG_PARSE ) p4debug.printf( "rev %s = %x\n", text, rev ); if( !rev ) { e->Set( MsgLbr::RevLess ); return; } if( rev->text.file ) { if( DEBUG_PARSE ) p4debug.printf( "rev %s duplicate log! ignoring duplicate\n", text ); Expect( RCS_T_LOG, e ); Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); Expect( RCS_T_TEXT, e ); Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); return; } Expect( RCS_T_LOG, e ); Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); rev->log.Save( &chunk, "log" ); Expect( RCS_T_TEXT, e ); Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); rev->text.Save( &chunk, "text" ); } void RcsArchive::Parse( ReadFile *rf, const char *toThisRev, Error *e ) { RcsParse *rp = new RcsParse( rf ); int bail = 0; if( DEBUG_PARSE ) p4debug.printf( "*** - archive header - ***\n" ); while( !e->Test() ) { switch( rp->Lookup( rp->Token( e ) ) ) { case RCS_T_HEAD: rp->Expect( RCS_T_REVISION, e ); headRev.Save( rp->text, rp->textlen, "head" ); rp->Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); break; case RCS_T_BRANCH: rp->OptRev( &branchRev, "branch", e ); break; case RCS_T_ACCESS: rp->List( &accessList, e ); break; case RCS_T_SYMBOLS: rp->List( &symbolList, e ); break; case RCS_T_LOCKS: rp->List( &lockList, e ); break; case RCS_T_STRICT: strict = 1; rp->Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); break; case RCS_T_COMMENT: rp->Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); comment.Save( &rp->chunk, "comment" ); rp->Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); break; case RCS_T_EXPAND: rp->Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); expand.Save( &rp->chunk, "expand" ); rp->Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); break; case RCS_T_REVISION: rp->RevHeaders( this, e ); break; case RCS_T_FORMAT: rp->Expect( RCS_T_STRING, e ); rp->Expect( RCS_T_SEMICOLON, e ); break; case RCS_T_EXT: rp->Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); break; case RCS_T_DESC: rp->Expect( RCS_T_ATBLOCK, e ); desc.Save( &rp->chunk, "desc"); goto next; default: e->Set( MsgLbr::ExpDesc ); goto next; } } next: if( DEBUG_PARSE ) p4debug.printf( "*** - revision logs - ***\n" ); /* Only shortcut toThisRev if it is on the trunk */ if( toThisRev && headRev.text ) { switch( RcsRevCmp( headRev.text, toThisRev ) ) { default: toThisRev = 0; case REV_CMP_EQUAL: case REV_CMP_UP_TRUNK: break; } } while( !e->Test() && !bail ) { switch( rp->Token( e ) ) { case RCS_T_REVISION: if( toThisRev && !strcmp( rp->text, toThisRev ) ) bail++; rp->RevLogs( this, e ); continue; case RCS_T_EOF: goto done; default: e->Set( MsgLbr::ExpEof ); goto done; } } done: /* Add our own error */ if( e->Test() ) rp->SetError( e ); /* Clean up and return */ if( rp ) delete rp; }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 18760 | rlranft |
Populate -o //guest/perforce_software/p4/... //guest/rlranft/p4/.... |
//guest/perforce_software/p4/2015-1/rcs/rcsparse.cc | |||||
#1 | 15903 | Matt Attaway | Everything should be happy now between the Workshop and the depot paths | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4/2015_1/rcs/rcsparse.cc | |||||
#1 | 15901 | Matt Attaway | Clean up code to fit modern Workshop naming standards | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4/2015.1/rcs/rcsparse.cc | |||||
#1 | 12190 | Matt Attaway | Initial drop of 2015.1 p4/p4api source |