#!/usr/bin/env python
# Write name of python executable, used in Makefile
# Copyright (c) 2006 Qualcomm
# Miki Tebeka <mtebeka@qualcomm.com>
from sys import platform, executable
from os import popen
if platform == "win32":
print executable
raise SystemExit
# If we're here it's cygwin
PY_BASE = "/HKLM/Software/Python/PythonCore"
versions = []
for line in popen("/bin/regtool list %s" % PY_BASE):
if not versions:
raise SystemExit("error: can't find Python in the registry")
versions.sort(lambda v1, v2: cmp(float(v1), float(v2)))
ver = versions[-1]
path = popen("/bin/regtool get '%s/%s/InstallPath/'" % \
(PY_BASE, ver)).read().strip()
path += "python.exe"
path = path.replace("\\", "\\\\")
print popen("cygpath -au '%s'" % path).read().strip()