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" onkeypress = " ExpandCollapse_CheckKey ( syntaxToggle , event ) " tabindex = "0" ><img id = "syntaxToggle" onload = " OnLoadImage ( event ) " class = "toggle" name = "toggleSwitch" src = "../icons/collapse_all.gif" /> Syntax </span></h1><div id = "syntaxSection" class = "section" name = "collapseableSection" style = "" ><div id = "syntaxCodeBlocks" class = "code" ><span codeLanguage = "CSharp" ><table><tr><th> C# </th></tr><tr><td><pre xml:space = "preserve" ><span class = "keyword" > public </span> <a href = "T_P4API_P4Form.htm" > P4Form </a> <span class = "identifier" > Parse_Form </span> ( <a href = "http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/s1wwdcbf" target = "_blank" > string </a> <span class = "parameter" > formCommand </span> , <a href = "http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/s1wwdcbf" target = "_blank" > string </a> <span class = "parameter" > formContents </span> ) </pre></td></tr></table></span></div><h4 class = "subHeading" > Parameters </h4><dl paramName = "formCommand" ><dt><span class = "parameter" > formCommand </span></dt><dd> Type: <a href = "http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/s1wwdcbf" target = "_blank" > System <span class = "languageSpecificText" ><span class = "cs" > . </span><span class = "vb" > . </span><span class = "cpp" > :: </span><span class = "nu" > . </span></span> String </a><br /> The form command. </dd></dl><dl paramName = "formContents" ><dt><span class = "parameter" > formContents </span></dt><dd> Type: <a href = "http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/s1wwdcbf" target = "_blank" > System <span class = "languageSpecificText" ><span class = "cs" > . </span><span class = "vb" > . </span><span class = "cpp" > :: </span><span class = "nu" > . </span></span> String </a><br /> Raw contents of the form spec. </dd></dl><h4 class = "subHeading" > Return Value </h4> A P4Form object. The fields of the form can be read or updated. If you update a filed, you can save it with Save_Form. </div><h1 class = "heading" ><span onclick = " ExpandCollapse ( remarksToggle ) " style = " cursor : default ; " onkeypress = " ExpandCollapse_CheckKey ( remarksToggle , event ) " tabindex = "0" ><img id = "remarksToggle" onload = " OnLoadImage ( event ) " class = "toggle" name = "toggleSwitch" src = "../icons/collapse_all.gif" /> Remarks </span></h1><div id = "remarksSection" class = "section" name = "collapseableSection" style = "" > Forms are the things that pop-up in an editor when run from a command line. In P4.Net (and most other Perforce APIs), you do not need to parse/format the text manually. Instead, you can get/set the fields using the Fields and ArrayFields collections. The following is a list of common form commands: <li> client </li><li> branch </li><li> label </li><li> job </li><li> user </li><li> group </li><li> protect </li><li> triggers </li><li> branch </li> When fetching or saving a form, do not use the '-o' and '-i' flags. P4.Net will automatically include them. </div><h1 class = "heading" ><span onclick = " ExpandCollapse ( seeAlsoToggle ) " style = " cursor : default ; " onkeypress = " ExpandCollapse_CheckKey ( seeAlsoToggle , event ) " tabindex = "0" ><img id = "seeAlsoToggle" onload = " OnLoadImage ( event ) " class = "toggle" name = "toggleSwitch" src = "../icons/collapse_all.gif" /> See Also </span></h1><div id = "seeAlsoSection" class = "section" name = "collapseableSection" style = "" ><div class = "seeAlsoStyle" ><a href = "T_P4API_P4Connection.htm" > P4Connection Class </a></div><div class = "seeAlsoStyle" ><a href = "N_P4API.htm" > P4API Namespace </a></div></div></div><div id = "footer" ><div class = "footerLine" ><img width = "100%" height = "3px" src = "../icons/footer.gif" title = "Footer image" /></div><A NAME = "feedback" ></A><span id = "fb" class = "feedbackcss" style = " display : none ; " > </span> <a href = "http://p4dotnet.sourceforge.net" target = "_blank" > P4.Net SourceForge Project Web Site </a> <p /><a href = "Copyright.html" > Copyright © 2007 Shawn Hladky </a><script type = "text/javascript" > var feedb = new FeedBack ( '' , 'P4.Net -- Managed API for Perforce' , '' , '' , '' , fb , '%0dYour%20feedback%20is%20used%20to%20improve%20the%20documentation%20and%20the%20product.%20Your%20e-mail%20address%20will%20not%20be%20used%20for%20any%20other%20purpose%20and%20is%20disposed%20of%20after%20the%20issue%20you%20report%20is%20resolved.%20%20While%20working%20to%20resolve%20the%20issue%20that%20you%20report,%20you%20may%20be%20contacted%20via%20e-mail%20to%20get%20further%20details%20or%20clarification%20on%20the%20feedback%20you%20sent.%20After%20the%20issue%20you%20report%20has%20been%20addressed,%20you%20may%20received%20an%20e-mail%20to%20let%20you%20know%20that%20your%20feedback%20has%20been%20addressed.%0A%0d' ); feedb . 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