* FeedBack Class
* Constructor ***********************************************************
function FeedBack
this.Alias = _Alias;
this.Product = _Product;
this.Deliverable = _Deliverable;
this.ProductVersion = _ProductVersion;
this.DocumentationVersion = _DocumentationVersion;
this.FeedBackDivID = _FeedBackDivID;
this.DefaultBody = _DefaultBody;
*Member Properties ******************************************************
//START: Button Text
FeedBack.prototype.Submit = L_fbsend;
FeedBack.prototype.AltSubmit = L_fbaltsend;
// END: Button Text
//CSS Class
FeedBack.prototype.table_CSS = "fbtable";
FeedBack.prototype.tdtitle_CSS = "fbtitletd";
FeedBack.prototype.input_CSS = "fbinputtd";
FeedBack.prototype.textarea_CSS = "fbtextarea";
FeedBack.prototype.verbatimtable_CSS = "fbverbatimtable";
FeedBack.prototype.button_CSS = "fbinputbutton";
FeedBack.prototype.YesButton_ID = "YesButton";
FeedBack.prototype.NoButton_ID = "NoButton";
FeedBack.prototype.BackButton_ID = "BackButton";
FeedBack.prototype.NextButton_ID = "NextButton";
FeedBack.prototype.SubmitButton_ID = "SubmitButton";
FeedBack.prototype.Verbatim_ID = "VerbatimTextArea";
FeedBack.prototype.Radio_ID = "fbRating";
//FeedBack Location ID's
FeedBack.prototype.SpanTag_ID = "fb";
FeedBack.prototype.DivTag_ID = "feedbackarea";
//BTN Event Methods
FeedBack.prototype.startfeedback_EVENT = "document.feedback.StartFeedBack([feedback])";
FeedBack.prototype.submitfeedback_EVENT = "feedb.SubmitFeedBack()";
//Default FeedBack Values
FeedBack.prototype.Rating = 3; // default is 3. 3 is satisfied. 0-3 scale
FeedBack.prototype.Verbatim = "";
FeedBack.prototype.Title = document.title;
FeedBack.prototype.URL = location.href.replace(location.hash,"");
FeedBack.prototype.SystemLanguage = navigator.systemLanguage;
FeedBack.prototype.Version = 2007;
* Member Methods ********************************************************
FeedBack.prototype.StartRatingsFeedBack = _StartRatingsFeedBack;
function _StartRatingsFeedBack(FeedBackSpanTag)
//build feedback div
var stream = '<DIV ID="feedbackarea">'
+ '<FORM METHOD="post" ENCTYPE="text/plain" NAME="formRating">'
+ '<H5>' + L_fb1Title_Text + '</H5>'
+ '<P>' + L_fbintroduction + '</P>'
+ "<table>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td>" + L_fb1Poor + "</td>"
+ this.MakeRadio(0,"1")
+ this.MakeRadio(0,"2")
+ this.MakeRadio(0,"3")
+ this.MakeRadio(0,"4")
+ this.MakeRadio(0,"5")
+ "<td>" + L_fb1Excellent + "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "</table>"
+ '<P>' + L_fb1EnterFeedbackHere_Text + ' '
+ this.MakeButton(this.SubmitButton_ID, L_fbsend, this.submitfeedback_EVENT) + '</P>'
+ '</FORM>'
+ '</div>';
//load feedback div
FeedBackSpanTag.innerHTML = stream;
FeedBack.prototype.StartFeedBack = _StartFeedBack;
function _StartFeedBack(FeedBackSpanTag,FeedBackSend,FeedBack,FeedBackText)
//build feedback div
var subject = this.Title
+ " ("
+ "/1:"
+ this.Product
+ "/2:"
+ this.ProductVersion
+ "/3:"
+ this.DocumentationVersion
+ "/4:"
+ this.DeliverableValue()
+ "/5:"
+ this.URLValue()
+ "/6:"
+ "0"
+ "/7:"
+ this.DeliveryType()
+ "/8:"
+ this.SystemLanguage
+ "/9:"
+ this.Version
+ ")";
var sEntireMailMessage = "MAILTO:"
+ this.Alias
+ "?subject=" + subject
+ "&body=" + ((this.Verbatim != "") ? this.Verbatim : this.DefaultBody);
var stream = '<span id="feedbackarea">'
+ FeedBackSend
+ ' <A HREF='
+ '"'
+ sEntireMailMessage
+ '"'
+ '>'
+ FeedBack
+ '</A>'
+ FeedBackText
+ '</span>'
//load feedback div
FeedBackSpanTag.innerHTML = stream;
FeedBack.prototype.MakeRadio = _MakeRadio;
function _MakeRadio(val,txt)
var stream = "<td class='" + this.input_CSS + "' align=right>"
+ txt + "<BR><input name=" + this.Radio_ID + " type=radio value=" + val + " onclick='" + this.setrating_EVENT + "' "
+ " " + ((this.Rating == val) ? "CHECKED" : "") + ">" + "</input></td>"
return stream;
FeedBack.prototype.MakeButton = _MakeButton;
function _MakeButton(id, val, evt)
var stream = "<input id='submitFeedback' type=button id=" + id +" value=\"" + val + "\" onclick=\"" + evt + "\">"
return stream;
FeedBack.prototype.SubmitFeedBack = _SubmitFeedBack;
function _SubmitFeedBack()
var langauge;
var index = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('(');
var string = navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('('), navigator.userAgent.length);
var splitString = string.split(';');
language = splitString[3].substring(1, splitString[3].length);
else language = navigator.systemLanguage;
/*if(event.srcElement.id == this.YesButton_ID)
this.Rating = 3;
this.Verbatim = this.DefaultBody;
var subject = this.Title
+ " ("
+ "/1:"
+ this.Product
+ "/2:"
+ this.ProductVersion
+ "/3:"
+ this.DocumentationVersion
+ "/4:"
+ this.DeliverableValue()
+ "/5:"
+ this.URLValue()
+ "/6:"
+ GetRating() // + this.Rating
+ "/7:"
+ this.DeliveryType()
+ "/8:"
+ language
+ "/9:"
+ this.Version
+ ")";
var sEntireMailMessage = "MAILTO:"
+ this.Alias
+ "?subject=" + subject
+ "&body=" + ((this.Verbatim != "") ? this.Verbatim : this.DefaultBody);
FeedBack.prototype.CheckDeliverable = _CheckDeliverable;
function _CheckDeliverable()
var stream = "CheckDeliverable";
FeedBack.prototype.SetRating = _SetRating;
function _SetRating(val)
this.Rating = val;
FeedBack.prototype.ReloadFeedBack = _ReloadFeedBack;
function _ReloadFeedBack()
FeedBack.prototype.ScrollToFeedBack = _ScrollToFeedBack;
function _ScrollToFeedBack(FeedBackSpanTag)
FeedBack.prototype.SetVerbatim = _SetVerbatim;
function _SetVerbatim(TextAreaValue)
this.Verbatim = TextAreaValue;
FeedBack.prototype.DeliveryType = _DeliveryType;
function _DeliveryType()
if (this.URL.indexOf("ms-help://")!=-1) {return("h");}
else if (this.URL.indexOf(".chm::/")!=-1) {return("c");}
else if (this.URL.indexOf("http://")!=-1) {return("w");}
else if (this.URL.indexOf("file:")!=-1) {return("f");}
else return("0");
FeedBack.prototype.DeliverableValue = _DeliverableValue;
function _DeliverableValue()
if (this.URL.indexOf("ms-help://")!=-1)
delvalue = location.href.slice(0,location.href.lastIndexOf("/html/"));
delvalue = delvalue.slice(delvalue.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
return delvalue;
else return(this.Deliverable);
FeedBack.prototype.URLValue = _URLValue;
function _URLValue()
if (this.URL.indexOf(".chm::")!=-1)
a = this.URL;
while (a.indexOf("\\") < a.indexOf(".chm::") || a.indexOf("//") > a.indexOf(".chm::")) {
if (a.indexOf("\\")==-1)
a = a.substring(a.indexOf("\\")+1,a.length);
else if (this.URL.indexOf("file:///")!=-1)
a = this.URL;
b = a.substring(a.lastIndexOf("html")+5,a.length);
else return(this.URL);
//---Gets topic rating.---
function GetRating()
sRating = "0";
for(var x = 0;x < 5;x++)
if(document.formRating.fbRating[x].checked) {sRating = x + 1;}
return sRating;
function altFeedback(src) {
FeedBack.prototype.HeadFeedBack = _HeadFeedBack;
function _HeadFeedBack(HeadFeedBackSpanTag, feedBack, ratings)
var sstream;
if (ratings == 'true')
sstream = '<span ID="headfeedbackarea">'
+ '<a href="#Feedback" onmouseover=altFeedback(this) ID="IconFB" Target="_self">'
+ feedBack
+ '</a>'
+ '</span>';
var subject = this.Title
+ " ("
+ "/1:"
+ this.Product
+ "/2:"
+ this.ProductVersion
+ "/3:"
+ this.DocumentationVersion
+ "/4:"
+ this.DeliverableValue()
+ "/5:"
+ this.URLValue()
+ "/6:"
+ "0"
+ "/7:"
+ this.DeliveryType()
+ "/8:"
+ this.SystemLanguage
+ "/9:"
+ this.Version
+ ")";
var sEntireMailMessage = "MAILTO:"
+ this.Alias
+ "?subject=" + subject
+ "&body=" + ((this.Verbatim != "") ? this.Verbatim : this.DefaultBody);
sstream = '<span ID="headfeedbackarea">'
+ ' <A HREF='
+ '"'
+ sEntireMailMessage
+ '"'
+ '>'
+ feedBack
+ '</A>'
+ '</span>';
//load feedback div
HeadFeedBackSpanTag.innerHTML = sstream;
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6112 |
Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net: updating latest html documentation to 1.0. |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/release/1.0/doc/html/scripts/script_feedBack.js |
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Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net: Branching release 1.0 |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/main/doc/html/scripts/script_feedBack.js |
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Shawn Hladky |
P4.Net: Updating documentation output to sandcastle. |