- <?php
- /**
- * Perforce Swarm
- *
- * @copyright 2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
- * @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
- * @version <release>/<patch>
- */
- namespace Frontpage;
- use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
- use Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManager;
- use Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent;
- class Module
- {
- public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $event)
- {
- $application = $event->getParam('application');
- $application->getEventManager()->attach('dispatch', array($this, 'setTemplate'), -100);
- }
- public function setTemplate($event)
- {
- $matches = $event->getRouteMatch();
- $route = $matches->getMatchedRouteName();
- // only override user index controller "home" route
- if (0 !== strpos($route, 'home', 0)) {
- return;
- }
- $viewModel = $event->getViewModel();
- $children = $viewModel->getChildren();
- $viewModel->clearChildren();
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- if ($child->getTemplate() == 'users/index/index') {
- $child->setTemplate('frontpage/index/index');
- }
- $viewModel->addChild($child);
- }
- }
- public function getConfig()
- {
- return include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php';
- }
- public function getAutoloaderConfig()
- {
- return array(
- 'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
- 'namespaces' => array(
- __NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__,
- ),
- ),
- );
- }
- }
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
24084 |
simonrenger |
"Forking branch Main of perforce-software-workshop to simonrenger-workshop." |
7 years ago
//guest/perforce_software/workshop/main/frontpage/module/Frontpage/Module.php |
15568 |
Matt Attaway |
Move all of the workshop files into main branch to make Workshop happy |
10 years ago
//guest/perforce_software/workshop/frontpage/module/Frontpage/Module.php |
10190 |
Matt Attaway |
Publish the Workshop FrontPage module for others to use. |
11 years ago