* Perforce Swarm
* @copyright 2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
* @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
* @version <release>/<patch>
return array(
'frontpage' => array(
'projects' => array(
'maximum' => 3, // maximum number of recent projects to display in the carousel
'minimum' => 2, // minimum number of recent projects to display in the carousel
'wait' => 10, // if minimum projects are found, loop this many times without finding a project before
// exiting. used to prevent long ajax query run time.
'pad' => true // if less than the maximum recent project are found, pad out with un-recent projects
'router' => array(
'routes' => array(
'projects-list' => array(
'type' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/frontpage/projects-list[/:source][/count/:count][/user/:user][/]',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'Frontpage\Controller\Index',
'action' => 'projects'
'explore' => array(
'type' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Literal',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/explore/',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'Users\Controller\Index',
'action' => 'index',
'update-projects' => array(
'type' => 'Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Segment',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/updateprojects[/]',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'Frontpage\Controller\Index',
'action' => 'updateprojects',
'controllers' => array(
'invokables' => array(
'Frontpage\Controller\Index' => 'Frontpage\Controller\IndexController'
'view_helpers' => array(
'invokables' => array(
'frontPageActivity' => 'Frontpage\View\Helper\Activity',
'message' => 'Frontpage\View\Helper\Message',
'projectLink' => 'Frontpage\View\Helper\ProjectLink',
'projectGrid' => 'Frontpage\View\Helper\ProjectGrid',
'smartTruncate' => 'Frontpage\View\Helper\SmartTruncate',
'view_manager' => array(
'template_map' => array(
'users/index/index' => __DIR__ . '/../view/frontpage/index/index.phtml',
'layout/layout' => __DIR__ . '/../view/layout/layout.phtml',
'layout/toolbar' => __DIR__ . '/../view/layout/toolbar.phtml',
'template_path_stack' => array(
__DIR__ . '/../view',