- <?php
- /**
- * Perforce Swarm, Community Development
- *
- * @copyright 2015 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.
- * @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution.
- * @version <release>/<patch>
- */
- namespace Markdown;
- use Files\Format\Handler as FormatHandler;
- use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
- class Module
- {
- /**
- * Add a preview handler for markdown files in the file browser.
- * Note that files > 1MB will be cropped for performance reasons.
- */
- public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $event)
- {
- $application = $event->getApplication();
- $services = $application->getServiceManager();
- $formats = $services->get('formats');
- $formats->addHandler(
- new FormatHandler(
- // can-preview callback
- function ($file, $extension, $mimeType, $request) {
- // don't render markdown when diffing
- if ($request && $request->getUri()->getPath() == '/diff') {
- return false;
- }
- return in_array(
- $extension,
- array('markdown', 'mdown', 'mkdn', 'md', 'mkd', 'mdwn', 'mdtxt', 'mdtext')
- );
- },
- // render-preview callback
- function ($file, $extension, $mimeType) use ($services) {
- $helpers = $services->get('ViewHelperManager');
- $escapeHtml = $helpers->get('escapeHtml');
- $fileSize = $helpers->get('fileSize');
- $parsedown = new \Parsedown();
- $parsedown->setMarkupEscaped(true);
- $maxSize = 1048576; // 1MB
- $contents = $file->getDepotContents(
- array(
- $file::UTF8_CONVERT => true,
- $file::UTF8_SANITIZE => true
- ),
- $cropped
- );
- // don't allow arbitrary html in our markdown
- $contents = $escapeHtml($contents);
- return '<div class="view view-md markdown">'
- . $parsedown->text($contents)
- . ($cropped ? '<span class="snip">Snip (>' . $fileSize($maxSize) . ')</span>' : '')
- . '</div>';
- }
- ),
- 'markdown'
- );
- // override the view template
- $application->getEventManager()->attach('dispatch', array($this, 'setTemplate'), -100);
- }
- /**
- * Attaches to the setTemplate event to override the project view template. This allows us to change how
- * the project page is rendered.
- *
- * @param MvcEvent $event
- */
- public function setTemplate($event)
- {
- $matches = $event->getRouteMatch();
- $route = $matches->getMatchedRouteName();
- // only override project index controller "project" route
- if ($route !== 'project') {
- return;
- }
- $viewModel = $event->getViewModel();
- $children = $viewModel->getChildren();
- $viewModel->clearChildren();
- foreach ($children as $child) {
- if ($child->getTemplate() == 'projects/index/project') {
- $child->setTemplate('markdown/index/project');
- }
- $viewModel->addChild($child);
- }
- }
- public function getAutoloaderConfig()
- {
- return array(
- 'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
- 'namespaces' => array(
- __NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__,
- ),
- ),
- 'Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader' => array(
- array(
- 'Parsedown' => BASE_PATH . '/library/Parsedown/Parsedown.php',
- ),
- ),
- );
- }
- public function getConfig()
- {
- return include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php';
- }
- }
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
24085 |
simonrenger |
[removed] line 53 in order to make the script work again |
7 years ago
24084 |
simonrenger |
"Forking branch Main of perforce-software-workshop to simonrenger-workshop." |
7 years ago
//guest/perforce_software/workshop/main/markdown/module/Markdown/Module.php |
15568 |
Matt Attaway |
Move all of the workshop files into main branch to make Workshop happy |
10 years ago
//guest/perforce_software/workshop/markdown/module/Markdown/Module.php |
12228 |
Thomas Gray |
Publish the source code for the Workshop markdown module |
10 years ago