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<h2> p4java_ext - P4Java Extensions </h2>
During development of Commons, we found that it ended up being
far more straightforward to use the mapping API of P4Java, which
gave us a clearer indication of when remote calls were going to be
made. This project basically wraps that API to expose a slightly
more typed API, aiming at making what exact p4d commands very
clear and straightfoward to use.
p4java_ext also requires Java 8, and takes advantage of the new
language features.
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<p class="muted credit">© 2014 | Baked with <a href="http://jbake.org">JBake v2.2.1</a></p>
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0.1.0 Initial release of p4java_ext
Mostly just contains enough of the P4 API to build the test data initializer. About 4 commands have minimal testing, so it works. Kind of.