<h1>Configuring and Running P4OAuth</h1><p>The current setup of P4OAuth is fairly manual:</p>
<li><p>Download the latest version here: <ahref='https://bintray.com/tristanjuricek/maven/p4oauth/_latestVersion'><imgsrc='https://api.bintray.com/packages/tristanjuricek/maven/p4oauth/images/download.png'></a></p>
<li>Open the files tab</li>
<li>Download the <code>p4oauth-VERSION.jar</code> file</li>
<li><p>Put the binary in a "working folder"</p></li>
<li><p>Prepare a Java keystore file (see below for a self-signed mechanism)</p></li>
<li><p>Create a <code>P4OAuth.yml</code> configuration file (see below)</p></li>
<li><p>Create a <code>whitelist</code> configuration file (see below)</p></li>
</ol><h2>Create A self-signed Java keystore file</h2><p>Here's an example of using the <code>keytool</code> command that we currently use to prepare environments automatically:</p>
-alias business -keypass password -keystore keystore -storepass password \
-validity 180
</code></pre><p>It's run in the working directly, and sets up a simple keystore with the key<br/>and store passwords set to <code>password</code>.</p><p>For more information on <code>keytool</code> please see the <ahref="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/keytool.html">official documentation from Oracle</a>.</p><h2>Create a P4OAuth.yml file</h2><p>Here's an example P4OAuth.yml file used for testing:</p>
</code></pre><p>Please note that this is mapped pretty directly to the Java class <ahref="../javadoc/com/perforce/workshop/tjuricek/p4oauth/config/P4OAuthConfig.html"><code>P4OAuthConfig</code></a>. Please refer to the javaDoc for more details.</p><h2>Create the whitelist configuration file</h2><p>Here's another example file used for testing:</p>
</code></pre><p>Please note this is also mapped to a single Java class <ahref="../javadoc/com/perforce/workshop/tjuricek/p4oauth/models/Whitelist.html"><code>Whitelist</code></a>. Please refer to the javadoc for more details.</p>