- <HTML>
- <HEAD><TITLE>Enabling Command Line Completion (Windows 2000)</TITLE></HEAD>
- <H1>Enabling Command Line Completion (Windows 2000)</H1><HR>
- <BODY>
- <P>Having command completion set is essential for those who use the
- command line frequently. You can impress your friends and make it look
- like you type over 100 words per minute!</P>
- <P>By default, Command Completion is disabled for Windows 2000. Command Line Completion is enabled by default on Windows XP and Windows 2003. Note: You must have Administrator priviledges on your box to do this.</P>
- <P><U>To enable command line completion (Windows 2000)</U>:</P>
- <OL>
- <LI>From the command line, type Regedit to bring up the Registry Editor.
- <LI>In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ->
- Software -> Microsoft -> Command Processor.
- <LI>In the right pane, select Completion Char.
- <LI>Right click and select Modify.
- <LI>Change the 'Value data:' field from to 9 (it will usually be 40 initially).
- <LI>Close the Registry Editor.
- </OL>
- <P><B>Warning</B>: Editing the registry directly like this can be dangerous
- to your system. Be sure to make no other changes than those prescribed
- below!</P>
- <P>This makes command line completion work with the Tab key. Any Command
- Prompts currently running won't be affected; you'll need to open new Command
- Prompt windows to use command line completion.</P>
- <P><U>To use command line completion</U>:</P>
- Whenever you need to type a filename in a command prompt window, simply
- begin to type the filename, then hit the Tab key. This will either
- complete the entire filename, or as much of the filename as it can
- determine from what you have typed. Similar filenames may require
- you to type a few more characters until the filename is unambiguous.
- Alternately, you can hit Tab before starting to type a filename to
- cycle through all files in the directory. Use Shift-Tab to cycle
- through in reverse order.</P>
- <P>Note: If you are using the command line editing features to edit
- a previous command, beware that using command line completion somehwere
- in the middle of a previous command will cause rest of the line to be
- lost.</P>
- <P><I>Last updated Monday, 17 January 2005, 12:00:00 ET</I></P>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>