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- <H1>Frequently Asked (or Anticipated) Questions</H1><HR>
- <BODY>
- <P>Release Engineering is always eager and willing to support our Development and QA user communities. Send email to <A HREF="mailto:P4Admin@EDITME-EMAILADDRESS">Release Engineering</A> to add your question to the FAQ.</P>
- <HR><H2>General Questions</H2>
- <UL>
- <LI>Q: Who are the Perforce Administrators?
- <LI>A: The Perforce Admin Group in Perforce consists of the following users:</P>
- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="mailto:Perforce.Admin@EDITME-EMAILADDRESS">Perforce Admin</A>
- </UL>
- <HR width="80%">
- <LI>Q: How do I install Perforce?
- <LI>A: <A HREF="InstallPerforce.htm">Click here</A>.
- <HR width="80%">
- <LI>Q: How do I add an entire directory tree to Perforce?
- <LI>A: See <A HREF="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/technotes/note012.html">Perforce Tech Note 12</A>.
- <HR width="80%">
- <LI>Q: How do I get comfortable working from the DOS Prompt?
- <LI>A: <A HREF="UsingCommandLine.htm">Click here</A>.
- <HR width="80%">
- <LI>Q: How do I use Perforce from the Command Line?
- <LI>A: <A HREF="UsingCommandLine-P4.htm">Click here</A>.
- <HR width="80%">
- <LI>Q: How do I make Perforce the default source control provider for Visual Studio?
- <LI>A: This <A HREF="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;319318">MSDN article</A> shows how to change the default source control provider that VisualStudio and systems use.
- <HR width="80%">
- <LI>Q: How I get Perforce to cleanup empty directories after I remove files from my workspace?
- <LI>A: Set the 'Remove Directories' attribute of your workspace.</P>
- <P>By default, Perforce won't remove empty directories as it goes, but you can change that behavior.</P>
- <P>Do '<CODE>p4 client <I>clientname</I></CODE>' to bring up the client spec form in notepad or vi, then change '<CODE>normdir</CODE>' to '<CODE>rmdir</CODE>' on the Options line, then save and exit the editor.</P>
- <P>That will clean up empty directories once the last file is removed from the directory, either via '<CODE>p4 delete</CODE>' or even '<CODE>p4 sync ...#0</CODE>'. It will only clean up completely empty directories, so it only works if there aren't any view private files (e.g. *.o files or other derived objects) sitting around in the directory structure. You can think of it as doing a safe '<CODE>rmdir</CODE>', not an '<CODE>/bin/rm rf</CODE>'.</P>
- </UL>
- <HR><H2>"Have you seen this error?" Questions</H2>
- <UL>
- <LI>Q: Have you seen this error: "<CODE>Bad parameters passed to mangler</CODE>"?
- <LI>A: Yes, and this can be fixed easily.</P>
- Andy Janes from GTech Corporation reported seeing this error. The command, '<CODE>p4 -u ylegere client -o</CODE>', generated this output:</P>
- <PRE>
- Date 2004/12/17 11:13:41:
- Operation: user-client
- Operation 'user-client' failed.
- Bad parameters passed to mangler!
- </PRE>
- <P>This indicates that the password field in the user spec somehow contained an invalid character, perhaps a Unicode character. To fix it, delete and then recreate the user's account. Do the following as a P4 super user:</P>
- <PRE>
- p4 user o ylegere > user.txt
- </PRE>
- <P>Edit the user.txt file; delete the Update:, Access:, and Password: fields. Then, delete and recreate the user's account like this:</P>
- <PRE>
- p4 user d f ylegere
- p4 user I < user.txt
- p4 passwd P hello ylegere
- </PRE>
- <P>Note: Do <B>NOT</B> use the <A HREF="../Admin/RemoveUsers.pl.htm">RemoveUsers.pl</A> utility, since this will cause Perforce to forget what groups the user has access to.</P>
- <P>So far, this has been reported only once, and on Windows.</P>
- </UL>
- <P><I>Last updated Mon, 21 Feb 2005, 19:13:33 ET</I></P>
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