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- <HEAD><TITLE>Rearden Commerce Release Engineering</TITLE></HEAD>
- <H1>Rearden Commerce Release Engineering</H1><HR>
- <BODY>
- <H2>Welcome</H2>
- <P><B>Welcome</B> to the Release Engineering Home Page. This is an internal, no-frills informative web site maintained by the Release Engineering group. The content on this site is primarily targeted at two audiences -- Perforce Users, and Perforce Administrators.</P>
- </P>
- <!--<P><U>Mission Statement</U>: The Rearden Commerce Release Engineering Team supports mission critical development environment infrastructure systems, such as Perforce and JIRA. In addition, Release Engineering also the Codeline Management Policy (accessible via Documentum).</P> -->
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- <UL>
- <LI><A HREF="FAQ/index.htm">FAQ</A> - Frequently Asked (or <I>Anticipated</I>) Questions.
- <LI><A HREF="P4Docs/index.htm">P4Docs</A> - Perforce Software Documentation.
- <LI><A HREF="ProxyServers.htm">Proxy Servers</A> - Perforce Proxy Servers by Region
- <LI><A HREF="admin/index.htm">Release Engineering Admin</A> - Documentation for Perforce admins.
- <!-- <LI><A HREF="build_host_status.htm">Build Hosts</A> - Status & allocation of build machines. -->
- <LI><A HREF="Tools/index.htm">User Tools</A> - Documentation for Perforce User Tools.
- <LI><A HREF="TechNotes/index.htm">Tech Notes</A> - Useful info for working in the Rearden Commerce environment.
- <!-- <LI><U>Build Logs</U> - Place holder link for Build Logs (not currently active). In the future, build logs may be accessible from this link. -->
- </UL>
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- <H3>Release Engineering News</H3>
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- <LI><B><I>NEW!</B></I>On Wednesday, 20 December 2006, Rearden Commerce published this internal Release Engineering Web Site (this site).
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- <P>Got Questions? <A HREF="mailto:Release_Eng@ReardenCommerce.com">Email</A> Rearden Commerce Release Engineering.
- <P><I>Last updated Mon, 21 Feb 2005, 19:13:33 ET</I></P>
- </BODY>
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