7 years agobenperry commented on review 23647 for Robert, sorry I'm don't know much about make options hence doing it programatically. I've tested the above against Strawberry Perl and 5.26.1 ...Robert, sorry I'm don't know much about make options hence doing it programatically. I've tested the above against Strawberry Perl and Both worked as expected. « | ||
7 years agobenperry edited a comment on review 23647 for Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" Sorry I hadn't refreshed the browser before adding this comment. « | ||
7 years agobenperry edited a comment on review 23647 for Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" Sorry I hadn't refreshed the browser before adding this comment. « | ||
7 years agobenperry edited a comment on review 23647 for Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" Sorry I hadn't refreshed the browser before adding this comment. « | ||
7 years agobenperry commented on review 23647 for Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" Perhaps something like: Discover the version of Strawberry Perl and use the appropriate make command$make = "gmake" | ||
7 years agobenperry edited a comment on review 23647 for Strawberry Perl 5.26 is now available and the script works as is except dmake must be changed to gmake. Not sure how best to implement this within the ...Strawberry Perl 5.26 is now available and the script works as is except dmake must be changed to gmake. Not sure how best to implement this within the existing script. Any thoughts are much appreciated. « | ||
7 years agobenperry commented on review 23647 for Stawberry Perl 5.26 is now available and the script works as is except dmake must be changed to gmake. Not sure how best to implement this within the ...Stawberry Perl 5.26 is now available and the script works as is except dmake must be changed to gmake. Not sure how best to implement this within the existing script. Any thoughts are much appreciated. « | ||
7 years agobenperry edited reviewers on review 23647 for Added C. Thomas Tyler as an optional reviewer. | ||
7 years agobenperry edited reviewers on review 23647 for Added Robert Cowham as an optional reviewer. | ||
7 years agobenperry requested review 23647 for Fixing the test for the existence of the API build results. Fixing the specified path for the API directory during makefile creation. | ||
7 years agobenperry committed change 23646 into Fixing the test for the existence of the API build results. Fixing the specified path for the API directory during makefile creation. | ||
7 years agobenperry committed change 23638 into Branching p4perl main for a fix. | ||
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