6 years agocgeen commented on review 25665 for perforce-software-sdp:dev Are they? One let's one add an addition to the server spec. This is for a hardened edge architecture where you would want to exclude certain depots ...Are they? One let's one add an addition to the server spec. This is for a hardened edge architecture where you would want to exclude certain depots by default on the new edge. The other is to specify if you are using your tight ship methodology then which sdp branch you want. « | ||
6 years agocgeen requested review 25665 for perforce-software-sdp:dev Reconciling ADI SDP differences with release SDP 2019.2.25594 Few minor bug fixes in mkrep.sh #review # | ||
6 years agocgeen requested review 25118 for perforce-software-sdp:dev | ||
7 years agocgeen updated files in review 23559 for perforce-software-sdp:dev Updated mkrep.sh so that it now directly tries to use P4MASTERPORT for the HMS. Also updated p4_vars.instance template so that it detects if se...rver.id exists. Previously this was tested with -n which would never fail because a previous update forced serverid always to exist so the service user could be set correctly. This is needed so the commit server running mkrep.sh can correctly hit the HMS server even when it's not running a broker/proxy/daemon. Note the HMS should be correctly locked down on the commit so it can only hit the changes it is allowed to make to support the hard edge methodology. « | ||
7 years agocgeen requested review 23559 for perforce-software-sdp:dev Updated mkrep.sh so that it now directly tries to use P4MASTERPORT for the HMS. Also updated p4_vars.instance template so that it detects if se...rver.id exists. Previously this was tested with -n which would never fail because a previous update forced serverid always to exist so the service user could be set correctly. This is needed so the commit server running mkrep.sh can correctly hit the HMS server even when it's not running a broker/proxy/daemon. Note the HMS should be correctly locked down on the commit so it can only hit the changes it is allowed to make to support the hard edge methodology. « | ||
7 years agocgeen commented on SDP-294 for Yes I think this is a good idea to have one file. The reason to keep it separate is if you want to keep the idea of SDP and HMS separate. I don't s ...Yes I think this is a good idea to have one file. The reason to keep it separate is if you want to keep the idea of SDP and HMS separate. I don't see how this is practice or plausible in a real deployment. Also if it's worth anything backwards compatibility is a trap. Seems good now as causes a little less pain but after people have migrated just causes greater confusion and pain. Clean cut. « | ||
7 years agocgeen requested review 23413 for perforce-software-sdp:dev | ||
7 years agocgeen requested review 23410 for perforce-software-sdp:dev Update to hms script to do two new functions: pull and df. Pull issues a pull -lj on all the edge/replica servers to get the status df... issues a diskspace on all the servers. The reason for this is with a hardened edge environment the P4USER does not have permissions to run these commands on the edge servers. Therefore we need to run them centrally as a super. This replaces the replica_status commands on the edge. The updates also includes an update to the p4_vars to change the P4USER on an edge server. The idea is that P4USER only has super privs on the master on the replica edge servers the default user can only have admin privs. This is so the box adminstrator in restricted regions can't change the protection table. Hence the need for pull df centrally as these are the only commands that can't be run on the replicas/edges from the maintance scripts. It also goes without saying that ssh should only go out from the commit and never back. « | ||
7 years agocgeen requested review 23407 for perforce-software-sdp:dev Automation of the edge server creation with mkrep script. Two new variables into the scripot -f and -se. Details in the man. A va...lid HMS instance is needed to use the full automation, this is vallidated first. This works by doing a journal rotate and then syncing the last checkpoint over and the subsequent journals. Currently it only deals with new edge servers and not replicas or edge replicas. « | ||
7 years agocgeen commented on review 23273 (p4_vars.template, line 54) for perforce-software-sdp:dev OK. Would it make sense then to shelve the update with these extra instructions into it. I originally thought they might be specific to us, but on r ...OK. Would it make sense then to shelve the update with these extra instructions into it. I originally thought they might be specific to us, but on reflection if they are providing instructions on a complete edge setup within a SDP/HMS setup it makes sense to build the offline_db at the same time. « | ||
7 years agocgeen commented on review 23273 (p4_vars.template, line 54) for perforce-software-sdp:dev Well I had added it hear as that I had updated mkrep.sh to include instructions to populate the offline_db as well as the root. So to make this vari ...Well I had added it hear as that I had updated mkrep.sh to include instructions to populate the offline_db as well as the root. So to make this variable available it seemed to make sense to place in this list. But I suppose I could source backup functions as well if you don't think it would have any other consequences in that script. « | ||
7 years agocgeen commented on review 23273 (p4_vars.template, line 54) for perforce-software-sdp:dev Well I had added it hear as that I had updated mkrep.sh to include instructions to populate the offline_db as well as the root. So to make this vari ...Well I had added it hear as that I had updated mkrep.sh to include instructions to populate the offline_db as well as the root. So to make this variable available it seemed to make sense to place in this list. But I suppose I could source backup functions as well if you don't think it would have any other consequences in that script. « | ||
7 years agocgeen updated files in review 23273 for perforce-software-sdp:dev | ||
7 years agocgeen requested review 23273 for perforce-software-sdp:dev | ||
7 years agocgeen updated files in review 23224 for perforce-software-sdp:dev Updates to the mkrep.sh script. Adds ssh_opts for automation, by default in batch. Updates logging to point at $SDPInstance as hms might... not be installed. Users the instance pw file as it might differ from hms. Changed p4_$SDPInstance to $P4SERVER. Updated scp command to reflect copy from commit out. « | ||
7 years agocgeen requested review 23224 for perforce-software-sdp:dev | ||
Change | User | Description | Created | ||
23272 | cgeen | #Review-23273 Added a variable for p4offline_root. It's nicer to be able to re...fer to $P4OFFLINE_ROOT rather than $P4HOME/offline_db and assume it's correct in the various scripts. « |
7 years ago | View Review | |
23223 | cgeen | #review-23224 Updates to the mkrep.sh script. Adds ssh_opts for automation, by defau...lt in batch. Updates logging to point at $SDPInstance as hms might not be installed. Users the instance pw file as it might differ from hms. Changed p4_$SDPInstance to $P4SERVER. Updated scp command to reflect copy from commit out. « |
7 years ago | View Review |
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