11 years agojayesh_mistry created job000047 for perforce-software-piper: Piper doesn't support Unicode enabled server Attempting to connect Piper to a Unicode enabled server raises the following error: Un...icode server permits only unicode enabled clients. Setting P4CHARSET in my environment and then starting Piper makes no difference. $ p4 set P4CHARSET=utf8 (config) P4CLIENT=jmistry_local_test (config) P4CONFIG=.p4config (set) (config '/Users/jmistry/ws/test/local_unicode/.p4config') P4PORT=localhost:1777 (config) P4USER=jmistry (config) $ /Applications/Piper.app/Contents/MacOS/Piper AppVersion : 04-03 [...] Logging in... P4 > connect P4.Edit jmistry@localhost:1777 Connected jmistry@localhost:1777 P4 > connect P4.Sync jmistry@localhost:1777 P4 > connect P4.List jmistry@localhost:1777 P4 > login -a Error > 7190 "Unicode server permits only unicode enabled clients." « | ||
11 years agojayesh_mistry committed change 8568 into Populate //guest/jayesh_mistry/p4-search/.... | ||
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