9 years agomarcin_poreba created job000432 for perforce-software-p4api-net: "pServer is null" Error Random API operations fail returning 'pServer is null' error message intermittently . Our .NET service/application uses Perfo...rce quite heavily and the errors seem to appear more often when the workload is high. We found that restarting our .NET service often prevents ‘pServer is null’ errors to appear or at least minimize their frequency. There are random API methods failing on occasion returning this message, the example would be: Perforce.P4.Connection.Client.SyncFiles(flags, file); The API code returning the error is present in the P4Server.cs file https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/files/guest/perforce_software/p4api.net/p4api.net/P4Server.cs private void RunCommandThreadProc(object param) { RunCommandThreadParam CmdParams = param as RunCommandThreadParam; if (CmdParams == null) { Debug.Trace(string.Format("RunCommandThreadProc CmdParams is null param != null:{0}", param != null)); return; } try { Debug.Trace(string.Format("Entering RunCommandThreadProc, cmdId = {0}",CmdParams.cmdId)); CmdParams.RunCmdException = null; if (pServer == IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Trace("RunCommandThreadProc pServer is null"); CmdParams.Results = false; CmdParams.RunCmdException = new P4Exception(ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, "pServer is null"); return; } ... « | ||
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