10 years agomarct22 requested review 11045 for perforce-software-sdp:downloads, main Promoted the Perforce Server Deployment Package to The Workshop. | ||
1 comment | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on change 10148 for perforce-software-sdp:downloads, main on further thought, you'd probably want to pass in the instance number just like you do with mkdirs.sh and configure_new_server.sh, that way you don't ...on further thought, you'd probably want to pass in the instance number just like you do with mkdirs.sh and configure_new_server.sh, that way you don't have to hack the file for each new instance (and update the guides to reflect the instance argument « | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on change 10148 for perforce-software-sdp:downloads, main Whoops, I mean P4INSTANCE environment variable, not INSTANCE environment variable | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on change 10148 for perforce-software-sdp:downloads, main odd, when I run p4login per the SDP User guide, it fails. I get ./p4login: line 29: /p4//logs/p4login.log: No such file or directory. This is because ...odd, when I run p4login per the SDP User guide, it fails. I get ./p4login: line 29: /p4//logs/p4login.log: No such file or directory. This is because $INSTANCE is not set. | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on job000119 for While this isn't about comments on typos, was wondering if the documentation should have recommendations on NOT using NFS mounts for metadata and logs ...While this isn't about comments on typos, was wondering if the documentation should have recommendations on NOT using NFS mounts for metadata and logs or wherever the journal file is to reside. This is to minimize file locking issues if the metadata is on an nfs-mount, and to eliminate a source of slowdown if the journal is on an nfs mount. « | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on change 10649 for perforce-software-sdp:main Cool! Uh, sorry about this, but another couple of comments, particularly around p4_vars and configure_new_server.sh In certain sites, P4PORT cannot ...Cool! Uh, sorry about this, but another couple of comments, particularly around p4_vars and configure_new_server.sh In certain sites, P4PORT cannot be just 1666, some sites have to specify the hostname like P4PORT=blah:1666 2nd comment is over P4TICKET. by default, if I log in as the user 'perforce', and do p4 login, it will create the .p4ticket in /p4. Again, p4_vars looks for it in /p4/1/, and you again get that error. Instructions need to be included such that, for the default user 'perforce'. My guess (I haven't tested it out) that that user's .bashrc or .bash_profile should have the P4TICKET environment variable set. I haven't thought it through yet on what to do if that same user also admin's more than one instance. I got around it by just changing p4_var's P4TICKET to just /p4, but of course, that means that the login works for all p4 intances on that machine since they all would share the ticket. Anyhoo, just more food for thought! « | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on change 10644 for perforce-software-sdp:main sorry, this has nothing to do with the readme files, but in looking at the SDP guides (both docx and pdf) that's bundled in the unix gz (in doc/), in ...sorry, this has nothing to do with the readme files, but in looking at the SDP guides (both docx and pdf) that's bundled in the unix gz (in doc/), in the section 'Starting the server", it doesn't seem to start the server. I see nothing about invoking p4d_1_init. I see stuff about crontab and init scripts from within the $SDP directory, and running configure_server, but nothing about really starting p4d. Is this a bug? « | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on change 8981 for perforce-software-p4dtg-sdk:main can we also have a distro directory in https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/files/guest/perforce_software/p4dtg-sdk that has the last bundled installer ...can we also have a distro directory in https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/files/guest/perforce_software/p4dtg-sdk that has the last bundled installer (perhaps with some kind of version number or patch version) and a tgz or zip of the source code that made that particular installer? THen maybe have a way to tell people where to download the installer at if they are looking at the P4DtG-SDK project in the 'Overview -> about' « | ||
10 years agomarct22 commented on review 10158 for perforce-software-sdp:main A comment in general. When I go to SDP project, I see the latest reviews, members and followers, etc, I can browse through the files on main, but one ...A comment in general. When I go to SDP project, I see the latest reviews, members and followers, etc, I can browse through the files on main, but one thing I can't find is how to download it. While I did eventually find it (it's not on SDP project 'files' at all, at least not as I have found so far), but outside in //guest/perforce_software/sdp/dist folder (I just saw Tom's last comment on that last commit he did, and only because he added a comment that he updated the distro, then I was able to find it. Is there a way to modify the 'About' SDP to add a link to //guest/perforce_software/sdp/distro? I can't find it anymore on ftp.perforce.com (it used to be in private/outgoing, but I can't ls to see if it got renamed, looked around, but couldn't stumble on it). and another comment, totally unrelated to SDP, how can I change my icon? If I go to my profile, All I can change is my password and do RSS, and view stuff (comments, reviews, changes (of which I only have a comment, maybe two after I click 'post') « | ||
11 years agomarct22 commented on change 8981 for perforce-software-p4dtg-sdk:main I am looking at p4dtg and jira 6.x. The docs say to enable RPC-Jira, but that plugin is deprecated. I'm having problems just finding that plugin. At ...I am looking at p4dtg and jira 6.x. The docs say to enable RPC-Jira, but that plugin is deprecated. I'm having problems just finding that plugin. Atlassian says they are moving from SOAP to REST. Is there plans to switch to REST? https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/SOAP+and+XML-RPC+API+Deprecated+in+JIRA+6.0 « | ||
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