25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 432 into Find depot files with the same name but different contents. Given perforce paths as input arguments, Compare.pl finds all depot filenames in the pa...ths and reports if files with the same name have differing contents. If the same filename occurs more than once, it is "diffed" (via p4 diff2) against all other occurances of that filename (that is all other occurances in the input path spec, not the entire depot!). If such a filename is not identical to others with the same name, then the first line of the p4 diff2 report is output. This is intended to be used as a plug-in tool with the 2000.1 GUI - it should be passed the parameter "%D" and it will then operate on any selected files or directories in the client view pane. « | ||
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25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 373 into Updated example trigger to cope with the Host: option in client specs. | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 348 into Single quotes shouldn't have been there. | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 347 into Improved building of the webkeeper module. Unpack the apache source; put the libs from the Perforce apr tarball into src/Perforce; put the header...s from the tarball into src/include. Put the module sources from here into src/modules/perforce. Follow the readme's about Configuration.tmpl & Configure then run "configure" from the apache root. Then follow the readme about the Makefile. Then make. « | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 346 into | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 345 into P4 Append - allows users to append comments to submitted change descriptions. ...; Works by using "jobs" (required modified jobspec included) to communicate the data to the system, then a demon process (actually only tested on NT running as a service) harvests the job data and using "super" rights appends the text from the job to the change and then deletes the job. Only allows the original change author (and members of a specific group) to append to comments. « | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 312 into | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 310 into Added more usage notes. | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 309 into lockbranch trigger (and companion lockcachestale) Triggers to allow ordinary (non-super) users to lock branches of the depot against submissions wi...thout needing access to `p4 protect`. Users just add text files to a `well-known` place, (say //depot/locks/*) these files contain lists of depot paths that submissions should be refused from. I suggest each project leader is given permission to set up a single file - say a file named with their own name (or user name) and all other users are prevented from changing files in the //depot/locks area - that way you should avoid unintentional denial-of-service events! Obviously using these locks is slower than the "protect" system, but it is useful when the admin is too busy to add the lock. « | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 298 into | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 297 into Modified python review script to display URLs instead of depot filenames in the change mail. Converts perforce paths to MS-Outlook stype URLs. | ||
25 years agopaul_goffin committed change 234 into Extended mod_webkeep.c to support multiple perforce servers via introducing an index mechanism for the WebKeepAlias line. This works as follows: ... suppose there are two perforce servers: server1:1666 (serving depot-1) and server2:1666 (serving depot-2), Then set MAX_SERVERS to 2 (in mod_webkeep.c) and set up the httpd.conf file as follows: WebKeepPort 0 server1:1666 WebKeepPort 1 server2:1666 WebKeepAlias /depot-1 //depot-1 WebKeepAlias /depot-2 //depot-2 WebKeepUser <whatever> WebKeepClient <whatever> WebKeepIndex index.html The order of the "WebKeepAlias" lines is used to associate depot-1 with server 0 - i.e. server1:1666 and depot-2 with server 1 - i.e. server2:1666 This has been tested with Apache 1.3.6 and 1.3.9 on Redhat Linux 5.2 and 6.0 (I admit the implementation could be a lot more elegant, but it works...) « | ||
26 years agopaul_goffin committed change 176 into Delete to go with the previous rename - didn't do them together as my client isn't case sensitive and I wanted to control exactly what happened! | ||
26 years agopaul_goffin committed change 175 into Correcting directory case. (Don't mix UNIX development and NT - at least not without planning it!!) | ||
26 years agopaul_goffin committed change 174 into Adopting Raymonds latest versions. Fixes directory listing problem. | ||
26 years agopaul_goffin committed change 170 into Forgot the module makefile - it's stardard except for Raymonds .cc.o rule to get the C++ webkeeper2 source built. | ||
26 years agopaul_goffin committed change 169 into Added the Apache directory structure to raymond wiker's webkeeper update. (So novices like me can find where to put the stuff!) Inlcuded the m...ods to the Apache Configuration.tmpl and main Makefile to actually make it build. (The Makefile needs to use "CPP" instead of "CC" to do the final link with the g++ libraries.) This isn't put in by "configure", so you need to edit Makefile (or replace it with the one in this submission if you're building just a standard apache with webkeeper) after the configure process. (This Makefile includes the change, so you can just "diff" it.) Also had to change the include in mod_webkeeper2.cc to "" style from <> style. This version built (and running) on Redhat Linux 5.2 (x86). « | ||
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