18 years agopeter_prymmer committed change 5686 into VMS DCL procedures to reveal several bugs in (at least) the 2002.2 release of the p4.exe client program for VMS including: 1) use of "...p4" as a foreign command global symbol is not recommended (these tests use "perforce" and "newperf") 2) the inability to deal with RMS versioning (demonstrated by the revert_deletion.com test) 3) the inability to recognize uppercase parameters and switches (demonstrated by the dash_v.com test) 4) a regression in dealing with a return() of a bad $STATUS to the command level when P4PORT is incorrectly set and you issue "perf info" (info_status.com test) I recommend reading the readme and modifying p4_setup.com and revert_deletion.com before trying to use these procedures. « | ||
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23 years agopeter_prymmer committed change 2082 into This procedure uses a combination of the Perforce client for VMS, DCL, and EDT to turn "perforce help" topics into a PERFORCE.HLB VMS help library on... VMS. It will only run on VMS. The procedure is customizable and it is recommended that you read the extensive documentation in DCL $! comments at the head of the file for further types and PERFORCE.HLB installation tips. « | ||
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