about a year agoAdam Morriss committed change 29877 into Correcting the P4PORT address - was 'workshop' now 'public' | ||
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3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-800 for Store trigger scripts in the depot. Currently, the trigger scripts are stored in the file system. Submitting them to the depot means they're more like...ly to be backed up with the other versioned files; the files are replicated; they are versioned so we can identify changes made to them, those changes are replicated. Currently we see triggers failing because the file hasn't been manually copied to the replica, or that the files have been modified and now do slightly different things on a replica compared with the corresponding master. « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-799 for | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss commented on SDP-720 for A server needs only to know P4ROOT to find the database, including all the remaining configuration. Override with command-line flags only if needed (s ...A server needs only to know P4ROOT to find the database, including all the remaining configuration. Override with command-line flags only if needed (such as with a sidetrack server) but the default shouldn't require you to override. The 'ps' output is cosmetic at best. « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss commented on SDP-720 for You are correct: override the default settings you have put in place, then things don't work correctly. You are correct: override the default settings you have put in place, then things don't work correctly. | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss commented on SDP-720 for I am aware of other discussions on this topic, and there is a distinct difference between SDP best practice and non-SDP best practice. I am aware of other discussions on this topic, and there is a distinct difference between SDP best practice and non-SDP best practice. | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-728 for New SDP doesn't like old SDP configuration. Up to 2018.1, the "p4d_base" script explicitly set P4JOURNAL in the database using 'p4d -cset'. ...; echo "Setting P4JOURNAL in the database to $P4JOURNAL." | tee -a $LOGFILE echo $P4DBIN -r $P4ROOT -cset P4JOURNAL=$P4JOURNAL | tee -a $LOGFILE $P4DBIN -r $P4ROOT "-cset P4JOURNAL=$P4JOURNAL" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE SDP 2018.1.23504 (2018/01/19) https://workshop.perforce.com/files/guest/perforce_software/sdp/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/p4d_base?v=19 From revision 7 of the 'verify_sdp.sh' script, there is an explicit checks for P4JOURNAL in the db.config file, and rejects this as invalid. check_configurable "$SDP_INSTANCE" P4JOURNAL ALL UNDEF msg "Note: P4JOURNAL must be defined as a shell environment variable and must not set in db.config.\\n" https://workshop.perforce.com/files/guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/verify_sdp.sh?v=7 This causes problems as call to 'verify_sdp' will report an error. Crops up when upgrading an existing SDP environment; calls to 'verify_sdp' are made from the upgrade and daily_checkpoint scripts, and it's also called from functions in 'backup_functions'. NB: also a problem for Admins moving to SDP-control from a non-SDP environment where P4JOURNAL is often set in the database. See also SDP-720. « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-725 for Typo in the instructions SDP Guide (Unix); section 4.2, Manual Install; item 7, option 2. The first 'ln' command should be ln -s /P4metadata hx...metadata Docs contain this: Option 2, different mounted root folders, e.g. /P4metadata, /P4logs, /P4depots: sudo chown -R perforce:perforce /P4metadata /P4logs /P4depots cd / ln -s /P4Medata hxmetadata ln -s /P4logs hxlogs ln -s /P4depots hxdepots sudo chown -h perforce:perforce /hx* « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 28433 into perforce-software-p4convert:main Typo corrected | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 28432 into perforce-software-p4convert:main Minor tweaks to the language, corrected spelling errors | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 28431 into perforce-software-p4convert:main Updating the project readme; supported status is not correct. | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-720 for Allow the setting of server configuration in the db.config table. At present, the SDP stores settings in the environment 'outside' the database, and... scripts like 'verify_sdp' rejects any in-database settings, stating things like this: Note: P4JOURNAL must be defined as a shell environment variable and must not set in db.config. It is increasingly common to define the configuration in the database rather than in the environment or with 'override' flags like '-J' in this case, as this helps ensure the server is started with the same parameters each time. Having to reconfigure a working Helix Core Server settings to allow the switch to SDP is a problem. « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 28425 into Updating trigger script, swapping '' for ''. It did work, but something may have changed in this more recent OS | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-719 for Typo in the 'p4d -Gc' command. SDP guide, section Use of SSL This states you should run a command like this: /p4/common/bin/p4master_ru...n <instance> /p4/<instance>/p4d_<instance> -Gc This is missing the 'bin' folder in the path to 'p4d_<instance>', and a corresponding command would be /p4/common/bin/p4master_run 1 /p4/1/p4d_1 -Gc instead of the example documented below: /p4/common/bin/p4master_run 1 /p4/1/bin/p4d_1 -Gc « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-718 for Misleading statement in 'mkrep' script. The mkrep script states that P4D requires service users to be 'perforce-authenticated' (AuthMethod=perforce')... and not ldap-authenticated (AuthMethod=ldap). This is incorrect: service users *can* be LDAP-authenticated. From the script: Service users also have an 'AuthMethod' of 'perforce' (not 'ldap') as is required by 'p4d' for 'service' users. « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-692 for Allow configuration of a mix of ssl- and non-ssl- enabled entities in the SDP configuration. Currently, mkdirs.sh and p4_vars have a built-in var...iable for SSL prefix, working as an all-or-nothing option. Would like the means to pick and choose the components that are to be ssl-enabled and those not: for example, install and configure a Broker that supports SSL connections, while retaining a non-ssl Helix Core Server, standardising on 'One sided SSL certificates'. Related: https://community.perforce.com/s/article/2596 « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-324 for Flaw in remove_empty_pending_changes.py. This script checks the output of 'p4 -Ztag describe -s NNN' for the string "user swarm", to ensure empty pen...ding changelists relating to a Swarm instance are not removed. The string is hard-coded, and does not allow for users named anything other than 'swarm'. This script must not be run as-is, unless the Swarm instance is and has always been running under user 'swarm'. « | ||
3 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-692 for Allow configuration of a mix of ssl- and non-ssl- enabled entities in the SDP configuration. Currently, mkdirs.sh and p4_vars have a built-in var...iable for SSL prefix, working as an all-or-nothing option. Would like the means to pick and choose the components that are to be ssl-enabled and those not: for example, install and configure a Broker that supports SSL connections, while retaining a non-ssl Helix Core Server, standardising on 'One sided SSL certificates'. Related: https://community.perforce.com/s/article/2596 « | ||
4 years agoAdam Morriss approved review 27893 for perforce-software-sdp:dev | ||
4 years agoAdam Morriss commented on review 27891 (get_helix_binaries.sh, line 117) for perforce-software-sdp:dev Typo: use 'r20.2 to denote the 2020.2 release (not 2020.1) | ||
4 years agoAdam Morriss commented on change 26773 (pull.sh, line 7) for perforce-software-sdp:dev Is this an example? Should we reference this as something other than 'example'? | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-546 for Documentation out of date. The SDP release 2019.3.26571 (change 26574) includes assorted files in the 'doc' folder, most of which are out-of-date or... don't follow any standard numbering. Most importantly, the 'primary' doc is the SDP Guide, and this is still marked as 'r18.2', and as this doesn't reference more recent changes in the SDP functionality (nor many of the scripts) it is difficult to trust that this, or the other docs are relevant for the SDP with which they're packaged. Some other examples: DR-Failover-steps-windows.pdf v 1.3, 17 November 2016 WorkflowEnforcementTriggers.docx 2018.1 (c) 2018 clear_depot_Map_fields.sh.command_summary.txt v1.1.1 (references script not mentioned in SDP Guide) JobIncrement.pl.html No version global_replica_status.command_summary.txt. v1.1.2 (references script not mentioned in SDP Guide) ReleaseNotes.txt Rev. SDP/MultiArch/2019.3/26571 (2020/06/17). (matches SDP release version) « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-545 for DOC: PDF contains "Reference source not found" errors. 4.4 Optimizing the database files The Perforce Server’s database is composed of b-tree files.... The server does not fully rebalance and compress them during normal operation. To optimize the files, you must checkpoint and restore the server. This normally only needs to be done very few months. To minimize the size of back up files and maximize server performance, minimize the size of the db.have and db.label files. The === HERE === scripts for Error! Reference source not found., and Error! Reference source not found., help achieve this goal. =========== For best server performance, run these scripts weekly via /p4/sdp/Maintenance/maintenance https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/doc/SDP_Guide.Unix.pdf « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-469 for Script 'mkrep.sh' is not mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix). If this is part of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not..., consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. Configuring a replicated environment is now done using this script, but with no mention of it in the guide, no-one knows to look at this script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/mkrep.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-469 for Script 'mkrep.sh' is not mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix). If this is part of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not..., consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/mkrep.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-537 for Only run the 'unlock -x' command if there's not one already running. If the first is delayed due to prior database locks, or simply taking a long tim...e to complete, a second and subsequent 'unlock -x' commands will simply sit waiting for that prior one to complete, and perhaps there's a small chance they'll start standing on each others' toes. Relates to cron job 'unlock' commands as noted in https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/cron.d/template.crontab.combined # Run p4 unlock -x on edge servers each hour to remove exclusive locks that # shouldn't be there. */60 * * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/run_if_master.sh ${INSTANCE} p4 unlock -x > /dev/null 2>&1 */60 * * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/run_if_edge.sh ${INSTANCE} p4 unlock -x > /dev/null 2>&1 « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-536 for Only run the 'unlock -x' command if there's not one already running. If the first is delayed due to prior database locks, or simply taking a long tim...e to complete, a second and subsequent 'unlock -x' commands will simply sit waiting for that prior one to complete, and perhaps there's a small chance they'll start standing on each others' toes. Relates to: « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-523 for Missing 'failover' document Section 3.3.4, in the SDP Guide, is entitled "Failover to a replicated standby machine" This section states "See DR-Fa...ilover-Steps-Linux.docx", but there is no document with this name. After a brief search, I find 'sdp-failover-guide.docx', but this document is marked as 'draft' and has a different version number so I cannot be certain this is complete, or even relevant for the same version of the SDP as the official guide. « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-512 for upgrade.sh needs clearer documented explanation The documentation needs to be clear that the system admin must not attempt to build any of the symlin...ks or rename the p4/p4d binaries themselves, as this is handled by the upgrade script. The current documentation explains what is done, but does not make it clear what must not be done. To allow the admin to carry out these tasks themselves, the documentation must remove any ambiguity and prevent the need to ask questions, or avoid the situation where an admin attempts to be helpful and implements some part of the process themselves. Currently, the docs state this: 4.1 Server upgrades Upgrading a server instance in the SDP framework is a simple process involving a few steps. * Download the new p4 and p4d executables for your OS from ftp.perforce.com and place them in /p4/common/bin * Run: /p4/common/bin/upgrade.sh instance * If you are running replicas, upgrade the replicas first, and then the master (outside -> in) -- and -- 5.2.1 upgrade.sh Runs a typical upgrade process, once new p4 and p4d binaries are available in /p4/common/bin. This script will: * Rotate the journal (for clean recovery point) * Apply all necessary journals to offline_db * Stop the server * Create an appropriately versioned link for new p4/p4d/p4broker etc * Link those into /p4/1/bin (per instance) * Run p4d -xu on live and offline_db to perform database upgrades * Restart server Location: /p4/common/bin « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss commented on review 26336 for perforce-software-sdp:dev It's an open bug report - see top-right of the job window for the status. I don't see any indication that it's being fixed, and I think the status cha ...It's an open bug report - see top-right of the job window for the status. I don't see any indication that it's being fixed, and I think the status changes to "in progress" when it is. « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss commented on review 26336 for perforce-software-sdp:dev | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss commented on review 26336 for perforce-software-sdp:dev See SDP-446 for similar, if not identical issue. | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 26333 into Updated the comments in the script. | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 26332 into | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 26331 into keyword and executable | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss committed change 26330 into Switching to executable file | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss commented on SDP-435 for One consideration for the Helix Core Server is to ensure this 'disposable' client data is available for use in a failover scenario while excluding it ...One consideration for the Helix Core Server is to ensure this 'disposable' client data is available for use in a failover scenario while excluding it from the longer-lived checkpoint. This would minimise the impact of data-loss in the immediate/short-term as the failover server could be brought online with as much, if not all of the data from the server it was 'shadowing', while ensuring this data would continue to be excluded from the checkpoint process where - at least longer-term - the information is not required. Amongst other things, the SDP's offline database is intended to provide a quick recovery point. However, it is unlikely to benefit from the method mentioned above. If so, the need to recover this 'disposable' data in the very short-term should be incorporated into the SDP's capabilities. If placing the readonly data on different, more resilient storage addresses this, then 'client.readonly.dir' is possibly the way to go. « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-509 for "sdp-administrator-guide.docx" needs to be removed or updated. The SDP is intended to assist in the administration of a Helix Core Server, and there... are SDP_Guide docs for Windows and Unix that are expected to cover the administration and use of the SDP. It is unclear if 'sdp-administrator-guide' is intended to supplement or replace the other SDP Guide docs. Also, the 'sdp-administrator-guide' itself is clearly out-of-date. The 'main' copy was included in change 25245, which was the 2019.1 SDP release (change description starts "Released SDP 2019.1.25238 (2019/03/02). ") However, the document itself states "2018.1" and "first draft", and "(C) 2015-2018", so does not tie up with the SDP version with which it's been included. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/doc/sdp-administrator-guide.docx https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/dev/doc/sdp-administrator-guide.docx « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-508 for p4broker_1.service includes wrong doc link The 'service' definition file references the 'Multi-Site Deployment' System Administrator's Guide. However..., following many of the instructions in this standard guide could cause problems as the SDP overrides many of the explanations and techniques covered by this standard doc. The service must therefore reference the SDP-specific guide. From https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/setup/systemd/p4broker_1.service .... Documentation=http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4dist/index.html .... Should be .... Documentation=https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/doc/SDP_Guide.Unix.pdf .... « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss created SDP-507 for p4d_1.service includes wrong doc link The 'service' definition file references the 'Fundamentals' System Administrator's Guide. However, following ma...ny of the instructions in this standard guide could cause problems as the SDP overrides many of the explanations and techniques covered by this standard doc. The service must therefore reference the SDP-specific guide. From https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/setup/systemd/p4d_1.service .... Documentation=http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/index.html .... Should be .... Documentation=https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/doc/SDP_Guide.Unix.pdf .... « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-502 for Script 'sync_replica.sh' is mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix) but there is only limited, if any explanation on the purpose of this script. If this is... part of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not, consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/sync_replica.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-501 for Script 'run_if_replica.sh' is mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix) but there is only limited, if any explanation on the purpose of this script. If this... is part of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not, consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/run_if_replica.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-500 for Script 'run_if_master.sh' is mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix) but there is only limited, if any explanation on the purpose of this script. If this i...s part of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not, consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/run_if_master.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-499 for Script 'run_if_edge.sh' is mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix) but there is only limited, if any explanation on the purpose of this script. If this is... part of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not, consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/run_if_edge.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-498 for Script 'p4verify.sh' is mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix) but there is only limited, if any explanation on the purpose of this script. If this is par...t of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not, consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/p4verify.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-497 for Script 'p4d_base' is mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix) but there is only limited, if any explanation on the purpose of this script. If this is part o...f the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not, consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/p4d_base « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-496 for Script 'backup_functions.sh' is mentioned in the SDP Guide (Unix) but there is only limited, if any explanation on the purpose of this script. If thi...s is part of the SDP, it needs to be given at least some basic explanation; if not, consider removing the script from the SDP or move the functionality to another script and update the documentation for that script. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/backup_functions.sh « | ||
5 years agoAdam Morriss modified SDP-339 for DOC: non-existent script referenced in docs The section "Recovering a replica from a checkpoint" states that the reader should review "weekly_sync_re...plica.sh" for details on a particular process. There is a Windows "bat" file with the same name, but nothing for Linux. This reference needs to be corrected. [ REOPENED - the SDP Guide still contains this reference ] « | ||
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